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    第2239期:Candidate Uses AI Version of Self in British Election

    第2239期:Candidate Uses AI Version of Self in British Election

    When voters go to the polls in Brighton, England on July 4, they will get the chance to elect what some people are calling the first artificial intelligence (AI) lawmaker.当英国布莱顿的选民在7月4日去投票时,他们将有机会选举出被一些人称为首位人工智能(AI)议员的人。Businessman Steve Endacott is running to represent his area as a member of Britain’s Parliament. During his campaign, he has used AI tools to present voters with an electronic version of himself called “AI Steve.” The electronic image is known as an avatar.商人史蒂夫·恩达科特正在竞选代表他的地区成为英国议会的一员。在他的竞选过程中,他使用了AI工具向选民展示了一个名为“AI史蒂夫”的电子版自己。这个电子形象被称为化身。Voters can communicate with AI Steve through a website powered by Neural Voice, an AI company. Endacott is the company’s chairman.选民可以通过由AI公司Neural Voice提供支持的网站与AI史蒂夫进行交流。恩达科特是该公司的主席。Endacott, aged 59, said his idea for the AI avatar came after he became unhappy with the way "standard politics" in his area operate. So he decided to run for office in a different way. The AI system permits people to ask questions and offer ideas to AI Steve. The real Endacott can look at these ideas and show them to experts and, if elected, to other members of Parliament.59岁的恩达科特说,他想要创建AI化身的想法源于他对他所在地区“标准政治”运作方式的不满。因此,他决定以不同的方式竞选公职。AI系统允许人们向AI史蒂夫提问并提出想法。真正的恩达科特可以查看这些想法并将其展示给专家,如果当选,还可以展示给其他议会议员。Some of the issues brought to the attention of AI Steve so far include waste collection, immigration, housing, and LGBTQ rights.到目前为止,提交给AI史蒂夫关注的问题包括垃圾收集、移民、住房和LGBTQ权利。Endacott bases the process on a research method called crowdsourcing. That means collecting ideas from large numbers of people to reach better solutions to problems.恩达科特将这一过程基于一种称为众包的研究方法。众包是指从大量人群中收集想法,以找到更好的问题解决方案。Endacott told Reuters news agency he thinks using AI to gather more ideas from people supports democracy. He thinks this will help politicians know more about what people want and need. He added that he hopes to get more politicians to use AI in the same way.恩达科特告诉路透社,他认为使用AI收集更多人的想法有助于支持民主。他认为这将有助于政治家更好地了解人们的需求和愿望。他补充说,他希望能让更多的政治家以同样的方式使用AI。"We're launching a party, we're going to be recruiting more AI candidates across the country after this election,” Endacott said. “We see this as the…building block for something big and something democratic," he added.“我们正在创立一个政党,在这次选举之后,我们将在全国范围内招募更多的AI候选人,”恩达科特说。“我们认为这是……大事和民主事物的基石,”他补充说。Aid worker Eona Johnston, aged 23, agreed with Endacott after meeting him. "We're using AI in so many (areas), at work, social interactions, why don't we put it in politics? It might change the way we live,” she said.23岁的援助工作者艾奥娜·约翰斯顿在见到恩达科特后同意他的观点。“我们在很多领域都使用AI,在工作中,社交互动中,为什么不把它用于政治呢?这可能会改变我们的生活方式,”她说。However, not all locals think using AI will improve government policies. "AI and politicians have one thing in common," local resident Andy Clawson, aged 42, said. "They can’t be trusted."然而,并非所有当地

