Healing Hub Podcast

Dr. Traci Patterson
Healing Hub Podcast Podcast

The Healing Hub Podcast is dedicated to those living with CRPS. Our goal is to bring awareness, advocacy, and resources to those living with CRPS / RSD. The creator and host - Dr. Traci Patterson - is a CRPS survivor, CRPS expert, President of Holistic Centered Treatment, Creator of the CRPS Hub app, author of Stepping Outside the Box: A Journey from Invisible Pain to Invincible Living (a book about her personal journey with CRPS), and speaker. Join us each week where we will be discussing CRPS, sharing personal stories and talking with guests. Together we can make a difference. ** The information contained in our podcast(s) are not meant as medical advise. Always consult with your treating physician regarding any treatments. **

  1. The Connection Between CRPS and Cortisol

    15 MAR

    The Connection Between CRPS and Cortisol

    What is the connection between CRPS and Cortisol, and a lot of the odd ball symptoms we endure with CRPS? Now, anyone living with CRPS or chronic pain knows the pain creates stress… which leads to anxiety, for some – depression, and for most it leads to insomnia too. Stress and pain are interweaved at multiple levels. This impact - in turn - manifests in other ways in the body. One of the big things I talk to CRPS and chronic pain patients about in the office is the connection between the central nervous system (brain and spine) and the autonomic nervous system and how CRPS/chronic pain is propelled by both. The brain is the best super-computer on the planet that is tasked with running our entire body. A specific area of the brain – the limbic system – is tied to CRPS. While your autonomic nervous system is a division of the nervous system that operates internal organs, smooth muscle and glands. Think of it this way – the autonomic nervous system automatically runs everything in our body that we don’t have to think about. It’s that simple. The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously – meaning we don’t have to think about it… and it regulates bodily functions, such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, etc.… Again, the things we don’t think about – that automatically happen in the body… that’s your autonomic nervous system. This system is also the primary mechanism in control of the fight-or-flight response. And ‘fight or flight’ is a term we also hear about or read about CRPS. Lastly - fight or flight in turn drives cortisol. So, hopefully you can start mapping this out and start seeing the connections. #Podcast #HealingHubPodcast #CRPSPodcast #CRPS #CRPSawareness #CRPS1 #CRPS2 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RSD #ReflexSympatheticDystrophy #CRPSremission #CRPSexpert #CRPStreatmentoptions #CRPStreatment #HolisticCenteredTreatment #HCTbyTraciPatterson #CRPSadvocacy #TreatingTheWholePerson #MakingADifference #ChangingLives #DrTraciPattersonCRPSexpert #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #CRPSsuccessstory #overcomingCRPS #CRPSmiracles #Hope #Help #Spoonies #AMPS #KnowYourTreatmentOptions #RareDisease #ChronicPain #AMPS #CSS #IntractablePain #HopeForCRPS #ImpactOfCRPS #PediatricPain #NewTreatmentForCRPS #CRPScommunity #InternationalCRPS #HopeForACure #TrustPatients #ImpactOfWordsOnPatients #CRPScoexitingconditions #FightingForAllWarriors #CRPSinChildren #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #IndividualizedTreatmentForCRPS #CRPSandCortisol

    30 min
  2. The Impact of CRPS in Children


    The Impact of CRPS in Children

    On today's episode I'm talking about - The Impact of CRPS in Children. CRPS in children and adolescents has a profound impact on the child and the whole family system. The unknowns, the questions, the frustrations - they are real.Questions - going to doctors - trying to get the help that you so desperately need - and some families finding themselves dangerously close to being accused of child abuse or even Munch-hausen by proxy. This makes it very difficult for everyone involved - the child - the parents - the whole family unit.Getting a diagnosis is key. But then finding viable treatment options are even more important. Children are told they just have to push through the pain. They are told this is the best it’s going to get.How is this a true solution?Our children need hope… they need help. They don’t need to be told this is their new life. They don’t need to be told to suck it up butter cup. Instead, they need to have a viable treatment option that will truly help to drop their pain levels. They need a treatment or program that will promote healing. They need a program that will be individualized to meet their specific needs. One that will give the tools and resources for long-term outcomes.At Holistic Centered Treatment – we do provide a caring, compassionate environment that promotes healing. We truly do understand CRPS. www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com844-994-0999#Podcast #HealingHubPodcast #CRPSPodcast #CRPS #CRPSawareness #CRPS1 #CRPS2 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RSD #ReflexSympatheticDystrophy #CRPSremission #CRPSexpert #CRPStreatmentoptions #CRPStreatment #HolisticCenteredTreatment #HCTbyTraciPatterson #CRPSadvocacy #TreatingTheWholePerson #MakingADifference #ChangingLives #DrTraciPattersonCRPSexpert #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #CRPSsuccessstory #overcomingCRPS #CRPSmiracles #Hope #Help #Spoonies #AMPS #KnowYourTreatmentOptions #RareDisease #ChronicPain #CSS #IntractablePain #HopeForCRPS #ImpactOfCRPS #PediatricPain #NewTreatmentForCRPS #CRPScommunity #InternationalCRPS #HopeForACure #TrustPatients #CRPScoexitingconditions #FightingForAllWarriors #CRPSinChildren #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #IndividualizedTreatmentForCRPS #ImpactOfCRPSInChildren

