9 min

22. Isn't the Bible full of errors and contradictions‪?‬ The Confident Faith Podcast

    • Christianity

In this episode of the Confident Faith Podcast we're looking at the question 'Isn't the Bible full of errors and contradictions?' Many skeptics of Christianity allege that there are thousands of errors and contradictions in the Bible. Critics point to these supposed mistakes as proof that the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God and that Christianity is demonstrably false. This assumption that the Bible disagrees with itself in many ways and places has become extremely popular across our society today. But is it true?

In this episode of the Confident Faith Podcast we're looking at the question 'Isn't the Bible full of errors and contradictions?' Many skeptics of Christianity allege that there are thousands of errors and contradictions in the Bible. Critics point to these supposed mistakes as proof that the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God and that Christianity is demonstrably false. This assumption that the Bible disagrees with itself in many ways and places has become extremely popular across our society today. But is it true?

9 min