10X Real Estate Marketing & Coaching

Sean Shallis, Ri2 Consulting/lead Solutions
10X Real Estate Marketing & Coaching Podcast

Sean Shallis, founder Ri2 Consulting/Lead Solutions, creator of "The Perfect 10X Strategy" and Chief Spokesmen of the "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" We are your personal real estate resource, where you can get 10X real estate tips, tricks, hacks, systems and platforms to take you business to 10X Level. Do you want to make Quantum leaps in your business...? Without Working Harder, Grinding More, Spending Useless Advertising Dollars?  What if we said, "Its not what your doing that isn't working in many cases.. its How your doing it, when, where, with what and with who and most of all WHY" At the 10X Real Estate Warrior Nation... We are on a mission.. a mission to help agents get back in line with the communities of people they serve. The Real Estate industry and its leaders have preached the same old message for over 100 years.. As a matter of fact, they hold onto these old school approaches like a Badge of Honor. While the community of people they serve have started to speak a entirely different language. Are you loosing clients as a result of your resistance to change? At the "10X Real Estate Warriors Nation" we realize that most people are resistant to change, change actually intimidates them, scares them and in most cases immobilizes them.... "It's your Attitude, Approach and Expectations that are in the way your approaching the task. Its the Tactical and Artificial intelligence' Tools your using to orchestra and or manage the process... it How, how Long and how much we've taken literally years worth of training and learning on individual income generation strategy's What if you could get all the Secret Tips, Tricks, Hacks and Strategies that Mega Agents aren't willing to share with you? Why is the "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" Podcast so Different? Shallis has invested more than thirty years and over a Million dollars to search out, model, study and work "One on One" with the Worlds Foremost Experts in Real Estate, Personal Development, leadership, Entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, copyrighting, content production and distribution, all the modern day and old school coaches, trainers, and mentors...here are just some of Shallis' personal favorites... Tony Robbins, Jay Abrahams, John Alexandrov *, Russell Brunson, Zig Ziglar*, Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Brian Tracey, Brian Buffini, Mike Ferry, Tom Ferry, Matthew Ferry, Dean Graziosi, Mike Vance*, Daryl Rutherford*, Stu Middleman, Monica Reynolds, Dianna Kokoszka, Tony Dicello, Gary Keller, Tom Hopkins, Dan Kennedy, Marshall Sylver, Frank Kern, Andy Jenkins, Mike Filsaime, Jack Canfield, Depaak Chopra The "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" honors those mentors, coaches and trainers that have physically passed on, yet their message and training remains more alive than ever" Shallis said..."I feel honored to have personally studied and mentored with these incredible mentors and coaches that have passed on...We feel blessed to have the "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" and Podcast so we can honor these absolutely brilliant minds by sharing the knowledge and information bestowed upon me over the years with our community of incredible "10X Real Estate Warriors". Over the last 30 Years Shallis has Helped buyers, Sellers and Investors successfully negotiate and navigate 1000's of real estate transactions, during even the most challenging markets. In the mid-2000's Shallis became one of "Wall Streets" trusted Real Estate Strategists, as well as their "Go to" marketing, Sales and Acquisitions Expert. Quoted as saying... "We help real Estate professionals generate 10X returns with "The Perfect 10X Strategy Series" Suite of Products." Shallis has been featured as a Real Estate Strategist and Subject Matter Expert in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg News TV, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg International News Service, CNBC and various print publications. Join the 10X Real...

  1. 03/11/2021

    Real Estate Market Myth Busting...with Sean Shallis The Consumers Real Estate Coach

