24 min

Sustainable and Infrastructure Stocks Analysts Adore Ethical & Sustainable Investing News to Profit By!

    • Investing

Sustainable and Infrastructure Stocks Analysts Adore podcast: Covers stocks related to renewable energy, data infrastructure, waste management, retail, and others.
By Ron Robins, MBA
Hello, Ron Robins here. So, welcome to this podcast episode 131 titled “Sustainable and Infrastructure Stocks Analysts Adore.” It’s presented by Investing for the Soul. Investingforthesoul.com is your site for vital global ethical and sustainable investing mentoring, news, commentary, information, and resources.
Now, remember that you can find a full transcript, and links to content – including stock symbols and bonus material – on this episode’s podcast page located at investingforthesoul.com/podcasts.
Also, a reminder. I do not evaluate any of the stocks or funds mentioned in these podcasts, nor do I receive any compensation from anyone covered in these podcasts. Furthermore, I will reveal to you any personal investments I have in the investments mentioned herein.
Additionally, quotes about individual companies are brief. Please go to this podcast's webpage for links to the actual articles for more company and stock information. Also, some companies might be covered more than once and there are also 4 article links below that time didn’t allow me to review them here.
5 sustainable UK stocks that Fools love
The stock picks in my first article, though from the UK, are likely available and applicable to investors globally. It’s titled 5 sustainable UK stocks that Fools love. By Fools it's referring to the famous Fools investors, site, and is written by the The Motley Fool Staff and found at fool.co.uk.
Here are some quotes from the article.
“1. Croda International (LSE:CRDA)
By Oliver Rodzianko.
What it does: Croda International sustainably creates speciality chemicals to enhance products in a wide range of industries.
Croda International has ‘committed to becoming the most sustainable supplier of innovative ingredients on the planet’…
Not only is the company leading in environmental preservation efforts, but it’s also making a handsome profit in the process. Over the past 10 years, the shares have grown 78% in price. It also has a net margin of 10%, which is great for its industry…
Now, I must mention that in the past, it has faced legal action over negative effects on the environment from a plant it operated. There’s some chance that something like this could happen again, which would be bad reputationally.
But overall, this company looks very strong to me. I appreciate its efforts in getting toward a cleaner, safer work culture.
2. Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (LSE:GSF)
By Royston Wild.
What it does: Gore Street Energy Storage Fund invests in power retention assets across Europe and the US.
This small cap invests in utility-scale power storage assets with the aim of providing regular dividend income to its shareholders.
Today its objective is to provide annual dividends equivalent to 7% of net asset value (NAV) per ordinary share, or 7p per share, whichever is higher. It’s a strategy that creates a chunky 5.1% dividend yield for the current financial year…
At current prices I think the trust is worth serious consideration. At 60.3p per share, it trades at a whopping 43% discount to its estimated NAV.
3. Renewi (LSE: RWI)
By Christopher Ruane.
What it does: Renewi is a European waste management company that uses most of the waste collected for recycling or energy production.
The share price has… grown by an impressive 72% over the past five years.
Renewi shares trade on a price-to-earnings ratio of 12, which I think looks cheap. Whether that turns out to be the case depends partly on Renewi maintaining or growing its earnings. The past couple of years have been good, however the track record is inconsistent.
The business is highly cash generative but has a net debt that outstrips

Sustainable and Infrastructure Stocks Analysts Adore podcast: Covers stocks related to renewable energy, data infrastructure, waste management, retail, and others.
By Ron Robins, MBA
Hello, Ron Robins here. So, welcome to this podcast episode 131 titled “Sustainable and Infrastructure Stocks Analysts Adore.” It’s presented by Investing for the Soul. Investingforthesoul.com is your site for vital global ethical and sustainable investing mentoring, news, commentary, information, and resources.
Now, remember that you can find a full transcript, and links to content – including stock symbols and bonus material – on this episode’s podcast page located at investingforthesoul.com/podcasts.
Also, a reminder. I do not evaluate any of the stocks or funds mentioned in these podcasts, nor do I receive any compensation from anyone covered in these podcasts. Furthermore, I will reveal to you any personal investments I have in the investments mentioned herein.
Additionally, quotes about individual companies are brief. Please go to this podcast's webpage for links to the actual articles for more company and stock information. Also, some companies might be covered more than once and there are also 4 article links below that time didn’t allow me to review them here.
5 sustainable UK stocks that Fools love
The stock picks in my first article, though from the UK, are likely available and applicable to investors globally. It’s titled 5 sustainable UK stocks that Fools love. By Fools it's referring to the famous Fools investors, site, and is written by the The Motley Fool Staff and found at fool.co.uk.
Here are some quotes from the article.
“1. Croda International (LSE:CRDA)
By Oliver Rodzianko.
What it does: Croda International sustainably creates speciality chemicals to enhance products in a wide range of industries.
Croda International has ‘committed to becoming the most sustainable supplier of innovative ingredients on the planet’…
Not only is the company leading in environmental preservation efforts, but it’s also making a handsome profit in the process. Over the past 10 years, the shares have grown 78% in price. It also has a net margin of 10%, which is great for its industry…
Now, I must mention that in the past, it has faced legal action over negative effects on the environment from a plant it operated. There’s some chance that something like this could happen again, which would be bad reputationally.
But overall, this company looks very strong to me. I appreciate its efforts in getting toward a cleaner, safer work culture.
2. Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (LSE:GSF)
By Royston Wild.
What it does: Gore Street Energy Storage Fund invests in power retention assets across Europe and the US.
This small cap invests in utility-scale power storage assets with the aim of providing regular dividend income to its shareholders.
Today its objective is to provide annual dividends equivalent to 7% of net asset value (NAV) per ordinary share, or 7p per share, whichever is higher. It’s a strategy that creates a chunky 5.1% dividend yield for the current financial year…
At current prices I think the trust is worth serious consideration. At 60.3p per share, it trades at a whopping 43% discount to its estimated NAV.
3. Renewi (LSE: RWI)
By Christopher Ruane.
What it does: Renewi is a European waste management company that uses most of the waste collected for recycling or energy production.
The share price has… grown by an impressive 72% over the past five years.
Renewi shares trade on a price-to-earnings ratio of 12, which I think looks cheap. Whether that turns out to be the case depends partly on Renewi maintaining or growing its earnings. The past couple of years have been good, however the track record is inconsistent.
The business is highly cash generative but has a net debt that outstrips

24 min