481 episodes

Seller Sessions is the largest Amazon FBA and Private Label podcast for Advanced Amazon Sellers. It is the first of its kind, in terms of being raw, non nonsense and straight to the point. A lot of Amazon podcasts that came after has followed by example... Seller Sessions is published 4 times per week and often breaks new trends first in the industry.

Host Danny McMillan, is a world renowned public speaker and veteran Amazon Seller, Danny is also the co-founder of DATAbrill. DATAbrill manages Amazon PPC and advertising automation for 6, 7 & 8 figure Amazon brands.

Danny also works with Amazon in the UK to provide webinar content for their 3rd party sellers.

Each year he hosts Seller Sessions Live the annual conference for Amazon Sellers in the UK, bringing the worlds best speakers on the cutting edge of marketing on and off Amazon.

He is also the founder of SellerPoll, the official annual awards for Amazon Sellers and Brands.

Seller Sessions Amazon FBA and Private Label Danny McMillan

    • Business

Seller Sessions is the largest Amazon FBA and Private Label podcast for Advanced Amazon Sellers. It is the first of its kind, in terms of being raw, non nonsense and straight to the point. A lot of Amazon podcasts that came after has followed by example... Seller Sessions is published 4 times per week and often breaks new trends first in the industry.

Host Danny McMillan, is a world renowned public speaker and veteran Amazon Seller, Danny is also the co-founder of DATAbrill. DATAbrill manages Amazon PPC and advertising automation for 6, 7 & 8 figure Amazon brands.

Danny also works with Amazon in the UK to provide webinar content for their 3rd party sellers.

Each year he hosts Seller Sessions Live the annual conference for Amazon Sellers in the UK, bringing the worlds best speakers on the cutting edge of marketing on and off Amazon.

He is also the founder of SellerPoll, the official annual awards for Amazon Sellers and Brands.

    The Broad Match Show - 9 Figure Scaling, Ranking, Red Flags & Black Hat

    The Broad Match Show - 9 Figure Scaling, Ranking, Red Flags & Black Hat

    The Broad Match Show - 9 Figure Scaling, Ranking, Red Flags & Black Hat
    Welcome to another exciting episode of the Broad Match show!
    Adam's Segment: What's Coming Up
    Adam kicks off the discussion with some intriguing updates and future plans:
    Summer in Canada: Adam shares his experiences and upcoming summer plans. New Launches/Brands: A preview of exciting new product launches and brand developments. 9-Figure Scaling: Tips and strategies for scaling businesses to nine figures, focusing on growth and expansion. Adam's Main Discussion
    Adam delves into the Cosmo Paper and its significant implications for the future:
    Organic Ranking: How the Cosmo Paper influences organic search rankings (following his podcast last week). Listing Development: Innovative approaches to developing more effective product listings. Creative Strategies: Enhancing creativity in digital marketing and product presentations. Danny's Segment: What's Coming Up
    Danny provides updates on his upcoming projects and topics of interest:
    New Live Podcast Setup: Enhancements and new features in the podcast's live setup. Melissa Davis from Databrill joins the podcast alongside Sharon and Adam, adding valuable insights into PPC on a weekly basis. Art of War Series: The conclusion of the popular "Art of War" series, focusing on black hat sellers and the dark triad framework just in time for Q4 lead in.  
    Danny's Main Discussion
    Agency Red Flags: Key issues to watch out for when working with agencies, both from an agency's and a client's perspective.  
    Managing Accounts: Questions to ask about account management and workload. Communication: The importance of effective communication between clients and agencies. Size Matters?: Why bigger isn't always better in the agency world. Transitioning: Smooth transitions when changing agencies. Pricing Models: Understanding flat rate versus percentage-based pricing. Case Studies and Strategies: Evaluating case studies and the effectiveness of proposed strategies. Managed vs. Unmanaged Services: Comparing different service models. Performance Only Agencies: Pros and cons of agencies that focus solely on performance metrics. Agency Switcher: Advice for sellers considering switching agencies. Full-Service Agencies: Comprehensive service options versus specialised agencies. Seller Types: Identifying which types of sellers agencies typically avoid.  
    Final Thoughts and Wrap Up
    In the wrap-up segment, Danny shares some personal insights and final thoughts:
    ADHD: Updates on ADHD 360, including a quick transition to a private model within four weeks. Chat GPT Chef: The continuous interaction and improvements in using Chat GPT for various tasks.