    Hey everybody, Sean Shalles founder at the Tenex real estate warrior nation. We're also considered the consumers' real estate coach. And I just want to reach out to you today. I had a great conversation while the guys that works with me and he asked a good question. He said, Hey, Sean, you know, we're prospecting our brains out. And you know, the results just aren't getting what they used to get. What's going on there. Are we, you know, or how long are we going to in this kind of a situation, do you think it's going to continue? What do you think? What is the deal? So, you know, I kind of explained to him and I said, you know, the misconception that the general public has right now is that the real estate market is flying. Interest rates are low and everything comes on. The market sells multiple offers. Well, yeah, it does because we're actually in the complete polar opposite of the economy that I was in when I was working in 2008 and 2009, I mean, 2008, 2009, what's happening. Then you got to realize like, you know you know, that is, that is now almost 12 years ago, 13 years ago, I'm 40 years old as opposed to 54. I walk into my office and in, you know, in the beginning of 2008, I had just opened my new office. I have one kid, one on the way I'm honestly making about 80,000, a hundred thousand dollars a month. And all of a sudden I wake up and against all the better judgment of all my mentors and all my coaches said, don't do it, don't do it. We knew we were going into a declining market. Had we known how bad? I mean, it was like the perfect storm in real estate. I mean, it was just, it was disgusting to be honest with you. So here's a true story, you know, and will put it in perspective for you. I open up my office. I'm excited as how we went from number 180 on the sheets as a new company to the next month we come out and we're number 90 on the sheets. And what are the sheets while the sheets back then, what they did was every month, the more the real estate association or the multiple listing service would send us out a report and they would fax it to us back then because they didn't email it. And it was about eight pages long. So I, or that it came out on the 15th of every month. So the first month I get it, I was really excited. I didn't even realize there was a report. And I was like, wow, look at us. You know, the next month that comes out, we're like a number we're like number 16, we go from number 90 to number 16. So within 90 days of opening our office, we went from 180 as a new office. And as the last guy in the lot to number 16, out of 180 companies, well, what I didn't realize was then, you know, all of a sudden it started to get closer to 2008 in September. I go in the office one day, I get the report, I call up the multiple listing sources and I go, dude, you know, I think there's something wrong with my fax machine. I'm missing the last page. And they go, what are you talking about? And I said, well, you know, usually there's eight pages on a hundred. Yeah, 80 companies. I said, this month, there's only 140 companies. There's only seven pinch. He goes, yeah, well, those other companies went broke, Sean. They're no longer in business. And that's when the reality set in that, Oh my God, this is no longer just a bunch of people talking because we kind of ignored the news. We just, we really didn't watch the news. We just put our head down and showed up everyday and do what we were supposed to do. And, you know, ironically enough, when we started to look around and started to see what was going on, I really got, I really took it. I was like, wow. In a very short period of time, my income went from 80,000 a month to $8,000 a month, literally overnight and six months. I watched the market tumble to go down 40 to 50% and the amount of sales in six months period. Click here: https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/optin-463730121615049841755 (Get More Access to 10X Real Estate Warriors...

    27 min
  2. 03/08/2021

    The Secret Benefits of Getting Skunked at the Open House

    Hey everybody. Sean shouts, your friend, your neighbor, your expert. Just want to reach out to you. Today's a 10 X real estate warrior nation in the field day. We're actually at an open house at a, a $1.9 million house in Morristown, New Jersey, you know, and it is kind of slow today. So I just wanted to reach out and share with some of the, yeah, some of the newer agents, some of the seasoned agents, even you know, what are the, what are the unseen advantages of doing an open house? And nobody shows up. So it's one of those times when you actually break out your phone and you start calling all the people that you've, haven't talked to, or the people that trying to get in touch with during the week that you can't get in touch with the other unseen advantage of doing an open houses, is that what you're going to be able to do is actually take that information, even though you get skunked, it gives you the advantage to go back to the seller and say, Hey, listen, you know, I gave it my all, I put signs out. Click here: https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/optin-463730121615049841755 (Get More Access to 10X Real Estate Warriors Nations-"On Demand Summit 2021") I did the marketing, I did the posts. I think they're actually everything. And it turns out that, you know, at the end of the day, the people just aren't interested at the price that we put on your home. So you do want to sell your home, right? Mr. Jones. Yeah, of course I do. Well great. Then what we need to do is actually sit down and find out where the market really is for your house, as opposed to where we want it to be. So in many cases we'll speak to sellers, especially on the higher end where it's a unique property like e this. And even, you know, in doing this for 25 years there going to be properties that you're going to look at, or I'm going to look at and go, Oh my God, I think it's here. But because this property sits in between three different towns right on the border of all three, it's got some, like, it's got a, you know, an Olympic size pool in it. It's got a full size tennis court in the backyard. It's on a cul-de-sac, which you would think is all great. And it's only, you know, 30 to 60 minutes out of the city by train. But at the end of the day in the condition it's in somebody isn't willing to pay 1.9 for it as evidenced by getting a skunk to the open house. So what are the unseen advantages is getting the education also getting a little time and get a little quiet time to yourself to kind of look back and say, okay, what are the things that are working in my business? Where are not the things, the things that aren't working in my business. And then also it gives you a little quiet time, you know, so what is, what's the advanced quiet time? You know, I think you know, there's something to be said for being able to let the dust settle. Click here: https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/optin-463730121615049841755 (Get More Access to 10X Real Estate Warriors Nations-"On Demand Summit 2021") You have to be there, you have to be focused, but at the same time when you're not getting that activity, it gives you the opportunity to kind of look inward a little bit and say, okay, did I give it my all, what could I have done differently? And what am I going to do the next time? And if that didn't work, what is going to be my conversation with the seller? It was, my conversation could be with the customers. You know, so I think, I think there is, you know, there's always a silver lining, no matter what's going on in your life. It's just a matter of finding it and finding out where that opportunity is. So, and, you know, I would, I would say this one of the most interesting things about talking to 25 of the industries, absolute experts guys like Michael Reese and I'll stay sick. And those guys Jake hinder who was, you know, like one of the, one of the top realtors in the country at like a very young age, Tom Martins, Holy...