    • 4 min
    第2238期:Research Explores How Space Travel Affects Human Body

    第2238期:Research Explores How Space Travel Affects Human Body

    Childhood cancer survivor Hayley Arceneaux and three other American civilians went to space in 2021. They travelled in a mission called Inspiration4 for the private company SpaceX.童年癌症幸存者海莉·阿尔塞诺和另外三名美国平民于2021年进入太空。他们参加了私人公司SpaceX的名为Inspiration4的任务。The four-member crew made history as the first all-civilian team to orbit Earth. But they also provided the most detailed data ever on the effects of space travel on the human body.这四人组成的团队创造了历史,成为首个全平民绕地球轨道飞行的团队。但他们还提供了迄今为止最详细的太空旅行对人体影响的数据。New research based on this data details changes in the brain, heart, muscles, kidneys, skin, immune system and stress levels. The research also provides information on the activity of cell structures called mitochondria in zero-gravity, increased radiation, and other changes experienced in space travel.基于这些数据的新研究详细描述了大脑、心脏、肌肉、肾脏、皮肤、免疫系统和压力水平的变化。研究还提供了有关在零重力状态下细胞结构线粒体活动、增加的辐射以及太空旅行中经历的其他变化的信息。More than 95 percent of the health changes, or biomarkers, returned to normal levels in the months after the crew returned to Earth. But some abnormalities, including in the mitochondria continued, the researchers said. But the data suggested that spaceflights - at least short-term trips – are not big health risks.研究人员表示,在船员返回地球后的几个月里,超过95%的健康变化或生物标志物恢复到了正常水平。但一些异常情况,包括线粒体的异常仍然存在。但数据显示,太空飞行——至少是短期旅行——并不是很大的健康风险。"We did not see anything that was worrisome, thankfully," said Chris Mason. He is a professor of physiology and biophysics at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York who helped lead the research. The studies were published Tuesday in Nature and other journals.“幸运的是,我们没有发现任何令人担忧的事情,”克里斯·梅森说。他是纽约威尔康奈尔医学院的生理学和生物物理学教授,帮助领导了这项研究。这些研究于周二发表在《自然》和其他期刊上。Mason added that there was evidence of brain stress during the mission, which has also been found in previous studies.梅森补充说,在任务期间有证据表明大脑受到了压力,这在以前的研究中也有发现。Mason said this might be explained by findings in experimental mice flown to space. The mice experienced disruptions in the blood-brain barrier, a layer of cells protecting the brain.梅森说,这可能通过飞往太空的实验鼠中的发现来解释。这些小鼠经历了血脑屏障的破坏,血脑屏障是一层保护大脑的细胞。Brain function was not affected, Mason noted.梅森指出,大脑功能没有受到影响。Arceneaux is a doctor’s assistant at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, and the mission's medical officer. Her three crewmates, two men and one woman, were monitored before, during and after the flight. They went through extensive testing and provided blood, saliva and other bodily materials.阿尔塞诺是田纳西州孟菲斯圣犹达儿童研究医院的医生助理,也是这次任务的医疗官。她的三名队友,两男一女,在飞行前、飞行中和飞行后都进行了监测。他们进行了广泛的测试,提供了血液、唾液和其他身体材料。The research also included information from 64 astronauts who had longer stays on the International Space Station (ISS) and other missions. Inspiration4 flew at about 590 kilometers above Earth, higher than the ISS. That means the crew faced higher radiation levels.研究还包括来自64名在国际空间站(ISS

    • 4 min
    第2237期:Past COVID Infection Could Protect Against Colds

    第2237期:Past COVID Infection Could Protect Against Colds

    A new study suggests that people infected with COVID-19 in the past may receive protection against some kinds of common colds.一项新的研究表明,以前感染过COVID-19的人可能会对某些类型的普通感冒产生保护作用。COVID-19 is one of several coronaviruses known to affect humans. The new research found that past COVID-19 infections can lower the risk of getting colds caused by other coronaviruses. Studies have shown coronaviruses account for about one in five colds.COVID-19是已知会影响人类的几种冠状病毒之一。新的研究发现,过去感染过COVID-19的人患其他冠状病毒引起的感冒的风险较低。研究表明,冠状病毒占了大约五分之一的感冒病例。Researchers involved in the study say their results could support future efforts to improve COVID-19 vaccines or develop new ones.参与这项研究的研究人员表示,他们的结果可能会支持未来改进COVID-19疫苗或开发新疫苗的努力。The study examined COVID-19 tests from more than 4,900 people who sought medical care between November 2020 and October 2021.这项研究检查了2020年11月至2021年10月期间寻求医疗护理的超过4900人的COVID-19检测结果。It showed that people previously infected with COVID-19 had a 50 percent lower chance of having a coronavirus-caused cold than those who were fully vaccinated and had not gotten COVID-19.研究显示,以前感染过COVID-19的人患冠状病毒引起的感冒的几率比那些完全接种疫苗但没有感染过COVID-19的人低50%。The research recently appeared in the publication Science Translational Medicine. The lead writer of the study was Dr. Manish Sagar. He is an infectious disease specialist at Boston Medical Center and a professor at Boston University in Massachusetts.这项研究最近发表在《科学转化医学》杂志上。研究的主要作者是马尼什·萨加尔博士。他是波士顿医疗中心的传染病专家,也是马萨诸塞州波士顿大学的教授。Sagar told the Associated Press, “We think there’s going to be a future outbreak of a coronavirus.” He said current coronavirus vaccines might be improved if researchers could copy some of the immune reactions “provided by natural infection.”萨加尔告诉美联社,“我们认为未来会爆发另一种冠状病毒。”他说,如果研究人员能够复制“自然感染提供的”某些免疫反应,目前的冠状病毒疫苗可能会得到改进。Researchers linked the protection against coronavirus-caused colds to virus-killing cell reactions for two viral proteins. These proteins are not currently used in most vaccines. But the researchers have proposed adding them in the future.研究人员将对冠状病毒引起的感冒的保护作用与两种病毒蛋白的杀病毒细胞反应联系起来。目前大多数疫苗中并未使用这些蛋白质。但研究人员提出将来可以添加这些蛋白质。Sagar said this development may lead to future vaccines that could target not only current coronaviruses, but also new ones that might appear.萨加尔表示,这一发展可能会导致未来的疫苗不仅能针对当前的冠状病毒,还能针对可能出现的新冠状病毒。Dr. Wesley Long is a pathologist at Houston Methodist in Texas. He was not involved in the study. Long noted that the findings should not be seen as a weakness of current vaccines. These vaccines target a so-called “spike protein” contained in the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.韦斯利·朗博士是德克萨斯州休斯顿卫理公会医院的一名病理学家。他没有参与这项研究。朗指出,这些发现不应被视为当前疫苗的弱点。这些疫苗针对的是导致COVID-19的SARS-CoV-2病毒中所谓的“刺突蛋白”。Long said those vaccines are “still your best defense against severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and death.”朗说,这些疫苗“仍然是防止严重COVID-19感