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Amazon's New AI Ranking Algorithm with Vannesa Hung

    Amazon's New AI Ranking Algorithm with Vannesa Hung

    Amazon's New AI Ranking Algorithm with Vannesa Hung Host: Adam Heist
    Guest: Vannesa Hung
    Introduction Welcome back to another episode of the Seller Sessions podcast. In this episode, host Adam Heist delves into the fascinating world of Amazon's AI advancements with Vannesa Hung, a renowned Amazon expert. The discussion centers around Amazon's new AI-driven ranking algorithm, known as Cosmo, and its profound implications for sellers on the platform.
    Amazon's AI and the New Ranking Algorithm Adam kicks off the episode by discussing Amazon's significant investment in AI technologies and how it's revolutionizing the ranking algorithm. He mentions Cosmo, a system designed to fundamentally change how products are shown to customers on Amazon. Vannesa, who has a deep understanding of Amazon's backend systems, introduces the concept of Cosmo and its potential impact on sellers.
    The Evolution of Listing Optimization Vannesa explains the traditional approach to listing optimization, which focused heavily on keywords. Sellers have historically optimized their titles, bullet points, and backend attributes to rank for specific keywords. This method was based on the premise that Amazon is the largest search engine for products, and success depended on appearing in searches for relevant keywords.
    The Shift from Keywords to Context With the introduction of Cosmo, Vannesa highlights a significant shift from a keyword-centric approach to a context-driven model. Cosmo utilizes common sense knowledge to understand products better, going beyond keywords to consider the context and intent behind a search. This means that product listings will need to be enriched with more detailed information to provide a holistic understanding of the product's use and target audience.
    Implications for Sellers Vannesa discusses the major implications of this shift for Amazon sellers:
    Audience Understanding: Sellers need to have a deep understanding of their target audience. This involves knowing their preferences, behaviors, and buying intentions. Enhanced Listings: Listings should now include detailed contextual information. This includes lifestyle images and descriptions that provide context about the product's use and its suitability for different scenarios. Backend Optimization: It's crucial to fill out all relevant attributes in the backend, ensuring that the AI has comprehensive data to work with. Testing and Preparing for the Future Adam and Vannesa discuss practical steps sellers can take to prepare for this new AI-driven environment:
    Use AI Tools: Leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to understand your audience better and generate comprehensive listing content. Test Listings: Use Amazon's new listing generator to test how well your product is understood by the AI. This helps identify any discrepancies and allows for adjustments to be made. Monitor Changes: Stay informed about updates from Amazon, particularly those announced at events like Amazon Accelerate, which will feature extensive tracks on AI advancements. Real-World Examples and Insights Throughout the conversation, Vannesa shares real-world examples from her experiences with clients. She illustrates how changes in listing content and images have led to reclassification of products by Amazon's AI, underscoring the importance of getting the context right.
    Conclusion Adam wraps up the episode by emphasizing the dynamic nature of selling on Amazon and the importance of staying ahead of changes. Vannesa reiterates that while keywords remain important, the context provided around them will be the key differentiator in the new AI-driven landscape.
    For sellers looking to navigate these changes, Vannesa offers her expertise through her service called Amazon Intelligence, where she helps optimize catalogs based on these new principles.
    Call to Action Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Seller Sessions. Subscribe to the podcast to keep up with the latest trends and strategies in the wor

    • 36 min
    The Art of War on Amazon (Part 3)

    The Art of War on Amazon (Part 3)

    The Art of War on Amazon (Part 3) Welcome back to Seller Sessions! In this third installment of "The Art of War on Amazon," Danny dives deep into the psychological strategies and leadership principles that can elevate an Amazon business. If you haven’t listened to the first two parts, I highly recommend you do so for better context. Let's explore these insightful principles:
    Blaming Your Competitors Locus of Control: This psychological concept differentiates between internal and external perceptions of control. Amazon sellers often fall into the trap of attributing their failures to external factors, such as competitors' pricing. This external locus of control can hinder growth by focusing on barriers rather than improving strategies. Success on Amazon hinges on innovation and customer data—control your actions, not the competition.
    Lead by Example, Not Fear True leadership is about modeling the behavior you expect. Inspire your team with hard work, integrity, and dedication, rather than intimidation. Leading with fear breeds resentment and disengagement, while leading by example cultivates respect and loyalty. As the saying goes, "a fish rots from the head down," highlighting the importance of positive leadership.
    Never Outsource Well-Being to Social Media Social networks are engineered for attention, often at the cost of mental well-being. While they can be useful for business, they can also lead to doomscrolling and unhealthy consumption of content. Remember, social media is not the real world. It's crucial to maintain a balance and not let it dictate your happiness or productivity.
    For Revenge, Dig Two Graves Pursuing revenge harms both the seeker and the target. It feeds anger and bitterness, leading to a cycle of retaliation and conflict. Instead of seeking revenge, focus on your success and personal growth. As Danny puts it, “holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
    The World Doesn't Revolve Around You Accountability and hard work are key. When you take responsibility and replace entitlement with effort, you’ll notice positive changes in your results. It's not the world that's changing but your perception and actions. Change begins within, and as you adapt and grow, the world aligns with your progress.
    You're Exactly Where You're Meant to Be You are the sum of countless micro-decisions. If you’re not happy with your current situation, identify and understand your patterns. Use critical thinking to break negative cycles. Remember, you are often the common denominator in your experiences, so focus on self-improvement.
    Never Communicate Sincerely with the Insincere Engaging with people who have no intention of resolving issues is a waste of time and energy. Recognize crazy-making behavior and avoid getting entangled in it. Sometimes, the best response is silence, preserving your energy for more constructive interactions.
    Needs vs. Wants Reflect on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to understand what truly motivates you. This hierarchy emphasizes the importance of meeting basic physiological and safety needs before pursuing social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Understanding this can help keep your entrepreneurial drive in perspective.
    Optimise for Peace, Not Happiness Happiness is fleeting, but peace can be sustained long-term through self-accountability, self-awareness, and strong boundaries. Cultivate relationships that add value to your life and remove those that don't. Metaphorically, without war, you cannot have peace. It's the struggles that teach you the value of tranquility.
    Presence Over Presents Your time and attention are the most valuable gifts you can give. Whether it’s to your loved ones or team members, being present and attentive creates lasting positive impacts. People will always remember how you made them feel.
    Hold Down Your Own Power Strong individuals maintain their power and protect others, whereas weak individuals seek to tak

