9 min

Passwords UNinformed Guides

    • How To


Now memorize it.

Too hard, right? And then get a different password for each website you log into!

Life can be hard. Remembering passwords is harder. Unless you use a Password Method.

This UNinformed guide mentions a couple of methods; Password managers, 26 word lists.

I forgot to mention the easiest: extra long passwords using easy words.

CarHouseCoffee1@ is a lot harder to crack than kX^1,G%z

Why? Because the more characters, the harder. Simple.

Life can be Simple.


Now memorize it.

Too hard, right? And then get a different password for each website you log into!

Life can be hard. Remembering passwords is harder. Unless you use a Password Method.

This UNinformed guide mentions a couple of methods; Password managers, 26 word lists.

I forgot to mention the easiest: extra long passwords using easy words.

CarHouseCoffee1@ is a lot harder to crack than kX^1,G%z

Why? Because the more characters, the harder. Simple.

Life can be Simple.

9 min