1 Std. 13 Min.

#6 - Responding To Suicidal Thoughts Feel No Shame

    • Mentale Gesundheit

Episode Six and did somebody say “journey”? Yes. We did. A lot. 

‘We’ being Rowan, Al and our guest, Alex, who spoke to us about responding to suicidal ideation as a professional. 

Alex was also kind enough to tell us a big part of his own story, and we applaud his candour and bravery to do so. Alex spoke to us about things which he had never really gone into with anybody else previously, and hopefully found some comfort and resolution in doing so. What stands out - and was hopefully emphasised enough - is how Alex used his Adverse Childhood Experiences not as weapons to use against himself and others, but as inspiration to benefit a whole generation of young people. 

We would like to also emphasise that we don’t want to appear critical to anybody who makes mistakes while radiating to suicidal ideation; mistakes happen because we are human and we are all flawed. 

As long as there is no malice or deliberate harm caused, we can learn to forgive those who may have reacted in an unpleasant way. Easier said than done, but possible... 

Apologies for Rowan’s dog, who may have barked her way into the limelight, but thank you to @therapoet and @zesty_jewellery for their contributions to the episode. 

The book mentioned in the outro is 'The Gift of Therapy' by Irvin Yalom, while information on the concept of a Wounded Healer can be found here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-mind-body-connection/201610/the-wounded-healer-psychotherapist 

We have two more episodes to go until we take a bit of a break - no foreign holidays, mind - but until then, stay tuned for the next one, stay safe, and Feel No Shame. 

#podcast #suicide #suicideprevention #feelnoshame #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #vodcast #respondingtosuicide #childrenandyoungpeople #youtube #applepodcasts #spotify #googlepodcasts

Episode Six and did somebody say “journey”? Yes. We did. A lot. 

‘We’ being Rowan, Al and our guest, Alex, who spoke to us about responding to suicidal ideation as a professional. 

Alex was also kind enough to tell us a big part of his own story, and we applaud his candour and bravery to do so. Alex spoke to us about things which he had never really gone into with anybody else previously, and hopefully found some comfort and resolution in doing so. What stands out - and was hopefully emphasised enough - is how Alex used his Adverse Childhood Experiences not as weapons to use against himself and others, but as inspiration to benefit a whole generation of young people. 

We would like to also emphasise that we don’t want to appear critical to anybody who makes mistakes while radiating to suicidal ideation; mistakes happen because we are human and we are all flawed. 

As long as there is no malice or deliberate harm caused, we can learn to forgive those who may have reacted in an unpleasant way. Easier said than done, but possible... 

Apologies for Rowan’s dog, who may have barked her way into the limelight, but thank you to @therapoet and @zesty_jewellery for their contributions to the episode. 

The book mentioned in the outro is 'The Gift of Therapy' by Irvin Yalom, while information on the concept of a Wounded Healer can be found here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-mind-body-connection/201610/the-wounded-healer-psychotherapist 

We have two more episodes to go until we take a bit of a break - no foreign holidays, mind - but until then, stay tuned for the next one, stay safe, and Feel No Shame. 

#podcast #suicide #suicideprevention #feelnoshame #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #vodcast #respondingtosuicide #childrenandyoungpeople #youtube #applepodcasts #spotify #googlepodcasts

1 Std. 13 Min.