1h 2 min

Luis Hernandez Between Amigos

    • Diarios personales

Luis Hernandez joined us for our fourth episode where he shared how at age 15 he started DJing, which is how he and Sergio reconnected at a party after years of not seeing each other. He also shared how he attributes the love for his job and giving 100% always put him in situations that led him to advancement. Those advancements have placed him in his current position as a Plant Operator for a prestigious Hospital in Orange County. We also talked about his 7 day cruise experience down the Mexican Riviera and other life experiences.

Tune in for another great Episode!


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/between2amigos/support

Luis Hernandez joined us for our fourth episode where he shared how at age 15 he started DJing, which is how he and Sergio reconnected at a party after years of not seeing each other. He also shared how he attributes the love for his job and giving 100% always put him in situations that led him to advancement. Those advancements have placed him in his current position as a Plant Operator for a prestigious Hospital in Orange County. We also talked about his 7 day cruise experience down the Mexican Riviera and other life experiences.

Tune in for another great Episode!


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/between2amigos/support

1h 2 min