38 min

Working with Pluto to transform your life and business – with Georgina Sierra Cosmic Business Breakthrough | Astrology for Entrepreneurs

    • Management

This week we’re going on a journey to the underworld…We’re exploring the depths of the planet Pluto and what this mysterious and often maligned planet has to teach us.Leading us on this expedition is astrologer Georgina Sierra who unravels the power dynamics and personal transformation associated with Pluto transits.Georgina started out as an amateur astrologer at the age of 11 but a career in science meant she didn't pursue astrology further…… until she experienced a major Pluto transit that...

This week we’re going on a journey to the underworld…We’re exploring the depths of the planet Pluto and what this mysterious and often maligned planet has to teach us.Leading us on this expedition is astrologer Georgina Sierra who unravels the power dynamics and personal transformation associated with Pluto transits.Georgina started out as an amateur astrologer at the age of 11 but a career in science meant she didn't pursue astrology further…… until she experienced a major Pluto transit that...

38 min