39 min

Idalia’s Dragon Heart Talisman | EP 18 | Full Episode David and Idalia Vs. The World

    • Improv

Madonna. Blue Ivy Carter. The Death Star. On this week’s pod, we talk about NFT farts, Blue Ivy Carter’s Grammy, continue our ongoing segment “That’s Random”, and introduce a brand new segment IRS (Idalia Rant Segment) and talk about veterinarians. Make sure to get your Dragon Heart Talisman soon, as they are selling out quick!

Madonna. Blue Ivy Carter. The Death Star. On this week’s pod, we talk about NFT farts, Blue Ivy Carter’s Grammy, continue our ongoing segment “That’s Random”, and introduce a brand new segment IRS (Idalia Rant Segment) and talk about veterinarians. Make sure to get your Dragon Heart Talisman soon, as they are selling out quick!

39 min