83 episodes

No-nonsense, practical tools to help you show up confidently as an exceptional leader. Overcome self-doubt and overwhelm to gain clarity and a clear plan so you can unapologetically create an impactful career, a thriving, diverse and equitable team and sustainable results.

Building Up Women In Property Rebecca Bangura

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 19 Ratings

No-nonsense, practical tools to help you show up confidently as an exceptional leader. Overcome self-doubt and overwhelm to gain clarity and a clear plan so you can unapologetically create an impactful career, a thriving, diverse and equitable team and sustainable results.

    Understanding the Gender Pay Gap

    Understanding the Gender Pay Gap

    Picture this: for every dollar a man pockets in Australia, a woman is left with just 78 cents in her purse. 

    It’s an unfortunate reality according to recent reports that highlight a gender pay gap of 21.7% across the nation. These figures serve as a stark reminder of the amount of work we still need to do to achieve pay equity in the workplace. 
    Open conversations are incredibly powerful tools for change, so I want to talk about the gender pay gap with you. I know there’s a lot of data on this subject and that it can be overwhelming so this episode will give you an overview. By the end, you will be better equipped for future episodes on this topic and hopefully ready to have meaningful conversations about the gender pay gap in your own life. 

    So, what is the Gender Pay Gap?
    There are a lot of different ways to measure this, but my source is the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). According to them, the gender pay gap is “a measure of how we value the contribution of men and women in the workforce.” This can be communicated as a dollar amount (78 cents on the dollar) or a percentage (21.7%), but whichever way it’s a representation of the difference in earnings. 
    I like WGEA’s assessment of the gender pay gap because I believe it gives a more comprehensive overview than other sources like the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Some of the biggest differences are: 
    The WGEA looks at all organisations with more than 100 employees, where the ABS gets its data from a sample. The ABS solely looks at base pay, but the WGEA considers other forms of remuneration like bonuses, benefits, and overtime. The ABS excludes data from part-time or casual workers, whereas the WGEA them in. This is especially important when you consider we have more women in these roles. Benefits of Addressing the Gender Pay Gap:
    First and foremost, if we had pay equity it would be incredibly beneficial for all women. It might be hard to visualise when we’re talking small numbers like 78 cents, but when you take that across our weekly pay, our annual income, or our lifetime earnings - it’s much easier to see women are losing out on huge amounts of money.  It’s money that could be used to help women escape situations like homelessness or domestic violence. The benefits go beyond women though. The gender pay gap is estimated to cost the Australian economy 52 billion dollars. Imagine what could change if that wasn’t the case! There are countless more reasons why we need to address this issue and I’ll touch on more of them in future episodes. 

    Connect With Me:
    Exceptional Leadership Framework: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/5-step-framework-to-exceptional-leadership
    Book your strategy call: https://calendly.com/rebeccabangura/get_in_touch
    Website: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccabangura/ 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrebeccabangura/ 

    • 13 min
    Ambition is not a dirty word

    Ambition is not a dirty word

    Ambition is not a dirty word.
    As leaders and as women in a male-dominated space, we often struggle to articulate what it is we are working towards, or we have disempowering beliefs about what is possible for ourselves. We allow ourselves to be held back because we don’t want to be seen as ambitious and the negative conceptions that come with that.
    But there’s only one way to get past this. We need more ambitious women to step up as leaders and break through the stigma to pave the way for more women to follow, and that’s what we’re talking about in today’s episode.  
    The Stigma of Ambitious Women
     So why is ambition in women often perceived so negatively? Well, a huge culprit here is traditional gender roles where women are meant to be nurturing and supportive. These gender roles, which are still entrenched in society, expect women to prioritise other people, especially their families.
    If a woman is ambitious and doesn’t have a family she can be labelled unfeminine. If a woman is ambitious and does have a family, she will be labeled selfish or neglectful.
     None of that is true though. We all have the right to live our lives in the way we want and we shouldn’t need to justify our ambition or our choice to start a family or not.
    Challenging Perceptions and Redefining Success
     So it’s clear women are facing unique challenges when expressing ambition, but what can we do about it? I believe it’s crucial that we start having conversations about our ambitions,  our career advancement, and the impact we are having in our industry. That authenticity can inspire others to take steps toward their goals. It shows what is possible and helps redefine what it means to be an ambitious, focused, successful woman.
    We only have so much time on this earth, we can’t afford to let other people shape our paths or hold us back. If we do, we’re letting down the people we could be helping and ourselves. So, I hope this episode gives you the confidence to embrace your ambitions, to share them with others, and to pursue them fearlessly.

