49 min

#15 Prostate Cancer with Dr Tony Gianduzzo Urologist The GP Show

    • Medicine

After making a fool of myself in the first 30 seconds, Dr Tony and I have a good yarn about prostate cancer history, examination, investigations and treatments with the last 10 minutes covering the evidence for PSA testing for screening. 
For more on PSA screening guidelines and types of PSA testing, DRE in screening and lifestyle medicine interventions in early prostate cancer - check out my earlier podcast on this topic.
NB For DRE in this talk the take home point is - not necessarily for screening, but if the PSA is elevated then DRE is a part of your work up and helpful before referring.  
Enjoy all

After making a fool of myself in the first 30 seconds, Dr Tony and I have a good yarn about prostate cancer history, examination, investigations and treatments with the last 10 minutes covering the evidence for PSA testing for screening. 
For more on PSA screening guidelines and types of PSA testing, DRE in screening and lifestyle medicine interventions in early prostate cancer - check out my earlier podcast on this topic.
NB For DRE in this talk the take home point is - not necessarily for screening, but if the PSA is elevated then DRE is a part of your work up and helpful before referring.  
Enjoy all

49 min