112 episodes

We are Certified Photo Organisers passionate about helping others achieve their own photo organising goals. We are here to share our knowledge, in a practical way, to help you complete your own personal photo projects.

DIY Photo Organising Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach

    • Education
    • 4.9 • 18 Ratings

We are Certified Photo Organisers passionate about helping others achieve their own photo organising goals. We are here to share our knowledge, in a practical way, to help you complete your own personal photo projects.

    111 | What can I do with all my videos?

    111 | What can I do with all my videos?

    Today we are going to talk about identifying, converting and managing videos and home movies. Videos are of course part of our collection, and we feel is very important for us to do an episode just on videos – so we brought in and expert to explore this topic with us: Adam Pratt from Chaos to Memories. 

    Regular listeners might remember Adam from previous episodes, and you might also remember that we love his courses*, about which we talked in episode 67. He has added new ones in the meantime and we highly encourage you to check them out. 

    Adam loves people, photography, and a good story. After working at Adobe for 22 years he founded Chaos to Memories which is a professional photo and video preservation studio in Chicago. He’s also the author of the best-selling book, Declutter Your Photo Life about which we talked in episode 92.

    Today, we will talk about videos and movies specifically because photos and movies are of course similar but different.

    We are not only discussing and listing what to gather when you want to tackle this project, we also talk about preserving - which is the conversion from old to new media (check out  episode 42)  - and decluttering.

    Finally, we chat about the fun part once everything is organised. And yes, we agree with Adam in saying that we recommend culling the unnecessary and unneeded videos, sorting them and adding some metadata before starting to create projects. It will be so much easier and so much fun!

    Mentioned Links


    Related episodes

    Episode 003 Golden Rule 2 – Know Your Why

    Episode 004 Golden Rule 3 – Create a Hub

    Episode 007 Golden Rule 5 – Do Something!

    Episode 024 Transferring photos from iPhone to Windows PC

    Episode 042 What format is that? Converting Old Media to Digital with Adam Pratt- Chaos to Memories

    Episode 067 DIY Photo Organising Courses with Miss Freddy, Adam Pratt and Caroline Guntur

    Episode 082 Planning Photo Projects

    Episode 092 Declutter Your Photo Life with Adam Pratt - Chaos to Memories

    If you have any photo-related questions we haven't answered yet in one of the previous episodes, please don't hesitate to share them with us via the Wishlist for Future Episodes!

    We invite you to have a look through our DIY Photo Organising Courses so you can decide which of these courses might be what you need to help you move forward with your photo organising projects.

    If you’d like to learn more about us, go to:


    Fiona Staff’s website: www.photohelper.com.au or

    Chantal Imbach’s website: www.photosinorder.com.au 

    If you are not in Melbourne and would like to explore having a Photo Manager help you, check out www.thephotomanagers.com to find help closer to home.

    *affiliate link

    • 44 min
    110 | Roadblocks in photo management and how to overcome them

    110 | Roadblocks in photo management and how to overcome them

    We’ve all been there! We finally want to tackle that photo organising project, we’re off to a good start and motivated and then we encounter the first roadblock which stops us in our tracks. Next thing we know: we are procrastinating and the project comes to a halt. 

    Here are some of the most common roadblocks we have encoutered:

    Not knowing where to start
    Too many photos and pictures everywhere
    Too many software options
    Deciding whether to scan photos vs negatives
    Which is the right scanning equipment?
    What to do after you have scanned photos - archive them in albums or boxes?
    Do I want my photos in books and in which order? Chronological or just done?
    Figuring out dates of undated photos
    Tell one person's story? Or integrate several chronologically?
    Time and place to work on a project without interruption

    We discuss solutions to all those roadblocks and also invite you to listen to episodes 49 and 106 that are all about how to stop procrastination (see links in related episodes below)! And don’t forget to download our free e-guide about this very topic here!

