22 min

Diversity - Is the industry old fashioned‪?‬ Junior: Life at the Bottom

    • Careers

Are agencies still full of Donn Draper types, straight white men in suits or are the dominate cultures finally dissolving?  We talk to Stefanie DiGianvincenzo, Strategic Director/ Global Curator on Rare at Google to find out why diversity and inclusion are important in creative industries. What can you do to make the workplace more diverse? #diversty 

Got something to say? Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lifeatthebottom) and Insta (https://www.instagram.com/junior_lifeatthebottom/)

Thanks to...

Executive Producer and Host:  Lachie Collie https://www.colliecreative.com.au/

Stefanie DiGianvincenzo:  Google on Rare at https://rare.withgoogle.com/ and Stef's folio at http://www.stefaniedigianvincenzo.com/

Esther Clerehan: https://clerehan.com/

Junior Founders: Ed Howley, Monica Clapcott. Special thanks also to Bridget Tomkins and the Collie family.


Are agencies still full of Donn Draper types, straight white men in suits or are the dominate cultures finally dissolving?  We talk to Stefanie DiGianvincenzo, Strategic Director/ Global Curator on Rare at Google to find out why diversity and inclusion are important in creative industries. What can you do to make the workplace more diverse? #diversty 

Got something to say? Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lifeatthebottom) and Insta (https://www.instagram.com/junior_lifeatthebottom/)

Thanks to...

Executive Producer and Host:  Lachie Collie https://www.colliecreative.com.au/

Stefanie DiGianvincenzo:  Google on Rare at https://rare.withgoogle.com/ and Stef's folio at http://www.stefaniedigianvincenzo.com/

Esther Clerehan: https://clerehan.com/

Junior Founders: Ed Howley, Monica Clapcott. Special thanks also to Bridget Tomkins and the Collie family.


22 min