10 Min.

Education system :- space for shift Unscripted

    • Philosophie

Our Indian education system is no exception when it comes to loopholes but that doesn’t mean it holds no space for amends . Archaic ways have to be spaced out and new modes need to be brought to actually impart holistic and meaningful education in learners . Our talk is little of on what i feel is the possible outturn solution we can opt or at least put under consideration when developing education policies, after all it is for the future who will run the world , they have to be aware of their potential and curate the best possible outcomes for themselves and the society they live in .... That’s all , rest listen and stay connected, pls leave your comments:):). Lastly, stay healthy stay strong; i am always rooting for u all ... bye #peace

Our Indian education system is no exception when it comes to loopholes but that doesn’t mean it holds no space for amends . Archaic ways have to be spaced out and new modes need to be brought to actually impart holistic and meaningful education in learners . Our talk is little of on what i feel is the possible outturn solution we can opt or at least put under consideration when developing education policies, after all it is for the future who will run the world , they have to be aware of their potential and curate the best possible outcomes for themselves and the society they live in .... That’s all , rest listen and stay connected, pls leave your comments:):). Lastly, stay healthy stay strong; i am always rooting for u all ... bye #peace

10 Min.