    27 min
  3. HOPE:  Finding hope when you’re diagnosed with CRPS


    HOPE: Finding hope when you’re diagnosed with CRPS

    Finding hope while dealing with CRPS, chronic pain or debilitating conditions can be difficult, but is necessary to regain your life. Don’t allow your ‘hope’ to be stripped away from you during your time of need. This is the very time that you DO need HOPE!At Holistic Centered Treatment – we are the ONLY CRPS program created by a CRPS Survivor or CRPS patients… We treat our you they way you should be treated. We provide a caring, compassionate environment that promotes healing. We truly do understand CRPS. As the founder and President of Holistic Centered Treatment I can say I have walked a mile in the shoes of CRPS patients that we see. You will always be listened to… You are my guide. Regardless of what anyone tells you - we want you to know that it is possible to manage CRPS and it is possible to gain remission. It is possible to thrive again. We want you to know that healing is possible for you, too. And we are here to help you… we do truly understand what you’re going through. I want you to know there is HOPE… There is life after a diagnosis of CRPS!Hoping for hope…Hope is an essential component of our well-being. Hope is an essential piece to moving forward.Even with life seems overwhelming we have to have some hope there is help…If you want more information on effective… evidence-based treatment options for CRPS please visit our website – www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com or call us at 844-994-0999.#HolisticCenteredTreatment #CRPS #CRPS1 #CRPS2 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RSD #ReflexSympatheticDystrophy #DrTraciPattersonCRPSexpert #InspirationalCRPSStories #Hope #FindingHopewhenYouArediagnosedWithCRPS #CRPSremission #CRPSadvocacy #CRPSawareness #CRPSsurvivor #CRPSwarrior #CRPSsucks #CRPSpodcast #TreatingTheWholePerson #PediatricPain #CompassionateCareOfCRPS #NewCRPStreatment #PremiereProgramForCRPS #TeensWIthCRPS #ChildrenWithCRPS #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #PositiveOutcomesCRPS #CSS #Fibromyalgia #NeuropathicPain #SFN #KnowYourOptions #RSDSA #FerociousFighters

    32 min
  4. CRPS: The Impact & What Is Remission


    CRPS: The Impact & What Is Remission

    On today’s podcast I’ll be talking about living with CRPS – the impact of what we what we hear and what we endure, and what is remission. If you live with CRPS or any rare disease, you’ve probably had at least one conversation with a health care provider in which they look you straight in the eye and say, “There’s nothing I can do for you.” Or you have gone through a program or treatment that portrays themselves as – The only hope… The only way forward – their marketing is truly magnificent – even down to dramatic videos on social media portraying that all of their patients are getting better…. to arrive, start the program, feeling like your concerns fall on deaf ears, or worse yet being told it’s your fault you’re not getting better. And the biggest question that I’m always asked is…. What Is REMISSION? These are the areas I want to discuss or delve into on today's podcast. 844-994-0999 www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com #Podcast #HealingHubPodcast #CRPSPodcast #CRPS #CRPSawareness #CRPS1 #CRPS2 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RSD #ReflexSympatheticDystrophy #CRPSremission #CRPSexpert #CRPStreatmentoptions #CRPStreatment #HolisticCenteredTreatment #HCTbyTraciPatterson #CRPSadvocacy #TreatingTheWholePerson #MakingADifference #ChangingLives #DrTraciPattersonCRPSexpert #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #CRPSsuccessstory #overcomingCRPS #CRPSmiracles #Hope #Help #Spoonies #AMPS #KnowYourTreatmentOptions #RareDisease #ChronicPain #AMPS #CSS #IntractablePain #HopeForCRPS #ImpactOfCRPS #PediatricPain #NewTreatmentForCRPS #CRPScommunity #InternationalCRPS #HopeForACure #TrustPatients #ImpactOfWordsOnPatients #CRPScoexitingconditions #FightingForAllWarriors #CRPSinChildren #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #IndividualizedTreatmentForCRPS

