9 min

93. How to reset when you're feeling upset Relaunch My Life Radio by Juliet Lever

    • Self-Improvement

In this week's episode Juliet shares a simple process to help you unpack your emotions when you feel upset. 
Visit www.relaunchmylife.com.au/makeyourlifearetreat for more on the 5 week journey starting 16 September.
Please note: This Podcast does not offer tailored therapy and we highly recommend seeking the services of a trained professional to help with any severe mental or emotional issues. 

In this week's episode Juliet shares a simple process to help you unpack your emotions when you feel upset. 
Visit www.relaunchmylife.com.au/makeyourlifearetreat for more on the 5 week journey starting 16 September.
Please note: This Podcast does not offer tailored therapy and we highly recommend seeking the services of a trained professional to help with any severe mental or emotional issues. 

9 min