1 hr 13 min

051 - real sex education for men with Alex White Everyday Legends

    • Self-Improvement

There’s something about nature that always brings me back to being centred - to feeling peaceful, or at the very least, brings me back into a clearer conversation with myself.
It’s as if it’s a reminder of our very humanness - being in the arena we lived in and evolved via for millennia.
While talking about ‘nature’ can conjure up hugging trees, it can be a very simple, actionable and tangible way to improve one’s life.
That’s what I found with this week’s guest - Alex White.
Alex is someone I’ve known for a few years through a different lens - that of a sex and intimacy coach for men, but with a shift in his work and geography to retreat space owner and nature-based guide, this conversation covered a few enlightening topics and down to basics strategies for slowing down and getting grounded in one's self.
In this episode: We explore some of the work that Alex is doing and facilitating in his nature retreat, including some of the simple things we men can do now to support our nervous system and create a calmer and better relationship with ourselves and those we relate to. 
We also take the tangent into sex and go exploring one of the topics I think most of us have varied but generally speaking poor experiences with; sex education.
Alex takes on a journey of essentially what wasn’t so great that we learnt, where that has taken us as men and individuals and what could be a more effective way of being educated in sex.
I trust you'll find something to learn and help shift some awareness in you, as well as some things to go and action in this episode.
As always, please share this with those men you think could benefit from it, and do me a solid by adding a review of iTunes - this is a hugely powerful way of getting this in the eyes and ears of more men who need to dig into, get past and take ownership of their shit.
Alex’s Bio: Nature-Based Guide and Retreat Manager
“I am driven to create spaces of love, love of nature, each other and one’s self.
My life is directed towards being a nature guide, super dad and creative adventurer. A former digital strategist and art teacher, I hold a variety of skills that combine to offer uniquely intimate experiences. With training in movement, meditation, massage and coaching I enjoy 1:1 and group facilitation focused on somatic awareness and play. My being and the land I care for are cultivated to guide people towards deeper relationships with their own body and its natural state of expansion and creative expression, all with the support of and connection to our natural world.”
Find Alex: www.alexwhite.com.au https://www.instagram.com/alexwhite.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/AlexWhiteOpen  
Other Ways To Consume this podcast: iTunes Spotify YouTube  
Get Involved: Subscribe to podcast on Apple Follow on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your pocket Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Book a call here with Mike to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you.

There’s something about nature that always brings me back to being centred - to feeling peaceful, or at the very least, brings me back into a clearer conversation with myself.
It’s as if it’s a reminder of our very humanness - being in the arena we lived in and evolved via for millennia.
While talking about ‘nature’ can conjure up hugging trees, it can be a very simple, actionable and tangible way to improve one’s life.
That’s what I found with this week’s guest - Alex White.
Alex is someone I’ve known for a few years through a different lens - that of a sex and intimacy coach for men, but with a shift in his work and geography to retreat space owner and nature-based guide, this conversation covered a few enlightening topics and down to basics strategies for slowing down and getting grounded in one's self.
In this episode: We explore some of the work that Alex is doing and facilitating in his nature retreat, including some of the simple things we men can do now to support our nervous system and create a calmer and better relationship with ourselves and those we relate to. 
We also take the tangent into sex and go exploring one of the topics I think most of us have varied but generally speaking poor experiences with; sex education.
Alex takes on a journey of essentially what wasn’t so great that we learnt, where that has taken us as men and individuals and what could be a more effective way of being educated in sex.
I trust you'll find something to learn and help shift some awareness in you, as well as some things to go and action in this episode.
As always, please share this with those men you think could benefit from it, and do me a solid by adding a review of iTunes - this is a hugely powerful way of getting this in the eyes and ears of more men who need to dig into, get past and take ownership of their shit.
Alex’s Bio: Nature-Based Guide and Retreat Manager
“I am driven to create spaces of love, love of nature, each other and one’s self.
My life is directed towards being a nature guide, super dad and creative adventurer. A former digital strategist and art teacher, I hold a variety of skills that combine to offer uniquely intimate experiences. With training in movement, meditation, massage and coaching I enjoy 1:1 and group facilitation focused on somatic awareness and play. My being and the land I care for are cultivated to guide people towards deeper relationships with their own body and its natural state of expansion and creative expression, all with the support of and connection to our natural world.”
Find Alex: www.alexwhite.com.au https://www.instagram.com/alexwhite.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/AlexWhiteOpen  
Other Ways To Consume this podcast: iTunes Spotify YouTube  
Get Involved: Subscribe to podcast on Apple Follow on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your pocket Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Book a call here with Mike to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you.

1 hr 13 min