55 min

#67 What are you DOING to improve your mental fitness‪?‬ Wellthy Living conversations

    • Social Sciences

Welcome to Wellthy Living Conversations episode 67 with guest Jimi Hunt.

(N.B - we experienced a couple of connection issues that affected the sound quality in parts but it's mostly fine)

Talking about Mental health and mental illness is commonplace these days. They are on the agenda in schools, workplaces, government organisations, community groups, media, and across all social media networks. This is a great step forward in mental health awareness and de-stigmatising mental illness but I wonder how much real-life courageous action people are taking to live a happier, more meaningful, and connected life.

My guest today - Jimi Hunt is someone who takes courageous and some may even say outrageous action to live his best life and in turn has made it his mission to help people be happier and healthier, by making himself happier and healthier, he refers to it as Moving people up the Mental fitness continuum to become mentally fitter.

Jimi is known for his Guinness World Record for building the world's longest waterslide and for flowing down the longest river in New Zealand on a lilo.

In the episode we discussed:

-The difference between mental health and mental fitness

-Why the mental health stats are as they are

-The role society plays in our mental health and the mental illness epidemic

-Where the focus needs to be to change the stats

-The mental fitness continuum and some simple daily steps to move up it

-The importance of radical ownership and personal responsibility

-The role connection plays in mental health and mental fitness

-The importance of groups or accountability partners in order to improve mental wellbeing

-How do we get and stay motivated?

-The importance of role modeling as a way to teach

-The effectiveness of a peer-to-peer model in creating a ripple effect

There were so many great takeaways from this episode. Here are five:

1. There's no point in collecting a bunch of great information if we don't do anything with it
2. Consistency is key - take small steps each day
3. The greater the inequity in society the higher the rate of mental illness
4. Content and hang out with people who have done the thing you want to do
5. The greatest motivator is progress

If you are keen to start improving your mental fitness sign up to Jimi's FREE 'Basic Reset Program' which you can join through his website https://www.jimihunt.com/

If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a comment, or a review, share it with your friends and subscribe to the Wellthy Living conversations podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and the Wellthy Living youtube channel, so you can listen to more conversations with wonderful humans whose stories, knowledge, actionable ideas, and wisdom can help you to live a meaningful, connected and well life, both personally and professionally.

If you are keen to improve your mental health and fitness you might also benefit from epsiodes:

#57 There's a science to laughter - no joke!
#50 Addressing our needs
#49 The magical power of persistence
#26 Strike up a Chat

I’m Lisa, I’m an integrated life, clarity, leadership, and wellbeing coach, a workplace wellbeing consultant, and a professional conversation facilitator.

To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.


Welcome to Wellthy Living Conversations episode 67 with guest Jimi Hunt.

(N.B - we experienced a couple of connection issues that affected the sound quality in parts but it's mostly fine)

Talking about Mental health and mental illness is commonplace these days. They are on the agenda in schools, workplaces, government organisations, community groups, media, and across all social media networks. This is a great step forward in mental health awareness and de-stigmatising mental illness but I wonder how much real-life courageous action people are taking to live a happier, more meaningful, and connected life.

My guest today - Jimi Hunt is someone who takes courageous and some may even say outrageous action to live his best life and in turn has made it his mission to help people be happier and healthier, by making himself happier and healthier, he refers to it as Moving people up the Mental fitness continuum to become mentally fitter.

Jimi is known for his Guinness World Record for building the world's longest waterslide and for flowing down the longest river in New Zealand on a lilo.

In the episode we discussed:

-The difference between mental health and mental fitness

-Why the mental health stats are as they are

-The role society plays in our mental health and the mental illness epidemic

-Where the focus needs to be to change the stats

-The mental fitness continuum and some simple daily steps to move up it

-The importance of radical ownership and personal responsibility

-The role connection plays in mental health and mental fitness

-The importance of groups or accountability partners in order to improve mental wellbeing

-How do we get and stay motivated?

-The importance of role modeling as a way to teach

-The effectiveness of a peer-to-peer model in creating a ripple effect

There were so many great takeaways from this episode. Here are five:

1. There's no point in collecting a bunch of great information if we don't do anything with it
2. Consistency is key - take small steps each day
3. The greater the inequity in society the higher the rate of mental illness
4. Content and hang out with people who have done the thing you want to do
5. The greatest motivator is progress

If you are keen to start improving your mental fitness sign up to Jimi's FREE 'Basic Reset Program' which you can join through his website https://www.jimihunt.com/

If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a comment, or a review, share it with your friends and subscribe to the Wellthy Living conversations podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and the Wellthy Living youtube channel, so you can listen to more conversations with wonderful humans whose stories, knowledge, actionable ideas, and wisdom can help you to live a meaningful, connected and well life, both personally and professionally.

If you are keen to improve your mental health and fitness you might also benefit from epsiodes:

#57 There's a science to laughter - no joke!
#50 Addressing our needs
#49 The magical power of persistence
#26 Strike up a Chat

I’m Lisa, I’m an integrated life, clarity, leadership, and wellbeing coach, a workplace wellbeing consultant, and a professional conversation facilitator.

To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.


55 min