    7 min
  3. 03/01/2021

    Real Estate Professionals are you Tired of being Tired...Learn to take back your business and Livelihood!

    Welcome back to the 10 X real estate boring nation summit. I'm extremely excited to introduce our next guest. Here's the host of this Epic summit. Here's one of the nation's leading real estate experts working daily and helping hundreds of families, individuals, and businesses to buy sound and invest and manage a great state. Here's how buyers, sellers, and investors successfully negotiate over $500 million in real estate deals. That's just insane while navigating over thousands of real estate transactions personally, during even the most challenging markets, Sean has been featured as a real estate strategist and subject matter expert in wall street journals, the New York times, Bloomberg news TV, Bloomberg radio, Bloomberg international news service, CNBC and various print publications. Some of his personal mentors include Tony Robbins, D Abraham Russell, Brunson, Ziglar Bob Proctor Abraham Hicks Brian Tracy, Dean Graziosi, and many more so about the redo. Let's get a massive warm welcome to my friend, Sean, and the host of this summit. The amazing Sean to share. Let's give a round of applause. 👉 Learn More at the https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/ (https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/) 👈 What's up brother. I am doing great, man. I am so excited to be on here with you and you know, and I appreciate you doing it. It's kind of fun to be on the other side of the microphone, as I say, on the other side of the camera. So have at it brother. Yeah. Awesome. So Sean, I've got a load of questions for you. Okay. So or to find all these off and if you can answer them that your, your best knowledge and your, your background, that'd be awesome. So let's get started. So, Sean, I, you know, I do know a lot about you buddy. But there's a lot of people out there probably don't really know a lot about you. So can you just tell us you know, who is Sean chatter? You know I've been, I've been introduced as the most, the most disciplined guy in the company for when I worked at one, one real estate company, because I'd be at the office at seven o'clock in the morning and rain, snow, sleet, or hail or whatever, I'd be there before the cleaning crew. And that, that was like one, one of my introductions. But I think the interesting thing is how I became, who I am is as a kid. I was about 17 years old. My mom got divorced. I had a purple Mohawk, checkered sneakers. I was a skateboard punk, and I was just getting out of high school and I looked at my friends and I go, dude, I'm on my way to go to jail or something stupid. I'm not doing that. So I went and I actually, 17 years old, I signed up for the army. And I went to the recruiter and a guy said, you need to have your parents sign you in because you're not 18. I was like, okay, what am I going to ask my mom? And even though my mom had custody, I called my dad. My dad goes, dude, you should go in the air force. You're going to be digging holes. And I'm like, no, I'm all right, dad. I know what I'm doing. Day two, I'm digging holes. So, but anyway, fast forward I ended up in Rangers which is one of the United States armies special forces, special ops guy groups. True story. The guy, the guy pulled over the car on the way to basic training and bought a BIC razor and shaved the purple Mohawk off my head and said, if I send you a purple Mohawk, the base there they'll kill you. So my discipline became was like very early in my career. And then when I got out of the army, my uncle got me a job in the union and the elevator union. And quite honestly, I hated my job. I would get up every morning. I would go to work. I made a ton of money. I've what a guy for, I had no education, but I just hated what I did. And at some point I got involved with a multi-level marketing company that did mortgages and insurance of all things. And I was given the book thinking we're rich by Napoleon Hill. And after reading that book and after going through the insurance and all that stuff fast forwa