    Connect With Me:
    Exceptional Leadership Framework: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/5-step-framework-to-exceptional-leadership

    Book your strategy call: https://calendly.com/rebeccabangura/get_in_touch

    Website: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccabangura/ 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrebeccabangura/ 

    • 11 min
    It Felt Like a Kick in the Guts: Navigating Courage in Decision-Making

    It Felt Like a Kick in the Guts: Navigating Courage in Decision-Making

    Is the situation actually complicated or is it really quite straightforward, but you're making it complicated because it requires a lot of courage to make the straightforward decision? 
    I read this question in an email from James Clear author of "Atomic Habits", and it struck a chord with me. So much so that I pushed back my original plans for this episode so I could discuss it with you today.

    Straightforward vs Complex Decisions:
    I think the best place to start is understanding the difference between complex and straightforward decisions. Straightforward decisions typically have a clear goal, the outcomes are well-defined, there are only a few factors to consider and there isn’t a lot of risk if things go wrong. Complex decisions have more ambiguous objectives, the goals can be conflicting, and you are faced with multiple unpredictable variables. Most of all the stakes are high.

    What’s holding us back:
    You also need to consider factors that might be affecting your perception of complexity. Having experience or knowledge around a decision can make it seem a lot simpler, whereas negative emotional states or external pressures may make it seem a lot more complex. We can also have biases in our minds that hold us back from effectively making decisions. Some of the most common ones I see affecting people are:
    - Overthinking: Creating problems where none exist.
    - Fear of making the wrong choice: Catastrophising unlikely outcomes.
    - Analysis paralysis: Getting stuck in endless evaluation without action.
    - Environmental and cultural influences: Workplace pressure and social norms.
    - Cognitive load: Too many things going on in life can leave us without enough cognitive resources to make a decision.

    Embracing Courage and Self-Assurance:
     It is so important that we accept imperfect decisions. It’s impossible to always make the best choice in life, all we can do is move forward based on what we know. It is scary but if we focus on taking decisive action and staying adaptable, we can confidently navigate whatever comes our way.
    The number one message I want you to take from this episode is that nobody is perfect and we shouldn’t want to be. The ups and downs of life are what make it great. They inspire us to grow and change and be more confident each day. So have a think about what decisions you’ve been putting off, and what it is that’s really been holding you back.
    Until next time, stay courageous and trust yourself to make those bold decisions!

    Connect With Me:
    Exceptional Leadership Framework: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/5-step-framework-to-exceptional-leadership
    Book your strategy call: https://calendly.com/rebeccabangura/get_in_touch
    Website: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccabangura/ 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrebeccabangura/ 

    • 14 min
    Are You on Track?

    Are You on Track?

    Are you on track for what you want to achieve in 2024? I've just gotten back from a fabulous holiday with my family, but as I sit back down at my desk, it’s hard to believe we’re already in Q2 of this year!

    I personally use quarters as a time of reflection to check in with myself. Am I on track for what I want to achieve? What’s working, what isn't and what do I need to do differently to create the results I want at the end of the year?

    Today I want to take you on that same journey and explore why we so often don't achieve the goals we ambitiously set for ourselves. This is your opportunity to check in with yourself and make sure you're on track to create the impact and results you want this year. What we’ll talk about in this episode applies to you as an individual, both in your professional and personal life, as well as your team or organisation.

    One of the biggest mistakes we make when setting goals is not being clear and specific about what we want to achieve. While it's common to have general aspirations, such as getting promoted, it's important to define the specifics of the goal. I talk about creating a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, results-focused and timed), so that we can ensure our efforts are aligned with our desired outcomes.

    Another common pitfall is trying to work on too many goals simultaneously. Multitasking may seem efficient, but it often leads to spreading ourselves too thin and diluting our efforts. By simplifying our focus to one goal, we amplify our results. This focused approach allows us to push through discomfort and take the necessary steps to create exponential change.

    I’m a big fan of creating a clear plan to achieve our goals. Without a roadmap, we may find ourselves shuffling along, hoping for change without taking intentional action. I talk about breaking down our goal into actionable tasks and milestones, creating a logical path from where we are now to where we want to be.