    • 4 min
    第2236期:Remains of a Rare Flying Reptile Dug Up in Australia

    第2236期:Remains of a Rare Flying Reptile Dug Up in Australia

    Millions of years ago, a huge and powerful hunter flew in the skies above a former sea in what is now Australia. Its large mouth and long, pointed teeth captured fish and other sea life.几百万年前,一种巨大的强大猎手在如今的澳大利亚上空的一个古老海洋上空飞行。它的大嘴和长而尖的牙齿捕捉鱼类和其他海洋生物。Scientists in Australia recently announced the discovery of fossil remains of the animal, named Haliskia peterseni. They said the fossils are the most complete remains of any pterosaur ever unearthed in Australia. The creature lived alongside dinosaurs during the Cretaceous Period, the researchers said.澳大利亚的科学家最近宣布发现了这种被命名为Haliskia peterseni的动物的化石遗骸。他们表示,这些化石是澳大利亚迄今为止发现的最完整的翼龙遗骸。研究人员说,这种生物生活在白垩纪时期,与恐龙共存。Haliskia means "sea phantom." The researchers said Haliskia’s wings measured 4.6 meters across from end to end. The animal lived about 100 million years ago.Haliskia的意思是“海洋幽灵”。研究人员表示,Haliskia的翅膀从一端到另一端长4.6米。这种动物生活在大约一亿年前。"The Eromanga Sea was a massive inland sea covering large parts of Australia when this pterosaur was alive," said Adele Pentland, a doctoral student in paleontology at Curtin University in Australia. Pentland was the lead writer of a study, which appeared recently in the publication Scientific Reports.“埃罗曼加海是一个覆盖澳大利亚大部分地区的巨大内陆海洋,当时这种翼龙生活在这个海洋上空,”澳大利亚科廷大学古生物学博士生阿黛尔·彭特兰德说。彭特兰德是最近在《科学报告》期刊上发表的一项研究的主要作者。The thin bones of pterosaurs do not easily turn into fossils. For Haliskia, only 22 percent of the skeleton was unearthed. The bones included complete lower jaws, part of the upper jaw, throat bones, 43 teeth, vertebrae, ribs, bones from both wings and part of one leg.翼龙的薄骨头不容易变成化石。对于Haliskia,只挖掘出了22%的骨架。这些骨头包括完整的下颌骨、部分上颌骨、喉骨、43颗牙齿、椎骨、肋骨、两翼的骨头和一条腿的部分骨头。Pentland said the researchers believe the muscle in the animal’s mouth, called the tongue, was very strong, based on the length of its throat bones.彭特兰德说,研究人员根据其喉骨的长度认为这种动物嘴里的肌肉,也就是舌头,非常强壮。
    "In many other pterosaurs, the throat bones are 30 percent or 60 percent the length of the lower jaw, whereas in Haliskia the throat bones are 70 percent the length of the lower jaw,” Pentland said.“在许多其他翼龙中,喉骨的长度是下颌骨长度的30%或60%,而在Haliskia中,喉骨长度是下颌骨长度的70%。”彭特兰德说。Haliskia is a little larger and older, by about 5 million years, than the closely related Australian pterosaur Ferrodraco. Scientists announced its discovery in 2019. Haliskia's remains are more complete than those of Ferrodraco.Haliskia比密切相关的澳大利亚翼龙Ferrodraco大一些,年龄也大了大约500万年。科学家们在2019年宣布了Ferrodraco的发现。Haliskia的遗骸比Ferrodraco的更完整。Both animals belong to a pterosaur group called anhanguerians known from remains found in China, the United States, Brazil, Britain, Spain and Morocco. The three other named Australian pterosaurs are known only from partial jaw bones, Pentland said.这两种动物都属于一种叫做anhanguerians的翼龙类群,已在中国、美国、巴西、英国、西班牙和摩洛哥发现了它们的遗骸。彭特兰德说,另外三种命名的澳大利亚翼龙仅从部分颌骨中得知。The Haliskia individual's body ended up buried under sediment at the bottom of the Erom