    1h 15m
  4. 02/05/2021

    10x Real Estate Warriors Nation Talks with 10X Top Gun "Sharon Restrepo"

    . Enjoy it. Talk to you soGoing live what's up. People. Hold on, ladies, gentlemen, welcome back to the 10 X real estate warrior nation, where we turn ordinary agents at the 10 X real estate warriors. Today. I am super excited. It's freedom Friday, and we have a young lady who's going to teach us how to get free. And even as a real estate broker, one of the things, what if you could actually figure out how to get, create a business where instead of those people waiting seven years to turn over, they actually call you like once a month because they want to buy another property. That's what happens when you do wholesale business. So let's bring Sharon in here right away. Sharon. I am so excited to have you in. And have you talked to the crowd and tell them what you're going to tell them? First of all, where are you from Sharon? 💥Grab your Free Tixhttps://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/ ( )https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com (https://www.10xRealestateWarriorsNation.com) Thanks for having me, Sean. I am here in South Florida. We work in the South Florida market and newly have opened up in a market in North Carolina. So we're excited about that too. You'd be what brings you in North Carolina? I mean, just out of curiosity. Well the market we see a lot of opportunity, but we've been following it for a couple of years and you know, we pray a lot and we just believe that that's where we're supposed to go do what we're doing. Right. Somebody's tapping on the shoulder saying, okay, let's go get on the bus pretty much. Most man. That's. That is awesome. So yeah. So you're, you're going to go to North Carolina. And when you say the market, your, you know, your interpretation of a market is actually different than the average real estate agent, because you're looking at numbers for return on investment. You're looking at numbers and stuff like that. So give the, you know, first of all, give the guys a little background, like how long, how many, you know, I think it's great. First of all, I want you to share the story that you share about how you got doing what you're doing, because it does have an impact on why you're so passionate about it. And if you talk to you for more than five minutes, you could see that it just, it just like noodles out of your body as you're talking. Awesome. Thanks. Yeah. So, so we cater to investors, we're investors ourselves, and I'm feel extremely blessed because I love to do what I do. I feel like I get to do what I do. So to share that story, I'll kind of try to tighten it up for the sake of time here. But basically when I was a little girl, I met my high school sweetheart at 16 and we got married very young. And when I was 25 years old, he was killed in a tragic accident. But not before trying to convince me you to become a real estate investor. Now I was I had grown up in a home where my father believed you paid cash for everything. You took no risks. You worked, you know, your entire life for someone and then you retired. And if you were lucky enough, you had some type of retirement that could outlast your life. And this was, you know, what my husband had to kind of beat out of me, but instead of beating it out of me, he came up with this very slow insurer plan to get convinced me to do this. So I thought, well, if I'm going to be a real estate investor, I must need a real estate license. And so I said, all right you know, I'm, I'm up for your plan, but let me go get all these licenses I obviously need. And I got, I mean, if it was on the list, I got it and turned out, all I really needed was my driver's license, but I'm thankful that I got those licenses and they have helped me make a lot more money. And so I started you know, as a, basically as a licensee at 26 years old, having lost my husband and I quit that full-time job. I had, however, that job was very instrumental in teaching me a lot of things, because I worked for the in-house counsel of a...

    1h 13m
  5. 02/04/2021

    10x Real Estate Warriors Nation Talks with "Entertainment Marketing Expert" James Chu, AVP at US Bank!