    Mentioned Links

    Free e-Guide https://www.diyphotoorganising.com.au/lp-stop-procrastinating-guide/

    Related episodes

    Episode 002 Golden Rule 1 - Backup

    Episode 003 Golden Rule 2 – Know Your Why

    Episode 004 Golden Rule 3 – Create a Hub

    Episode 005 Golden Rule 4 – Sort and Organise (Part 1 – Digital Photos)

    Episode 006 Golden Rule 4 – Sort and Organise (Part 2 – Printed Photos)

    Episode 007 Golden Rule 5 – Do Something!

    Episode 013 Scan or not to Scan

    Episode 023 5 Steps to get you Started NOW

    Episode 031 What to do with inherited photos

    Episode 033 5 Golden Rules Highlights 

    Episode 034 Storytelling with Your Photos with Mara Morrison - The Filing Fairies

    Episode 035 Introducing you to the world of Digital Scrapbooking with Melissa Shanhun - Digital Scrapbooking HQ

    Episode 047 What should I do with my old photo albums?

    Episode 049 How to Stop Procrastinating about your Photos

    Episode 057 Story Jotting with Katie Chambers- Memories to Legacy

    Episode 059 What Photo Management Software is Right for Me?

    Episode 067 DIY Photo Organising Courses with Miss Freddy, Adam Pratt and Caroline Guntur

    Episode 070 Realistic time frames in Photo Organising

    Episode 071 Realistic time frames when Scanning

    Episode 072 Which 100 photos would you choose to document your life? 

    Episode 076 What to do with slides

    Episode 082 Planning Photo Projects

    Episode 088 Expert tips on photo archiving with Kate Jacus - The Photo Curator

    Episode 089 5 tips for sorting printed photos

    Episode 094 What’s A Photo Without Story with Hazel Thornton – Organized for Life and Beyond

    Episode 095 What to do with Negatives

    Episode 097 How a timeline can help with photo organising

    Episode 104 Photo Project Ideas and a Real Life Example

    Episode 106 How to move forward and stop procrastinating

    • 42 min
    109 | A Conversation about Legacy, Photos and Life

    109 | A Conversation about Legacy, Photos and Life

    Also published on our YouTube channel.

    We are honoured to have another wonderful guest with us: Nancy Rose from the Compass Rose Legacy Foundation. Nancy is a Legacy Doula and the Executive Director of Compass Rose Legacy Foundation. Her lens captures the profound beauty of human stories and the moments that define our legacies.

    Join us to find out what we mean when we talk about a legacy, what it encompasses and how a possible outcome might look like. 

    Find out how Nancy helps people to capture the essence of their life and to find the soul thread, as she calls it. She shares touching and some personal stories that you will hopefully find as inspiring as we do.

    You will be astonished to hear that she has brought her personal legacy down to 5 - yes, that’s five!!! - pictures and stories to capture the core of her life story. 

    Nancy also shares some practical tips and tools she uses to capture stories and much more.

    Again, please watch it here (and subscribe to the channel, we might add more videos in the future) and share with anybody who might be interested - thanks!

    Mentioned Links

    DIY Photo Organising YouTube channel

    Related episodes

    Episode 003 Golden Rule 2 – Know Your Why

    Episode 007 Golden Rule 5 – Do Something!

    Episode 031 What to do with inherited photos

    Episode 034 Storytelling with Your Photos with Mara Morrison - The Filing Fairies

    Episode 035 Introducing you to the world of Digital Scrapbooking with Melissa Shanhun - Digital Scrapbooking HQ

    Episode 037 Exploring Genealogy with Caroline Guntur - The Swedish Organizer

    Episode 041 Managing your photos and videos using FOREVER with Shelley Murray - Photo Organising Services

    Episode 057 Story Jotting with Katie Chambers- Memories to Legacy

    Episode 072 Which 100 photos would you choose to document your life?

    Episode 077 Why bother preserving your photos?

