41 Min.

Corporate Code (w/ Martin Dunkl‪)‬ Yellow of the Egg

    • Sprachen lernen

How can corporate language contribute to a company’s brand? Why do companies often have at least two different voices that they use to speak to the same customers? And how can organisations deal with the issue of gender-sensitive writing in German, maintaining the balance between inclusion, readability and aesthetics?
In this episode I talk to Martin Dunkl, a public relations consultant who specialises in corporate identity. We talk about ways a company’s language can be used to build its brand and identity, including how a text can be made more understandable to readers, the effect of using dialect in corporate language, and how the use of “du” or “Sie” can help to establish a brand.

Episode transcript: https://yellowoftheegg.com/transcripts/s2e9-corporate code-transcript/

Guest: Martin Dunkl
- Website: https://dunkl.com/
- Read more about Corporate Code (including the list of the Corporate Code markers): http://www.dunkl.com/corporate-language.htm
- Book: "Corporate Code - Wege zu einer klaren und unverwechselbaren Unternehmenssprache" - available at:
- Book: "Recht verständlich formuliert: Klartext statt Amtsdeutsch - Rechtstexte zielgruppengerecht schreiben für Mitarbeiter, Kunden, Bürger" - available at:

Hohenheimer Verständlichkeitsindex: https://klartext.uni-hohenheim.de/hix

Hamburger Verständlichkeitsmodell: https://wortliga.de/glossar/hamburger-verstaendlichkeitsmodell/

Outro music by Euphoniques. This episode the song is "Cool Down".
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/49SIev6nu4QrTgAHk1rBgA?si=60d514f1c94445c0

Yellow of the Egg is hosted and produced by Luke Green.

Links and socials:
- Web: yellowoftheegg.com 
- Instagram: @yotepodcast (https://www.instagram.com/yotepodcast) 
- Facebook: @yellowoftheegg (https://www.facebook.com/yellowoftheegg) 
- Email: yellowoftheegg.podcast@gmail.com 

- YOTE theme music by Vincent Tone (PremiumBeat.com)

How can corporate language contribute to a company’s brand? Why do companies often have at least two different voices that they use to speak to the same customers? And how can organisations deal with the issue of gender-sensitive writing in German, maintaining the balance between inclusion, readability and aesthetics?
In this episode I talk to Martin Dunkl, a public relations consultant who specialises in corporate identity. We talk about ways a company’s language can be used to build its brand and identity, including how a text can be made more understandable to readers, the effect of using dialect in corporate language, and how the use of “du” or “Sie” can help to establish a brand.

Episode transcript: https://yellowoftheegg.com/transcripts/s2e9-corporate code-transcript/

Guest: Martin Dunkl
- Website: https://dunkl.com/
- Read more about Corporate Code (including the list of the Corporate Code markers): http://www.dunkl.com/corporate-language.htm
- Book: "Corporate Code - Wege zu einer klaren und unverwechselbaren Unternehmenssprache" - available at:
- Book: "Recht verständlich formuliert: Klartext statt Amtsdeutsch - Rechtstexte zielgruppengerecht schreiben für Mitarbeiter, Kunden, Bürger" - available at:

Hohenheimer Verständlichkeitsindex: https://klartext.uni-hohenheim.de/hix

Hamburger Verständlichkeitsmodell: https://wortliga.de/glossar/hamburger-verstaendlichkeitsmodell/

Outro music by Euphoniques. This episode the song is "Cool Down".
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/49SIev6nu4QrTgAHk1rBgA?si=60d514f1c94445c0

Yellow of the Egg is hosted and produced by Luke Green.

Links and socials:
- Web: yellowoftheegg.com 
- Instagram: @yotepodcast (https://www.instagram.com/yotepodcast) 
- Facebook: @yellowoftheegg (https://www.facebook.com/yellowoftheegg) 
- Email: yellowoftheegg.podcast@gmail.com 

- YOTE theme music by Vincent Tone (PremiumBeat.com)

41 Min.