    Hey everybody. Welcome back to the 10 X real estate warrior nation, where we turn ordinary agents to extraordinary tonight's real estate warriors. Today. I am super excited to actually introduce to you. One of my good friends in a long time business part is probably one of the longest business partners I have is actually a guy who was, is a character altogether, but he's also one of the best in the industry in the mortgage industry. His name is James chew. He's the AVP over at us bank. And you know, when I think about what is his superpower he's one of those guys where he doesn't need to pick up the phone because really what his superpower is is what I call entertainment, inner entertainment, marketing. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the tonics real estate, where your nation we actually have with us, James choo. I don't know what happened there. We had a little technical difficulty, but it's done. So we're excited. I'm back. So James, to first of all give us a little background. How many years you've been in the business, James? 20 years, 20 years. So in 28 years in the mortgage business that you own the real estate office at one point, right? 💥Grab your Free Tixhttps://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/ ( )https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com (https://www.10xRealestateWarriorsNation.com) Correct. Prior to that, I owned a real estate office. I know, I know I look pretty young, but I've been in business for quite some time. You're the youngest, young and skinny that young man has actually lost a tremendous amount of weight over the past six months or so. Congratulations on that. Let me ask you a question. You know, I remember you telling me the story about you and Fernando, how you guys got started in sales and how that really kind of shaped how, you know, I always joke about it. I says, you know, he doesn't really need to pick up the phone because he's a master at, you know, like I said, your shooting powder is what our question is like the entertainment marketer. So how does, you know, how do you, how do you build a business based on the relationships you have and, you know, I mean, you belong to a, you belong to a country club, right? And out of the country club and you play golf for three, four days a week in the, you know, in the summertime, but you're working probably 90% of that time when you're playing golf. Right. I don't really work doing golf, actually. Look again, I think networking, everything is about open Ozzy and be straightforward. And one things I have been taught right from very, very early in my career is never be afraid to tell people what you do right then in a day, you've got the, have to tell you, tell, you know, your, your, your friend, your acquaintance, what exactly you do for a living. Okay. And then a day, you know, I don't obligate, this is recipe. If they liked me, they gave me opportunity. I proved themselves. And that's something that I always try to do is try to prove myself that I'm able to you know perform my job to the best that I could for every single customers that come through me. 💥Grab your Free Tixhttps://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/ ( https://www.10xRealestateWarriorsNation.com) You know, it's always me that it's inevitable whenever we go to your Coldplay play golf, which has always a pleasure. You know, one of the things about you it's interesting is I never hear you say, Hey, you know, I, I, you know, and even when somebody asks you directly, what do you do? You go on, you know, I'm in the banking industry, you know, and at some point it'll come out in the conversation that like, what do you do? And I'm, I'm mortgage lender, but what's interesting is I've been at the club with you and people come to you at the bar and say, Hey, you know what, Jimmy, I need you to my kids buying a place where I'm doing this, or I'm doing that. I need to talk to you when you get a chance. And, you know, that's what they call, you know? But that, that, you...

    29 min
  6. 02/04/2021

    10X Real Estate Warriors Nation introduces 10x Biz Flicks, Its Like Netflix for Business