    27 min
  5. CRPS Awareness Month


    CRPS Awareness Month

    On today’s podcast I’ll be talking about CRPS Awareness month. Throughout the entire month of November every year for the past 20 years, the CRPS community and their families and advocates come together to help raise awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. We know the month of November as - CRPS Awareness month… For me – CRPS is personal. 16 years ago, I was diagnosed with CRPS type 2… I lived with type 2 CRPS for 7 years prior to gaining remission. This November 2022 is my 9-year anniversary of long-term remission. Yes, pain free – with zero flare for 9 years. It is possible. This is why CRPS awareness month is so important to me! I hope today’s podcast offers you information that is helpful. Remember: Together we can make a difference. Holistic Centered Treatment: 844-994-0999 www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com #Podcast #HealingHubPodcast #CRPSPodcast #CRPS #CRPSawareness #CRPS1 #CRPS2 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RSD #ReflexSympatheticDystrophy #CRPSremission #CRPSexpert #CRPStreatmentoptions #CRPStreatment #HolisticCenteredTreatment #HCTbyTraciPatterson #CRPSadvocacy #MentalHealth #Stress #Anxiety #TreatingTheWholePerson #MakingADifference #ChangingLives #DrTraciPattersonCRPSexpert #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #CRPSsuccessstory #overcomingCRPS #CRPSmiracles #Hope #Help #Spoonies #AMPS #KnowYourTreatmentOptions #RareDisease #ChronicPain #AMPS #CSS #IntractablePain #CRPShopestories #HopeForCRPS #MentalHealth #CRPSawarenessmonth #CRPSawareness

    28 min
  6. CRPS and Brain Fog


    CRPS and Brain Fog

    On today’s podcast I’ll be talking about brain fog that most CRPS patients contend with. If you're dealing with brain fog, I want you to know - you're not alone. Having a CRPS diagnosis or chronic pain diagnosis can lead brain fog. If you are like many others experiencing CRPS, you might also have various signs of something called brain fog. When someone experiences brain fog, it is more commonly known as cognitive dysfunction. However, if you are going through this, you are not the only one. In brain fog, a person can show the signs of numerous physical symptoms along with experiencing CRPS and cognitive issues. Along with it, many people can experience difficulty processing information, trouble focusing, and short-term memory loss. All of these are referred to as brain fog. I hope today’s podcast offers you information that is helpful. Remember: Together we can make a difference. Holistic Centered Treatment: 844-994-0999 www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com #Podcast #HealingHubPodcast #CRPSPodcast #CRPS #CRPSawareness #CRPS1 #CRPS2 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RSD #ReflexSympatheticDystrophy #CRPSremission #CRPSexpert #CRPStreatmentoptions #CRPStreatment #HolisticCenteredTreatment #HCTbyTraciPatterson #CRPSadvocacy #MentalHealth #Stress #Anxiety #TreatingTheWholePerson #MakingADifference #ChangingLives #DrTraciPattersonCRPSexpert #HolisticTreatmentForCRPS #CRPSsuccessstory #overcomingCRPS #CRPSmiracles #Hope #Help #Spoonies #AMPS #KnowYourTreatmentOptions #RareDisease #ChronicPain #AMPS #CSS #IntractablePain #CRPShopestories #HopeForCRPS #MentalHealth #BrainFog #FibroFog #CognitiveDysfunction

    17 min


The Healing Hub Podcast is dedicated to those living with CRPS. Our goal is to bring awareness, advocacy, and resources to those living with CRPS / RSD. The creator and host - Dr. Traci Patterson - is a CRPS survivor, CRPS expert, President of Holistic Centered Treatment, Creator of the CRPS Hub app, author of Stepping Outside the Box: A Journey from Invisible Pain to Invincible Living (a book about her personal journey with CRPS), and speaker. Join us each week where we will be discussing CRPS, sharing personal stories and talking with guests. Together we can make a difference. ** The information contained in our podcast(s) are not meant as medical advise. Always consult with your treating physician regarding any treatments. **

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