8 min

3 Mistakes that you should STOP doing‪.‬ Nagendra Saraf

    • Stories for Kids

#AMA #Podcast #Mentoring #AskMeAnything #TeamGoals #HighPerformaingTeams #Interdepedency #Tasks #SubTasks #EILeardership #3Mistakes

3 Mistakes that you should STOP doing! As Leaders, CEOs, and Managers you want get the best from your teams. But you get caught in the first two mistakes which we so often do, very casually, without realizing. The effect of the first Two Mistakes leads to the Third Mistake quite often.

To know how to STOP doing these mistakes, listen to this podcast.

#AMA #Podcast #Mentoring #AskMeAnything #TeamGoals #HighPerformaingTeams #Interdepedency #Tasks #SubTasks #EILeardership #3Mistakes

3 Mistakes that you should STOP doing! As Leaders, CEOs, and Managers you want get the best from your teams. But you get caught in the first two mistakes which we so often do, very casually, without realizing. The effect of the first Two Mistakes leads to the Third Mistake quite often.

To know how to STOP doing these mistakes, listen to this podcast.

8 min