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Kevin Whitsitt Kevin Whitsitt

    • Business

Check out my website for more at http://www.trustthelink.com

    5 Hidden Things with Using Groupon for a Business!

    5 Hidden Things with Using Groupon for a Business!

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    Hey wutz going on. Everyone wants a deal so a coupon site such as Groupon could be the best thing ever. There are some hidden things that you may not know, that I wanted to share.

    Reason 1 - The service is VERY expensive. When you look at the website it seems there is NO upfront cost and its pay-as-you-go, it seems great right?

    The truth is they take 50% of your revenue as fees, to begin with, and that doesn't even include the discount you are giving to the consumer.
    Some more bad news is Groupon requires that a business discount its services by at least 50% and sometimes more.

    With a $100 product, you would get "at most" $25 and at worst $5.

    Reason 2 -There is a risk that new users would get a discount and the loyal customers that have been supporting you pay a higher price.
    It just seems wrong, and maybe a small discount wouldn't be bad, but a large one is almost like a slap in the face for repeat customers.

    It would be nice if you could customize the discounts such as everyone getting the same discount, but the longer someone has been a customer the bigger discount they would get. This way it would encourage someone to keep doing business with you.

    This just seems better to me!

    Reason 3 There is a risk that Groupon customers are "first" and possibly ONLY interested in the discount.

    It makes sense since they first wen't to a website to look for bargains, and they choose your business ONLY due to the bargain.

    The reality is different than what the customer is getting and this can be a problem. You can't continue doing those prices.

    Reason 4 there are concerns with returning visitors. The argument for using this coupon website is that by offering a one-time discount you have a chance to pick up a loyal customer that will pay you into the future (at full price).

    Imagine you get a killer deal on gas, but a week later the price increases by 75% are you going to be super excited to go back there? No, you probably will be pissed off right?

    Instead, you probably will continue to look for another deal that is close to the same price you already paid possibly on Groupon.

    Reason 5 – Is if Google the topic "should my small business use Groupon."

    You will probably see many examples of "approach with caution" or even "horror stories" except for when the website Groupon shows up.

    You might be wondering if there is a better option or if offering coupons are worth it. The answer is yes, I go over this in more detail as well as some cool stuff you can do with coupons, and some more of the Groupon story, which is fascinating.

    Click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com for more.

    Oh, and what do you think? Am I wrong? Have you used Groupon, what has your experience been like?

    Bye for now.

    • 4 min
    Is This The Laziest Way to Earn Money?

    Is This The Laziest Way to Earn Money?

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    Hey wutzup. I'm a proud lazy person, Very lazy. Especially when it comes to earning money, I just want to get paid and not work very hard. There is a business model I recently discovered, that might just be one of the easiest ways to earn money. 

    I'll give you an example to help you wrap your head around this. Have you heard of the Drudge Report? It's not too fancy and it looks like it came from the 1950's, but it works and the website got over 25 million visits in the last 24 hours (amazing stuff). 

    All it does is post articles, in black and white. What is even crazier is they did NO work to create the articles. Yea, they just took the articles from other places and legally put them on their website and it's called content aggregation. 

    You might be wondering why do people go to this website? The Drudge Report was started in 1997 when Drudge created it to supplement a $10 per year email newsletter. 

    In 1998 the Drudge Report got noticed when it broke that Newsweek had information on sexual relations between a White House intern and Bill Clinton. People started to get in the habit of going to the Drudge Report for the top news and the site just grew. 

    You could say it's a brand thing. More importantly, it's just convenient and can save someone time, because all the information is right there. 

    You might be wondering what this has to do with earning money online and doing NO work. Me and you can do the same thing, but just on a smaller level. 

    The first step is to choose a certain niche it could be about vampires for example. Then get a website and you would pull the latest news from multiple sources about vampires to this webpage. 

    If someone loves vampires they are going to love your website because it's convenient. The best part is you don't have to create any content are even updated automatically with something called an RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

    You can see how this stuff can provide value to someone without a lot of work.You might be wondering how exactly you are going to get paid right? 

    The easiest way is with an ad network, you get paid every day by showing ads. A second way I would recommend is to create an email newsletter and then share vampire-related affiliate products to someone who joins the list. 