    The truth is, no one can achieve their goals alone, and I’m a strong believer that seeking support is essential for success. Whether it's a coach, mentor or program, having someone in our corner who believes in our potential can make a huge difference in staying motivated.

    So, join me as we get curious and take actionable steps to becoming our best, most successful selves on our leadership journey!


    Connect With Me:
    Exceptional Leadership Framework: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/5-step-framework-to-exceptional-leadership
    Book your strategy call: https://calendly.com/rebeccabangura/get_in_touch
    Website: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccabangura/ 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrebeccabangura/ 

    • 19 min
    This Powerful Question Could Revolutionise Your Career

    This Powerful Question Could Revolutionise Your Career

    How would you behave if you were the best in the world? If you were at the absolute top of your field, what actions would you take everyday to maintain that level of excellence?

    In last week’s episode, I shared my journey to truly understanding what I wanted out of life and my career - sparked by a mid-life crisis in my thirties - and how this led me to a life that brings true meaning and fulfilment.

    While uncovering what it is you really want your life to look like is absolutely freeing, there’s more to it than just knowing. In this episode, I’m talking about taking action everyday in a way that aligns with who you want to be in your life and career.

    So, how would you behave if you were the best in the world? This question often brings with it fear and terror, because we know that becoming the best version of ourselves requires brave action. But to achieve incredible outcomes in our work and our lives, we must choose a path that holds ourselves to the highest standard. What will you no longer tolerate in your life, from yourself and others? Which excuses will you no longer allow yourself to make?

    Today, I'm inviting you to set a standard for yourself. Establish that mindset of excellence. Make behavioural changes that take you from mediocrity to being an impactful leader. And I tell you from experience that when we take the steps to be the person we want to be, that is when we create the results that we want. That is when everything shifts.


    Connect With Me:
    Exceptional Leadership Framework: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/5-step-framework-to-exceptional-leadership
    Book your strategy call: https://calendly.com/rebeccabangura/get_in_touch
    Website: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccabangura/ 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrebeccabangura/ 

    • 19 min
    What I Learnt from My Mid-Life Crisis

    What I Learnt from My Mid-Life Crisis

    Someone recently asked me why I moved from project management and property development into leadership coaching. And I told them the truth - I'd had a midlife crisis!

    I was in my mid thirties and to be honest, my life was going great. However, one day not long into my new dream role, I had this sudden realisation that I was already looking for what was next. I was searching for meaning in the next role and thinking that when I achieved that, that would be when I would suddenly be happy and fulfilled.

    For many of us, the reality is that even when we achieve the things we want, we remain feeling unfulfilled and hope that the next goal on our list will bring us the happiness we so desire.

    A startling reality for me on my own journey was that though my career meant a huge amount to me, I actually had to look beyond simply my career. I realised that it had become so much of my identity and was what mattered most to me - more than my relationships and even my family. Once I was able to step back and see how crazy that was, it forced me to reassess my life completely in a way that I had never done.

    Now that I’ve come to the other side of that exploration, I truly believe it all boils down to one simple question: What do you want?

    What do you want your life and career to look like? What actually matters most to you in this one, short life? These questions really require us to think beyond just our careers and the roles we have in and outside of work. It requires us to go deeper and think about what will bring us joy, happiness and contentment in knowing we’re in true alignment.

    I do challenge you to really get clear on your answer, because once you know what it is that you truly want, that is when you can actually take the steps to create it.

    Connect With Me:
    Exceptional Leadership Framework: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/5-step-framework-to-exceptional-leadership
    Book your strategy call: https://calendly.com/rebeccabangura/get_in_touch
    Website: https://www.rebeccabangura.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccabangura/ 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrebeccabangura/ 

    • 15 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
19 Ratings

19 Ratings

dzm12 ,

Very insightful - thank you!

Very insightful - thank you!

amydianne90 ,

I binged all episodes thus far!

I 💯 resonate with all these insightful, helpful, straight to the point and motivating eps! As a Design Manager in the construction industry, and with only 10 years into my career thus far I’m am looking forward to hearing more from Rebecca and how I can manoeuvre my way through my career, life and this male dominated industry!

A very honest podcast! So refreshing! Thank you for finally releasing this!

PS: Super Proud 🙌🏼

reado99 ,

Inspiring Disruptions!

A motivating podcast, succinct and engaging messages for women in every industry…of all ages! Rebecca speaks passionately and wisely, definitely tuning in again!

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