18 Min.

Social Media Update & RESPECT Parents Initiative

    • Kindererziehung

In this episode we give an update on a recent app that we have utilized to monitor our son's cell phone and talk about the importance of properly giving RESPECT so that you will get it in return.

BARK PHONE APP: https://www.bark.us/how/?s=aw_Search-Branded_BarkApp-BMM_%2Bbark%20%2Bapp&gclid=CjwKCAiA3uDwBRBFEiwA1VsajCbihwMg-ar3C9_GFUSOqDrDZyC2b07a0HUMOG4DByePvt_D_guGUhoCGLEQAvD_BwE

Website: www.parentsinit.com

Search "Parents Initiative" to follow our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

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In this episode we give an update on a recent app that we have utilized to monitor our son's cell phone and talk about the importance of properly giving RESPECT so that you will get it in return.

BARK PHONE APP: https://www.bark.us/how/?s=aw_Search-Branded_BarkApp-BMM_%2Bbark%20%2Bapp&gclid=CjwKCAiA3uDwBRBFEiwA1VsajCbihwMg-ar3C9_GFUSOqDrDZyC2b07a0HUMOG4DByePvt_D_guGUhoCGLEQAvD_BwE

Website: www.parentsinit.com

Search "Parents Initiative" to follow our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

Like what you hear? Know of someone that could benefit from it? Do us a huge favor and share this podcast with others. Give it a review. Hit the subscribe button.

Would like to have us present Parents Initiative at a local event? Contact us through our website.

If you would like to support this ministry, you can click on the link provided: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=jhjIpHjxc1lZjktkUK_qtjhlgqbG289D0sCCNHZv-xSCkmkVEQkcpuXy5yAAR0D0GR1Y1W&country.x=US&locale.x=US

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18 Min.