    • 4 min
    第2235期:Major cause of inflammatory bowel disease found

    第2235期:Major cause of inflammatory bowel disease found

    Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease. One part of the immune system, called macrophages, is highly implicated. 
    The researchers at the Francis Crick Institute discovered the macrophages master regulator of inflammation is a section of DNA that controls the whole suite of inflammatory chemicals that the cells release, and some people are born with a version that makes their body respond excessively.
    弗朗西斯·克里克研究所的研究人员发现,巨噬细胞作为炎症的主调节器,也是一段脱氧核糖核酸(DNA),该段 DNA 控制着细胞释放的一整套炎症化学物质,而有些人天生就有一种不同的 DNA “版本”,会让身体反应过度。
    The researchers use this knowledge to test drugs that are already approved for other conditions. These could calm inflammation in samples of bowel tissue from IBD patients.
    ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性肠病immune system 免疫系统macrophages 巨噬细胞implicated 密切相关的,有关联的regulator 调节器,管理者DNA 脱氧核糖核酸suite 一套、一整套inflammatory 引起炎症的,发炎的excessively 过度的tissue (细胞)组织IBD 炎症性肠病

    • 38 sec
    第2234期:Is time travel possible?

    第2234期:Is time travel possible?

    If you could time travel, would you visit the past or the future? You could find your ancestors, descendants, or experience life when dinosaurs roamed your back garden. It sounds otherworldly, but scientists have looked into whether time travel is actually possible.
    如果你可以穿越,你会去过去还是未来? 您可以找到您的祖先、后代,或者体验恐龙在您的后花园漫步时的生活。 这听起来很超凡脱俗,但科学家们已经研究了时间旅行是否真的可能。
    Albert Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionised understanding of space, time, mass and gravity. The key element of this theory is that time and space are linked together, and time doesn't flow at a constant rate, meaning it speeds up or slows down, depending on where you are. For example, when you travel at high speeds, time decreases, which means, according to NASA, astronauts in space age more slowly than those on Earth! So, if you wanted to travel to the future, you would need to move close to the speed of light. Then, while centuries pass on Earth, you'd experience a relatively short amount of time and could hypothetically return home, where it would be the future!
    阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的相对论彻底改变了对空间、时间、质量和重力的理解。 该理论的关键要素是时间和空间是联系在一起的,并且时间不会以恒定的速度流动,这意味着它会加速或减慢,具体取决于您所在的位置。 例如,当你高速旅行时,时间会减少,这意味着,根据美国宇航局的说法,太空中的宇航员比地球上的宇航员更慢! 所以,如果你想旅行到未来,你需要接近光速。 然后,当地球上几个世纪过去时,你会经历相对较短的时间,并且假设可以返回家园,那里将是未来!
    Travelling backwards in time seems much more difficult. Theoretically, one way of going back is via a wormhole. That means, if space and time can be folded like paper, we could create a tunnel – a shortcut between points in time. The problem is that there is no evidence that wormholes exist. "It's been shown mathematically that they can exist, but whether they exist physically is something else," says Emma Osborne, an astrophysicist at the University of York. Also, theories show that wormholes would be so small that a person definitely couldn't fit through one, and they would have such an intense gravitational field that they would collapse very quickly.
    时光倒流似乎要困难得多。 从理论上讲,返回的一种方法是通过虫洞。 这意味着,如果空间和时间可以像纸一样折叠,我们就可以创建一条隧道——时间点之间的捷径。 问题是没有证据表明虫洞存在。 约克大学天体物理学家艾玛·奥斯本 (Emma Osborne) 表示:“数学上证明它们可以存在,但它们在物理上是否存在则是另一回事。” 此外,理论表明,虫洞非常小,人绝对无法穿过,而且虫洞的引力场非常强,很快就会塌陷。
    For now, it seems we'll have to be content with science fiction and using telescopes to look back in time rather than travelling through it.
    ancestor 祖先descendant 后代otherworldly 超脱尘俗的,非现实世界的theory of relativity 相对论mass 质量gravity 重力,引力flow (时间)流动,流逝speed up 加速slow down 减速age 变老the speed of light 光速century 一百年,世纪wormhole 蠕虫洞shortcut 捷径,近路astrophysicist 天体物理学家gravitational field 引力场collapse 崩塌,坍塌science fiction 科幻小说telescope 望远镜

    • 2 min

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