14 Min.

In Other News For January 5, 2023 JonBownePolitix

    • Philosophie

Welcome to the In Other News podcast at dailynewscollective.com. The poor man’s Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn’t want the average citizen to devour.

Have you noticed how stacked up the house of cards is? Even the FOX News self proclaimed patriots can’t see the forest from the trees in what is now McCarthy’s 11th failed attempt at becoming speaker.

Aside from Tucker Carlson, these people rail on day in day out about the corruption and death of our founding principals. But when it comes time to literally clean house. They all fall on the side of the lobbyist industrial complex that serves the corporations.

FOX News also appears to be controlled by their attorneys. They said absolutely nothing after Alex Jones was sued for what became north of a nearly 2 billion dollar judgement. A case that made a complete joke out of the justice system and setup FOX itself as the next network to be targeted and dismantled.

It’s not a small thing.


The American people have been left out on the porch in the cold. While the parasites enjoy their table piled up with steaming meats. Dining on the juicy expectations of an American public that has no other recourse other than to keep quoting the Declaration of Independence.

Preparing for that heralded day when we inevitably wage a desperate war for our “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, “


It’s not hard. It isn’t complicated. The corruption has pushed Old Glory over the breaking point. Uncle Sam is tied up in a dark cell under the Capitol for demanding a recount. The hero’s of Iwo Jima and Midway fought for Kevin Mcarthy and all of his buddies lining their pockets?









Welcome to the In Other News podcast at dailynewscollective.com. The poor man’s Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn’t want the average citizen to devour.

Have you noticed how stacked up the house of cards is? Even the FOX News self proclaimed patriots can’t see the forest from the trees in what is now McCarthy’s 11th failed attempt at becoming speaker.

Aside from Tucker Carlson, these people rail on day in day out about the corruption and death of our founding principals. But when it comes time to literally clean house. They all fall on the side of the lobbyist industrial complex that serves the corporations.

FOX News also appears to be controlled by their attorneys. They said absolutely nothing after Alex Jones was sued for what became north of a nearly 2 billion dollar judgement. A case that made a complete joke out of the justice system and setup FOX itself as the next network to be targeted and dismantled.

It’s not a small thing.


The American people have been left out on the porch in the cold. While the parasites enjoy their table piled up with steaming meats. Dining on the juicy expectations of an American public that has no other recourse other than to keep quoting the Declaration of Independence.

Preparing for that heralded day when we inevitably wage a desperate war for our “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, “


It’s not hard. It isn’t complicated. The corruption has pushed Old Glory over the breaking point. Uncle Sam is tied up in a dark cell under the Capitol for demanding a recount. The hero’s of Iwo Jima and Midway fought for Kevin Mcarthy and all of his buddies lining their pockets?









14 Min.