    The purpose of the free content displaying on your website is it gives someone a reason to keep coming back to your website, it automatically updates with no work, it's a great thing to advertise. It even can even give you ideas on what to create content around if you want. 

    The important thing is your providing value for barely any work. 

    Hopefully, this makes some sense. 

    If you want to go deeper into this including the exact steps, how the traffic works, plus 2 other very popular websites that have this business model click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com. 

    • 5 min
    Danger to Using Keyword Tools....Do This Instead...

    Danger to Using Keyword Tools....Do This Instead...

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    https://www.trustthelink.com/how-do-i-find-high-value-keywords-to-get-traffic-lazy-way/ Hey wutz up.   There are many keyword tools that you can buy and I really don't like many of these tools. For one they can be Very expensive.   

    My second issue is I'm very skeptical of the results of the traffic and the competition results that the tool tells you.   Even if the tool is right when it comes to the search volume, it also doesn't take into account similar keywords that "also" rank for the idea you have.  The total traffic that you can get for a term is probably going to be different.  

    The only person who truly knows how much traffic a search term will get is Google. There are different indicators that can give you an idea if you're on the right track.   I idea is to run the search term through Google Trends and if any info comes up then that is a good sign. If you start to write the search term and Google automatically fills it in then that is another good sign.   

    Also, if you see your search term closely matching a people also ask questions then that's good.  In the end, you're own common sense and feeling is probably the best indicator, the search term gets a decent amount of traffic and is popular.  

     The good news is that some people will use these tools that say that a term will get 0 traffic or barely any and not go after it and that means less competition for you and I.   The competition is another area that I'm very skeptical of when it comes to keyword tools. It's far better to Google the search term you want to compete for and look at the competition directly? To me that is a way better approach.   

    Then you want to ask yourself the following questions?  Are there many articles not on point?  Are there lots of forums?  Are the websites not established?  Are the articles weak, and don't answer the question?  Do you think you can write a "better" resource? This is the main one.  Also, look at the headlines, and if you can create a more attention-grabbing headline that you can still get very good traffic.   

    The one area in which keyword tools can be very helpful is brainstorming ideas and this can save you time and give you lots of topics to write about.   What about you? Am I completely wrong please let me know in the comments.   

    Lastly, if you want more ideas on finding keywords to target for both Blogging and Youtube just click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com.   I also go over these steps in more detail and I also share the 1 tool that I do like and why.   Wish you the best. Bye for now.

    • 4 min
    3 Ways to Improve a Presell or Bridge in Affiliate Marketing?

    3 Ways to Improve a Presell or Bridge in Affiliate Marketing?

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    Hey wutz going.   In anything you do there is usually more money going deep rather than shallow. For example someone who has been a truck driver for 20 years and owns his own truck will probably earn more money than someone who is completely brand new right?  It's the same for affiliate marketing and there are many ways someone can go deep into it and not shallow.   

    An example of going shallow would be using Facebook to post an affiliate link a few times a week. It's better than nothing, but you probably can do better, if you plan ahead.  One way you can go deep is with a presell page or bridge page.   Instead of sending someone to an affiliate offer you could send the person to an presell page. This then could warm someone up to the product and could increase your income.   

    There is a good book I read a few years go called Presuasion.   Basically getting someone in the right state of mind can be very helpful before you make an offer. It can also work great in negotiating such as pointing to a very expensive product and then pointing to your product, which would be MUCH less money.   Another way you can think of a presell is it's a personal endorsement of the product by yourself. What are some things you "really" like about the product? You can use that in the presell.   

    Another way to improve your presell and this has to do with "all" your marketing is talking to the reader directly.  Instead of talking to many people in your writing or video just talk to the reader directly and make it more personal. This was in the book Pre-suasion.  A third way to improve your presell has to do with association. People don't care about products they want what the product will do for them.  

    It's like looking at those diamond commercials and then seeing a happy couple. The commercial is associating buying jewelry with a better romantic relationship.   If you can associate the product to the ideal outcome and talk about that, get excited and enthusiastic about the outcome it can warm someone up to the affiliate offer.   I really just scratched the surface on these bridge pages or presell pages.  