    • 8 min
    In-depth with 8 Figure Amazon Sellers Sim & Jack

    In-depth with 8 Figure Amazon Sellers Sim & Jack

    In-depth with 8 Figure Amazon Sellers Sim & Jack Introduction Welcome back to Seller Sessions! In this episode, host Danny interviews Sim and Jack, two UK-based entrepreneurs who have built an impressive eight-figure business. Their journey, which began in 2017, is filled with valuable insights and lessons for anyone looking to scale their e-commerce venture.
    Getting Started: The Early Days Sim's Story: Sim shares his beginnings in e-commerce, influenced by his father's old-school marketing business that started in 1977. Initially, they ventured into eBay around 2004-2005, experimenting with auctions. By 2008, they began selling on Amazon, where one of their first products remains a best-seller. Jack's Journey: Jack, a chartered accountant with a lower risk appetite, joined the company through a family connection, marrying Sim's sister. His background in big firms and a stint in politics provided a stable foundation for their business. Building the Business: Key Milestones The Vendor Program: They entered Amazon’s Vendor Program in 2018, which was a double-edged sword. It offered high volume but low margins and significant operational challenges. Despite the initial success, it was unsustainable due to the low-profit margins and heavy demands from Amazon. Covid-19 Challenges: The pandemic brought unexpected opportunities and challenges. They pivoted to selling PPE but faced issues like price gouging accusations and operational strain. Lockdown periods forced them to streamline operations, with the core team handling all tasks to keep the business running. Strategic Changes and Growth Operational Overhaul: Realizing the inefficiencies in their system, Sim and Jack embarked on a massive reorganization with the help of external consultants. They attended bootcamps and implemented structured business practices, which were crucial for scaling. Data and Technology: They developed a custom product data management system, integrating various data sources to streamline decision-making and operations. This system helps manage their large catalog and provides insights to optimize their strategy. Brand and Product Development New Brands: Sim and Jack are now focusing on developing distinct brands rather than a single umbrella brand, addressing consumer preferences for niche, quality products. They are particularly excited about a new kitchen brand, leveraging local manufacturing for better cash flow and rapid product development. Customer Engagement: Building an email list of 5,500 subscribers has become an integral part of their product validation process. They engage with this community for feedback and product testing, ensuring their offerings meet market needs. Future Plans Scaling Up: The goal is to reach higher figures sustainably, focusing on strategic brand building and efficient operations. They aim to maintain their family business ethos while ensuring it can operate independently in the future. Community and Networking: Networking and learning from other successful entrepreneurs have been pivotal. They participate in masterminds and industry events to stay ahead of trends and challenges. Conclusion Sim and Jack’s journey is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking. From navigating the complexities of Amazon’s programs to leveraging data for informed decisions, their story offers invaluable lessons for aspiring and established e-commerce entrepreneurs alike.
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    • 56 min
    The Art of War on Amazon: Part 2

