35 min

Building Bridges: A Labor Podcast; On the Line; Solidarity Works; Solidarity Breakfast; Red Dead Redemption Labor Radio-Podcast Weekly

    • Business News

On this week’s show: Kitchen solidarity with Dontazz Williams, food service worker at UW; Naomi Harris, Waffle House worker and founding member of USSW, and Quichelle Liggins, 13-year Hyundai worker in Alabama; Restoring domestic shipbuilding; Les Leopold discusses his book Wall Street's War on Workers; Author/illustrator Nic Robertson discusses his book The Last Few Years of Neoliberalism; Justine Sachs gives advice on employee dress codes.This week’s featured shows are Building Bridges: A Labor Podcast, from the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies; On the Line, a network of union members and leaders who cover, analyze, and draw lessons from the struggles of workers across the country to build a fighting labor movement; Solidarity Works: A Podcast From The United Steelworkers; My Labor Radio, Interviews and information about working Americans broadcast on WELT 95.7 FM in Fort Wayne, Indiana; Solidarity Breakfast, a Rank and File Worker and Trade Union Show from Melbourne, Australia, covering current affairs, progressive issues and news and events from the labour movement; Red Dead Redemption, hosted by Justine Sachs, comes to us from Aukland, New Zealand.
Please help us build sonic solidarity by clicking on the share button below.Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.
@steelworkers @mgevaart @3CRsolidarity @95bFM#LaborRadioPod @AFLCIO Edited by Patrick Dixon, produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru Mr. Harold Phillips.

On this week’s show: Kitchen solidarity with Dontazz Williams, food service worker at UW; Naomi Harris, Waffle House worker and founding member of USSW, and Quichelle Liggins, 13-year Hyundai worker in Alabama; Restoring domestic shipbuilding; Les Leopold discusses his book Wall Street's War on Workers; Author/illustrator Nic Robertson discusses his book The Last Few Years of Neoliberalism; Justine Sachs gives advice on employee dress codes.This week’s featured shows are Building Bridges: A Labor Podcast, from the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies; On the Line, a network of union members and leaders who cover, analyze, and draw lessons from the struggles of workers across the country to build a fighting labor movement; Solidarity Works: A Podcast From The United Steelworkers; My Labor Radio, Interviews and information about working Americans broadcast on WELT 95.7 FM in Fort Wayne, Indiana; Solidarity Breakfast, a Rank and File Worker and Trade Union Show from Melbourne, Australia, covering current affairs, progressive issues and news and events from the labour movement; Red Dead Redemption, hosted by Justine Sachs, comes to us from Aukland, New Zealand.
Please help us build sonic solidarity by clicking on the share button below.Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.
@steelworkers @mgevaart @3CRsolidarity @95bFM#LaborRadioPod @AFLCIO Edited by Patrick Dixon, produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru Mr. Harold Phillips.

35 min