21 min

S02E02: DIY Loudspeakers 3 Sad Bastards

    • Hobbies

One of the 3 Sad Bastards has started a project to build to build a pair of loudspeakers. How hard could it be, right? Listen to the other Sad Bastards rip into SB1's naiveté, rose-coloured, wishful thinking belief that making your own loudspeakers could rival commercial quality. In Part 1, we consider  the design process, from drivers, cabinets, cross-overs (active vs. passive) and wife-acceptance-factor considerations.

In a forthcoming Part 2, SB1 will reveal his new creation, and suck it up when the other Sad Bastards finally realise that SB1 was right all along.

If you've ever considered making your own speakers, join us to see how we tackle the problem in our unique style of ignorance and discovery, laughing all the way...  

One of the 3 Sad Bastards has started a project to build to build a pair of loudspeakers. How hard could it be, right? Listen to the other Sad Bastards rip into SB1's naiveté, rose-coloured, wishful thinking belief that making your own loudspeakers could rival commercial quality. In Part 1, we consider  the design process, from drivers, cabinets, cross-overs (active vs. passive) and wife-acceptance-factor considerations.

In a forthcoming Part 2, SB1 will reveal his new creation, and suck it up when the other Sad Bastards finally realise that SB1 was right all along.

If you've ever considered making your own speakers, join us to see how we tackle the problem in our unique style of ignorance and discovery, laughing all the way...  

21 min