    The Art of War on Amazon: Part 2

    The Art of War on Amazon: Part 2 Welcome back to Seller Sessions. Following part one in the series, we delve deeper into your mental game and its impact on your business. It's tough out there for sellers right now, and no hack will fix your mental game. Mastering the 12 parts below will win you half the battle. This is short and sweet, but give me five minutes of your time and you'll see what I mean.
    1. Develop a Moral Philosophy 2. The Person You Lay Down With 3. A Calm Mind, a Fit Body, a House Full of Love 4. Money, Power, and Status Cannot Buy Desire 5. Build a Formidable Circle not a Winners Circle 6. What is a True Friend 7. Avoid God Mode at All Costs 8. Wise vs Smart 9. Fastest Way To Remove Toxic People from Your Life 10. Past Behaviours Predict Future Behaviours Unless there are Changed Behaviours 11. Never Scatter Your Troops 12. The Wise Warrior Avoids the Battle To close, mastering these twelve principles will fortify your mental game, significantly impacting your success as an Amazon seller. Developing a moral philosophy, choosing your partners wisely, and fostering a calm mind and fit body are foundational. Understand that money, power, and status can't buy genuine desire. Build a formidable circle rather than a winner's circle and recognize what a true friend is. Avoid the pitfalls of god mode, differentiate between being wise and being smart, and swiftly remove toxic influences. Remember, past behaviours often predict future ones unless genuine change occurs. Keep your team focused and know that sometimes the wisest move is to avoid the battle altogether. Nail these elements, and you'll be well on your way to winning half the battle in your business journey.

    • 5 min
    The BroadMatch Show: SSL2024 Review, ADHD Diagnosis, Side Events, and More

    The BroadMatch Show: SSL2024 Review, ADHD Diagnosis, Side Events, and More

    The BroadMatch Show: SSL2024 Review, ADHD Diagnosis, Side Events, and More In this engaging episode of Seller Sessions, host Danny McMillan welcomes back co-host, Adam Heist to discuss a wide range of topics, from the latest insights into Seller Sessions Live to personal health challenges and the entrepreneurial mindset.
    Seller Sessions Live: The Evolution and Impact Refining the Format One-Day Event: Adam praises the one-day format of Seller Sessions Live, highlighting its efficiency and effectiveness compared to longer events. Quality Over Quantity: Danny explains that maintaining high-quality content throughout a multi-day event can lead to diminishing returns, hence the decision to keep it short but impactful. Audience and Atmosphere Seller-Centric Approach: The event remains focused on sellers ensuring meaningful and genuine interactions. Unique Speaker Line-Up: Danny and Adam emphasise the importance of featuring new faces and fresh insights, avoiding the repetition. Logistics and Challenges Travel Considerations: The convenience of a one-day event minimises travel fatigue and maximises attendee energy and engagement. Cost Management: By keeping the event to one day, Danny manages to keep costs down, making it accessible without compromising on quality. Addressing Side Events The Problem with Side Events Danny's Stance: Danny addresses the issue of side events organised around major events without prior consultation. He emphasises the importance of respect and proper communication when planning such activities. Exclusive Contracts: To prevent conflicts, Danny mentions that all speakers for next year will be under exclusive contracts, restricting their participation in other events around the same timeframe of Seller Sessions Live. Impact on Events Draining Resources: Danny explains how unauthorised side events can drain resources and detract from the main event, making it clear that he will not tolerate such actions in the future. Personal Journeys and Health Challenges Adam's Stroke Recovery Three and a Half Months In: Adam shares his progress since experiencing a stroke in Bali, discussing the slow but steady recovery and the importance of incremental gains. Life Lessons: Reflecting on his journey, Adam draws parallels between business challenges and personal health, emphasising resilience and the power of small steps. Danny's ADHD Diagnosis Discovery and Management: Danny recounts his recent ADHD diagnosis and the profound impact it has had on his life and work. He shares practical tips on managing ADHD through micro-dosing and nootropic stacks. Embracing the Superpower: Rather than seeing ADHD as a hindrance, Danny views it as a superpower that, when leveraged correctly, can lead to hyper focus and significant productivity gains. Entrepreneurial Insights and Mental Health Mental Health in Entrepreneurship Shared Struggles: Both Danny and Adam discuss the mental health challenges common among entrepreneurs, including ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Importance of Vulnerability: They highlight the value of open conversations about mental health, reducing stigma and fostering a supportive community. Building a Mental Fortress Upcoming Workshop: Danny introduces his concept of a "Mental Fortress" workshop aimed at helping entrepreneurs build resilience and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Toolkit for Success: The workshop will cover essential topics like boundaries, emotional literacy, and attachment styles, providing attendees with practical tools to improve both their personal and professional lives. Future Plans and Projects Adam's Summer Plans Reconnecting with Roots: Adam plans to spend the summer in Canada, focusing on personal and professional catch-up while enjoying time with family and friends. Exploring Austin: He also considers moving to Austin, Texas, for the winter to explore new opportunities and experiences. Danny's Upcoming Ventures Tech Development: Danny hints at exciting new

    • 1 hr 51 min

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