1 Std. 6 Min.

#13 THE FUTURE OF NATURE - How to build a New Earth with your ideas // feat. Ibuku founder Elory Hardy Rewild Yourself - Der Empowerment-Podcast für eine neue Erde!

    • Selbstverwirklichung

„What if we would design a building to be joyful?  Shouldn‘t be schools like that?“ Welcome to a new podcast episode with one of the most inspiring humans I connected with last year!

What happend:

I saw Elora Hardy in a Apple Documentary „HOME“ and her Ted Talk talking about the „mushroom house“ and her story of creating „magical houses of bambo, and in minute one I knew: This is a story I wanna share on my Podcast, because it deeply deeply empoers to build a New Earth with your own ideas, no matter how magical, wild and innovative they are.

Elora is founder and creative director of IBUKU - an architecture and design studio - and revolutes the way of designing houses, working with sustainable material and leading change in the world threw her work with bamboo in native Bali.

I hope, this REWILD YOURSELF Podcast Episode will inspire you to dream even wilder after listening to it. And give your ideas a change to grow the new earth we are all here to build – now! And if yes: please share it with others and give me a like for the podcast so that we can spread the world with our wild hearts. 3



Links zur Folge:

Meine Bücher, Nature Wisdom und Geschichten für eine neue Erde: www.annazemann.com

Join the new earth tribe, wenn du keine Pocast-Folge mehr verpassen willst: https://annazemann.com/new-earth-tribe/

Elora Hardy’s story and work:


Elora Hardy in der Apple Doku „Home“


Elora Hardy’s Ted Talk:


„What if we would design a building to be joyful?  Shouldn‘t be schools like that?“ Welcome to a new podcast episode with one of the most inspiring humans I connected with last year!

What happend:

I saw Elora Hardy in a Apple Documentary „HOME“ and her Ted Talk talking about the „mushroom house“ and her story of creating „magical houses of bambo, and in minute one I knew: This is a story I wanna share on my Podcast, because it deeply deeply empoers to build a New Earth with your own ideas, no matter how magical, wild and innovative they are.

Elora is founder and creative director of IBUKU - an architecture and design studio - and revolutes the way of designing houses, working with sustainable material and leading change in the world threw her work with bamboo in native Bali.

I hope, this REWILD YOURSELF Podcast Episode will inspire you to dream even wilder after listening to it. And give your ideas a change to grow the new earth we are all here to build – now! And if yes: please share it with others and give me a like for the podcast so that we can spread the world with our wild hearts. 3



Links zur Folge:

Meine Bücher, Nature Wisdom und Geschichten für eine neue Erde: www.annazemann.com

Join the new earth tribe, wenn du keine Pocast-Folge mehr verpassen willst: https://annazemann.com/new-earth-tribe/

Elora Hardy’s story and work:


Elora Hardy in der Apple Doku „Home“


Elora Hardy’s Ted Talk:


1 Std. 6 Min.