28 Min.

Episode 5: Scraping Ice Off My Car Is Just Easier On Victory Monday Stupid Spoiled Patriots Fan Podcast

    • American Football

This episode I discuss the Patriots 24-6 win over the Panthers! I also discuss how weird this week has been around the NFL. Strange upsets and teams winning that had NO business doing so. Please make sure to share the show with some friends and rate/review as it super helps me out! Next game up is Browns. I'm not longer afraid of anyone. And if what I've seen out of Buffalo the past 2 weeks theres no reason we don't lock up this division.

This episode I discuss the Patriots 24-6 win over the Panthers! I also discuss how weird this week has been around the NFL. Strange upsets and teams winning that had NO business doing so. Please make sure to share the show with some friends and rate/review as it super helps me out! Next game up is Browns. I'm not longer afraid of anyone. And if what I've seen out of Buffalo the past 2 weeks theres no reason we don't lock up this division.

28 Min.