10 min

Featured Tracks Playlist May 2024 R.E. Fort

    • Music Commentary

Hello, I'm R.E. Fort,
and welcome back to my podcast, this episode of my Feature Tracks playlist, May
2024. Before we get to this month's playlist, I want to give an update. I'm
currently working on a new CD. This will make my 15th CD, but my 7th that's available
on all music streaming sites, so stay tuned for more updates on the new
release. Okay, with that out of the way, on to this month's playlist. I want to
change things up a bit this month. In this playlist and podcast, I will do a
deeper dive into three tracks from my most recent CD. The title track, Life
on The Other Side, Listen to your heart, and Why Don’t You
Just Let Us Play. As always, you can find links to this playlist for YouTube, YouTube
Music, Spotify, Pandora, iTunes,
and Amazon
Music, in this post and on my website at refort.co/playlist.  

As always,

Without Music Life Has No Soul.

Hello, I'm R.E. Fort,
and welcome back to my podcast, this episode of my Feature Tracks playlist, May
2024. Before we get to this month's playlist, I want to give an update. I'm
currently working on a new CD. This will make my 15th CD, but my 7th that's available
on all music streaming sites, so stay tuned for more updates on the new
release. Okay, with that out of the way, on to this month's playlist. I want to
change things up a bit this month. In this playlist and podcast, I will do a
deeper dive into three tracks from my most recent CD. The title track, Life
on The Other Side, Listen to your heart, and Why Don’t You
Just Let Us Play. As always, you can find links to this playlist for YouTube, YouTube
Music, Spotify, Pandora, iTunes,
and Amazon
Music, in this post and on my website at refort.co/playlist.  

As always,

Without Music Life Has No Soul.

10 min