    Everybody welcome back to the 10 X real estate where your nation's 10 next best flicks. Where we actually talked to some of our professionals, some of the people that are on our summit, some of our silver sponsors, which are guys like Draper, Draper and Kramer mortgage. And we also have us bank is one of our other mortgage lenders with James choo, who is the AVP over there. And today we're actually gonna get, are gonna bring back Chris Brady because you know what, honestly, we wanted to finish the conversation that we started yesterday. We just you know, and I think it's important for us to kind of go deep in with some of these people. So let's get Chris in here. Hey, Chris, welcome to the game, sir. How are we doing today? Good Sean. Doing well. How are you doing today? I am doing fantastic. You know how you make an hour with snow shoveling and you'd done there, or what 💥Grab your Free ticket At ...http://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/?fbclid=IwAR3dPn9zCPV1jcnoKlaN7tjZXrqMUfEhgohXMwbEkL7fCydq4D1y5jae4S4 (www.10xRealestateWarriorsNation.com) I'm not done after this call, I'm actually gonna go out on my deck and try to finish that at this point, you know, it's like throwing boulders off. It said so much snow. Well, you know what I don't know if people, you know, we understand that we get it. What's interesting is, is that right now? You know, in the Northeast like in Jersey and my area, my area worker, you know, we're only a few miles apart you know, probably 50 miles, 30 miles apart or something like that. Interestingly enough though we've gotten, I know we've got 28 inches. I don't know about you 30. I think we had like 32 inches or something, 32 inches. And let me ask you a question based on that. Did you still talk to customers today? I, did you still talk to realtors today they're needing your help and stuff like that? I did. I did not. That's why they make the, the AirPods and you got your cell phone and you go out and you tell somebody, Hey, if you hear the noise. Oh Yeah. And if I had to jump in, I didn't mind getting out of the snow for a few moments and coming into my computer. So it was all good. Right. And Chris, I'm just curious, you know, like I always ask this question, but so you're telling me, even though it's a snow day, you're still working. Absolutely. Absolutely. And what do you think, you know I was talking to a lender today and he's actually a fairly, fairly influential guy. And we were talking about the value that mortgage lenders can bring to a realtor. That's not always just, you know, like years ago it was okay. You got a desk fee with our broker, right? You had, you had some kind of relationship with somebody and they wrote you a check to rent the space in your office. And then the United States government kind of changed that a little bit, made it a little more challenging to do that. And you know, quite honestly a lot of those guys were, I hate to say it, but they were too cervix and extorting mortgage brokers, you know? And it really wasn't fair to you guys. So if you're going to bring something in the office besides a box of donuts, what are you bringing to the realtors to make an impact nowadays? I mean, without paying for the space, without bringing in a donut, it's really the expertise and the ability to pivot, especially now with going through COVID and everything that's been happening, it's understanding how to help the realtors, help their clients and ultimately our clients, you know, with the affordability, with understanding the home buying process with being comfortable and making the largest purchase of their life, quite frankly. So it's really partnering up and then bringing, bringing knowledge, communication, and capability along with it. 💥Grab your Free ticket At ...http://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/?fbclid=IwAR3dPn9zCPV1jcnoKlaN7tjZXrqMUfEhgohXMwbEkL7fCydq4D1y5jae4S4 (www.10xRealestateWarriorsNation.com) So knowledge and communication. And when you say

    1h 13m
  7. 02/03/2021

    Welcome to "10x Biz Flicks" Candid Conversations with Real Estate's 10X TopGuns

    Hey So as we're waiting for somewhere where he's wait for some of our guests to come, I noticed there's a couple of comments. Let me see if I can answer these comments and see what's going on. So Pamela is saying, hello Facebook user, Hey Sean, how are you? My name is Paula from India. How are you pal? So what is the first of all, what does a 10 X real estate warrior and 10 X real estate warrior nation is really what we ended up doing ? We were so tired of having agents that were just, you know, not sure what program, what products to use, what programs to use where exactly they were going to get the information they wanted to get. So what we decided to do is actually start to bring in some of our powerful speakers here. Like, you know, first of all you can go to the 10 X real estate where you're a nation and grab your free access pass. We're actually launches on the 15th. Hey, Hey, we just got Chris Brady in the house. Chris Brady, how are you, sir? Hopefully you can hear us and you're good to go, Chris, can you hear us? I can, can you hear me? Yeah, we can. Hey, Chris we're live right now. We have a couple of viewers out there watching us already. First of all, I want to introduce Chris Brady. Chris is actually one of our mortgage partners and he is actually one of the solar sponsors of the summit. And he's been doing a great job with Ashley, getting painted back, paying it forward by sharing the SOA with his agents and stuff like that as a gift. And I thought, which I thought it was a brilliant idea, Chris, I gotta give you a lot of credit for that, just to you know, give back to the community. We were going to charge for this event. And then, you know, after talking to our sponsors, they were like, you know what, we'll sponsor it. You just give it to them for free and give them the access. So that's what we're doing right now. I'm going to I want to just get a little more from Chris here and Chris tell us a little bit, you know, tell us a little bit more about you know, what your business is like and how what are you seeing with COVID-19? What do you see when agents, how are you able to help anxious nowadays? What do you think is the biggest question that you're getting? Yeah, I mean, without it, I mean, COVID-19 has been challenging on several levels and trying to work with agents and creativity and trying to work within all the confines of what's been happening a lot of it's education. And there's been a lot of changes within the guidelines of how mortgages now are being underwritten and put forth. And it's really asking a lot of questions and getting the information upfront, you know, in front of prospective hires. So in this case, in my case, the borrowers 💥Grab your Free Tixhttps://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com/ ( )https://www.10xrealestatewarriorsnation.com (https://www.10xRealestateWarriorsNation.com) Madison realtor helped you with that. How can we, you know, how can we as your partner? Cause I mean, you know, in case you guys aren't paying attention, Chris and I are partners, you know, if we send him somebody and he's trying to put a loan together, he's trying to put all in together so that we all get paid. So she, you know, you need to take an active role in the process. What do you think the biggest struggle is for most newer agents that, you know, maybe don't understand the process, how can they help you Chris, to do your job In, in helping me do my job is, is to get as much information. You know, if they've had a conversation with the, the clients to begin with all the times you do as an agent, right? You know, that's how you build up the report while you get things going, you, you learn some information about them as far as you know, where they're coming from, what they're looking for you know, what kind of work that they're doing and in different aspects. So the more information I get that you share with me, the better off my conversation is that at that time with the borrower and the...

