37 min

010/ New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo/ Millennial Moon Circle Quarter Life Revolution with Heather

    • Alternative Health

WHAT IS UP. This is a big episode, a big week. Apologies for the cold I have that makes me a bit sniffley. We are all moving through some intense times of change, and it is wearing my body down a little.
Yet, we persevere. This week is a gateway, from one way of thinking/living/being/loving/leading to a new one. But to get there, we have to clear away what is NOT in our highest good. There are a lot of foggy heads about right now, seeking one thing: clarity. What is truly me? What is not mine? That is the power of this Partial Solar Eclipse.
A clearer view of WHO WE ARE, from out heart outward, right now. Not 10 years down the track, not 3 years ago. NOW.
We also have Lions Gate (8/8) connecting us deeper to our hearts, Lilith moving into rebellious Aquarius and shaking up the very foundation of society (please do), Venus going home to Libra and Uranus going retrograde.
It's a big one.
@heathermannastrology on Instagram

WHAT IS UP. This is a big episode, a big week. Apologies for the cold I have that makes me a bit sniffley. We are all moving through some intense times of change, and it is wearing my body down a little.
Yet, we persevere. This week is a gateway, from one way of thinking/living/being/loving/leading to a new one. But to get there, we have to clear away what is NOT in our highest good. There are a lot of foggy heads about right now, seeking one thing: clarity. What is truly me? What is not mine? That is the power of this Partial Solar Eclipse.
A clearer view of WHO WE ARE, from out heart outward, right now. Not 10 years down the track, not 3 years ago. NOW.
We also have Lions Gate (8/8) connecting us deeper to our hearts, Lilith moving into rebellious Aquarius and shaking up the very foundation of society (please do), Venus going home to Libra and Uranus going retrograde.
It's a big one.
@heathermannastrology on Instagram

37 min