1 Std. 24 Min.

Episode 10: Tinder and Hookup Culture, Updates with SK, Stigmas around Weed, and Advancement and Future of Technology Ziggy 303

    • Hobbys

In the 10th episode of Ziggy 303 and to cap off 2022, my guests Roman and Nana and a special cameo by Joe, discuss tinder and hookup culture and why our generation has trended towards hookup culture and the consequences of this. We look into the uses of tinder and any consequences of dating apps. Then, we move into updates of SK. We explain what SK is to listeners who are not aware of what the group is. We talk about what SK represents and the current and future direction of the group. Also, we dive into the stigmas around weed and the pros and cons behind it. We discuss if weed should be legal everywhere and if you can be addicted to it. Then, we talk about some stories behind our first time doing it and the first time we ever greened out. Lastly, we look into the fast advancement and future of technology. Specifically, we look if AI will ever replace humans and what do we think technology will look like in the next 50 years. We compare this to what people in the past thought technology would look like in the year 2000. Also, we discuss if AI would help humans or be evil and if we would ever have a clone. 

In the 10th episode of Ziggy 303 and to cap off 2022, my guests Roman and Nana and a special cameo by Joe, discuss tinder and hookup culture and why our generation has trended towards hookup culture and the consequences of this. We look into the uses of tinder and any consequences of dating apps. Then, we move into updates of SK. We explain what SK is to listeners who are not aware of what the group is. We talk about what SK represents and the current and future direction of the group. Also, we dive into the stigmas around weed and the pros and cons behind it. We discuss if weed should be legal everywhere and if you can be addicted to it. Then, we talk about some stories behind our first time doing it and the first time we ever greened out. Lastly, we look into the fast advancement and future of technology. Specifically, we look if AI will ever replace humans and what do we think technology will look like in the next 50 years. We compare this to what people in the past thought technology would look like in the year 2000. Also, we discuss if AI would help humans or be evil and if we would ever have a clone. 

1 Std. 24 Min.