    1h 13m
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Sean Shallis, founder Ri2 Consulting/Lead Solutions, creator of "The Perfect 10X Strategy" and Chief Spokesmen of the "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" We are your personal real estate resource, where you can get 10X real estate tips, tricks, hacks, systems and platforms to take you business to 10X Level. Do you want to make Quantum leaps in your business...? Without Working Harder, Grinding More, Spending Useless Advertising Dollars?  What if we said, "Its not what your doing that isn't working in many cases.. its How your doing it, when, where, with what and with who and most of all WHY" At the 10X Real Estate Warrior Nation... We are on a mission.. a mission to help agents get back in line with the communities of people they serve. The Real Estate industry and its leaders have preached the same old message for over 100 years.. As a matter of fact, they hold onto these old school approaches like a Badge of Honor. While the community of people they serve have started to speak a entirely different language. Are you loosing clients as a result of your resistance to change? At the "10X Real Estate Warriors Nation" we realize that most people are resistant to change, change actually intimidates them, scares them and in most cases immobilizes them.... "It's your Attitude, Approach and Expectations that are in the way your approaching the task. Its the Tactical and Artificial intelligence' Tools your using to orchestra and or manage the process... it How, how Long and how much we've taken literally years worth of training and learning on individual income generation strategy's What if you could get all the Secret Tips, Tricks, Hacks and Strategies that Mega Agents aren't willing to share with you? Why is the "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" Podcast so Different? Shallis has invested more than thirty years and over a Million dollars to search out, model, study and work "One on One" with the Worlds Foremost Experts in Real Estate, Personal Development, leadership, Entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, copyrighting, content production and distribution, all the modern day and old school coaches, trainers, and mentors...here are just some of Shallis' personal favorites... Tony Robbins, Jay Abrahams, John Alexandrov *, Russell Brunson, Zig Ziglar*, Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Brian Tracey, Brian Buffini, Mike Ferry, Tom Ferry, Matthew Ferry, Dean Graziosi, Mike Vance*, Daryl Rutherford*, Stu Middleman, Monica Reynolds, Dianna Kokoszka, Tony Dicello, Gary Keller, Tom Hopkins, Dan Kennedy, Marshall Sylver, Frank Kern, Andy Jenkins, Mike Filsaime, Jack Canfield, Depaak Chopra The "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" honors those mentors, coaches and trainers that have physically passed on, yet their message and training remains more alive than ever" Shallis said..."I feel honored to have personally studied and mentored with these incredible mentors and coaches that have passed on...We feel blessed to have the "10X Real Estate Warrior Nation" and Podcast so we can honor these absolutely brilliant minds by sharing the knowledge and information bestowed upon me over the years with our community of incredible "10X Real Estate Warriors". Over the last 30 Years Shallis has Helped buyers, Sellers and Investors successfully negotiate and navigate 1000's of real estate transactions, during even the most challenging markets. In the mid-2000's Shallis became one of "Wall Streets" trusted Real Estate Strategists, as well as their "Go to" marketing, Sales and Acquisitions Expert. Quoted as saying... "We help real Estate professionals generate 10X returns with "The Perfect 10X Strategy Series" Suite of Products." Shallis has been featured as a Real Estate Strategist and Subject Matter Expert in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg News TV, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg International News Service, CNBC and various print publications. Join the 10X Real...

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