50 min

#34 How to Build a Business From Client Referrals with Brian Kennaugh Ensombl Advice Australia

    • Business News

Interviews by Ben Nash and Ray Jaramis
Brian Kennaugh has been involved in Financial Services for over 30 years and credits much of the growth of his business to client referrals. In this session we're going to dive deep into the process of how Brian has been able to get over 78% of his clients to refer others to Brian's advice practice and what you need to know to implement a referral framework in your business.

Interviews by Ben Nash and Ray Jaramis
Brian Kennaugh has been involved in Financial Services for over 30 years and credits much of the growth of his business to client referrals. In this session we're going to dive deep into the process of how Brian has been able to get over 78% of his clients to refer others to Brian's advice practice and what you need to know to implement a referral framework in your business.

50 min