    To get more ideas click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com. I go over exactly how to make a presell page very easily, 5 different types of presell pages.   Plus, more ideas on going deep into affiliate marketing and earning more money with less effort and time.   I hope this video or podcast was helpful. Bye for now.

    • 5 min
    Will ChatGPT Take Over Content Creators, Bloggers, Copywriters?

    Will ChatGPT Take Over Content Creators, Bloggers, Copywriters?

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    Hey, wutzup.   A very long time ago article spinning was all the rage. You could take an article change a few words and spam backlinks and thus game Google.   It did work for a small amount of time, but not in the long run.  

    As you can imagine the articles sounded not that good.   There are some similarities between ChatGPT and this method if you just use ChatGPT to do all the work for you.   

    I'm not nervous about this technology completely taking over work for bloggers,  copywriters, and content creation and I'll give you 4 reasons.  For one 1 some people will get so scared they will quit and that means less competition for the rest of us.   

    Number 2 – ChatGPT and AI doesn't have the personal experience that a real person has. Don't get me wrong ChatGPT has a place and can be helpful, but it's just different.   

    The trust factor is going to be a little different. It's like learning copywriting from someone who has been doing it for a while or an AI who has no experience.   There will always be someone who wants to learn from the human and not the AI.   

    Number 3 – If there is anything we have learned about the Pandemic, with lockdowns and social distancing is that it can drive people crazy. It's so bad, that some people are starting businesses charging for hugs and people are selling imaginary friends. That might be the business to get into.  There is a human connection that chatGPT doesn't have.   

    Number 4 – is past experiences. Some people thought Youtube would destroy blogging (I was one) and that never happened. Others thought Tiktok would destroy Youtube and that never happened.   

    It's the same with self-driving cars, some people do not want a self-driving car even if it was 100% safe (and it's not).  In conclusion, I don't think it's a good idea to depend on any 1 platform, but to spread your risk out. That way you're not as weak and venerable to change. Still, just using 1 platform is better than nothing.   Also, there are a lot of really cool things ChatGPT can help content creators.   

    If you are interested in learning more click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com. I created a whole post on this topic and I also go over what copywriting is, 2 ways to do improve your skill at it, plus 3 ways we can use ChatGPT for our benefit.    I hope this video was helpful. But what are your thoughts? Am I wrong let me know in the comments?   Bye for now.

    • 4 min
    Using Stories vs. Reels to Grow a Business!

    Using Stories vs. Reels to Grow a Business!

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    Hey wutzup, vertical content is amazing, these are those short videos you can pump out to Tiktok or Instagram for example.  I've been trying to build my Instagram muscle how to use Reels and Stories and how to get more views.

    I discovered some interesting things I wanted to share.  Stories are great because they can include a link in the story, With Reels, you can't put a link in there. 

    What you could do with a Reel is put a link in your bio and then in your Reel tell people to check out your profile for more, and this is what I do a lot.   Reels are great because people who don't follow you can see them. 

    With Stories, ONLY your followers will see them.   Reels can stay up for “in theory” forever, while stories will disappear in 24 hours.   Reels can be 90 seconds long and Stories are 15 seconds a clip, but you can combine 4 of them to make it 60 seconds.   Reels have better editing tools, while stories have more stickers and you can include polls and questions.   

    The million-dollar question is how to get more views for your Reels, since these people who don't follow you can see them.  The first thing is hashtags and MOST people recommend 3-5 very, very targeted hashtags.   

    The next thing which is very big is watch time. You want people to watch until the end of the video. One way you could improve this is with making your videos shorter. Another idea is to include a hook, which is some reason to get someone to watch until the end that creates curiosity.   A thumbnail that invokes curiosity can also be a good idea. Lastly, is putting text in the video. 

    Many people that watch vertical content don't have the sound on, so having written text is a good idea.   If you want to learn more click on the link below in the description or go to trustthelink.com. I talk about more how the algorithm works and some ideas on how to pump on content more quickly and easier.   I do want to end by saying I don't think it's a good idea to ONLY depend on 1 platform, but to use MANY platforms.   

    For example, India banned Tiktok in 2020, and if someone ONLY relied on Tiktok for everything they would be up a creek without a paddle.   Using many platforms including email is a great because if a change happens you're not as venerable or weak.   Hope this video or podcast was helpful. Bye for now.

    • 4 min

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