39 min

67: Take ownership of your personal brand, career & awesomeness - with Suz Chadwick Go To Grow - with Melissa MacGowan

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode we talk personal branding. Branding is owning, communicating and showcasing your unique proposition and reputation to advance your career,  business and life.  Simple and complex! Luckily I am joined by branding expert Suz Chadwick. She has many superpowers, is a and wearer of amazing colorful outfits and is most certainly more Gorman and less Kmart (you will need to listen to get in on that one). Grab your notebook and enjoy refreshing you.  You will learn about: Your brand =  your reputation You need advocates (especially 'out of the room') Investing build aligned relationships pays off Asking for what you want is simple, powerful & effective Ask yourself “What does great look like?” Exercises to help you get clear on what is unique about you and how to communicate it 


Suz Chadwick  Website: www.suzchadwick.com

Simon Sinek: A QUICK Way to Find Your WHY video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1iQjFMiLuE

Adam Grant: How you can find meaning in your work life: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/02/wharton-professor-adam-grant-how-to-find-purpose-at-work.html

Click here to understand how to become YOUR Chief Energy Officer with this free assessment and resources www.chiefenergyofficer.scoreapp.com

We hope you enjoyed the episode

Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au 

Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au

Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week.

Cheers, Melissa

In this episode we talk personal branding. Branding is owning, communicating and showcasing your unique proposition and reputation to advance your career,  business and life.  Simple and complex! Luckily I am joined by branding expert Suz Chadwick. She has many superpowers, is a and wearer of amazing colorful outfits and is most certainly more Gorman and less Kmart (you will need to listen to get in on that one). Grab your notebook and enjoy refreshing you.  You will learn about: Your brand =  your reputation You need advocates (especially 'out of the room') Investing build aligned relationships pays off Asking for what you want is simple, powerful & effective Ask yourself “What does great look like?” Exercises to help you get clear on what is unique about you and how to communicate it 


Suz Chadwick  Website: www.suzchadwick.com

Simon Sinek: A QUICK Way to Find Your WHY video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1iQjFMiLuE

Adam Grant: How you can find meaning in your work life: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/02/wharton-professor-adam-grant-how-to-find-purpose-at-work.html

Click here to understand how to become YOUR Chief Energy Officer with this free assessment and resources www.chiefenergyofficer.scoreapp.com

We hope you enjoyed the episode

Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au 

Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au

Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week.

Cheers, Melissa

39 min