    Episode 082 Planning Photo Projects

    Episode 088 Expert tips on photo archiving with Kate Jacus - The Photo Curator

    Episode 094 What’s A Photo Without Story with Hazel Thornton – Organized for Life and Beyond

    Episode 103 Swedish Death Cleaning and Photos with Caroline Guntur – The Swedish Organizer

    If you have any photo-related questions we haven't answered yet in one of the previous episodes, please don't hesitate to share them with us via the Wishlist for Future Episodes!

    We invite you to have a look through our DIY Photo Organising Courses so you can decide which of these courses might be what you need to help you move forward with your photo organising projects.

    If you’d like to learn more about us, go to:


    Fiona Staff’s website: www.photohelper.com.au or

    Chantal Imbach’s website: www.photosinorder.com.au 

    If you are not in Melbourne and would like to explore having a Photo Manager help you, check out www.thephotomanagers.com to find help closer to home.

    • 52 min
    108 | How to make a photo gallery wall in your home

    108 | How to make a photo gallery wall in your home

    This episode has to do with our Golden Rule 5 - Do something! What we mean is find means to bring your photos back into your life so you can enjoy them.

    One beautiful way of doing so is creating a photo wall or a photo gallery in your home. We are excited to have our colleague and expert Haleh Shoa from Picturli back for this episode! 

    She not only shares some practical tips but actually shows us how she designs a photo wall using Canva. Hence, we strongly encourage you to watch this episode rather than listen. If you prefer to listen, click here to see the screenshots of the visuals she shared with us.

    You don’t necessarily need Canva to design your photo wall, Haleh also shares some simple tips about how to tackle it without digital help. 

    We talk about

    where in the home a photo wall can be,
    what we can display - hint: not just photos!
    pros and cons of using frames and what substrates photos can be printed on,
    how to arrange the pictures and memorabilia
    designing a picture wall with and without Canva

    Again, please watch it here (and subscribe to the channel, we might add more videos in the future) and share with anybody who might be interested - thanks!

    Mentioned Links

    Sign up to receive a 7-Step Guide in Organizing Your Photos: www.picturli.com/podcast 
    DIY Photo Organising YouTube channel

    Related episodes

    Episode 007 Golden Rule 5 – Do Something!
    Episode 021 Managing your photos using Android Phone and Google Photos with Haleh Shoa - Picturli 
    Episode 033 5 Golden Rules Highlights
    Episode 051 Artwork
    Episode 069 Photo traditions to document growth and change
    Episode 072 Which 100 photos would you choose to document your life?
    Episode 082 Planning Photo Projects
    Episode 104 Photo Project Ideas and a Real Life Example

    If you have any photo-related questions we haven't answered yet in one of the previous episodes, please don't hesitate to share them with us via the Wishlist for Future Episodes!

    We invite you to have a look through our DIY Photo Organising Courses so you can decide which of these courses might be what you need to help you move forward with your photo organising projects.

    If you’d like to learn more about us, go to:


    Fiona Staff’s website: www.photohelper.com.au or

    Chantal Imbach’s website: www.photosinorder.com.au 

    If you are not in Melbourne and would like to explore having a Photo Manager help you, check out www.thephotomanagers.com to find help closer to home.

    • 46 min
    107 | How to keep your photos organised after baby arrives

    107 | How to keep your photos organised after baby arrives

    Are you expecting a baby? Then this episode is totally for you! Even if you have already welcomed your baby recently, we encourage to join us, we’re sure there is a tip or two for everyone with children.

    When a new baby comes into our life, many things change and sometimes routines and habits simply fly out the window and life can get a bit chaotic. Before we know it, photo chaos has taken over and we are drowning in cute baby photos. 

    Listen in to hear some tips about how you can stay on top of things when it comes to your photo management. One key is preparation. Now is not the time to work through your backlog of thousands of photos. However, if you can, make sure that your backlog is backed up so it will be there once you are ready to curate that collection.

    Nothing stops you from implementing a system if you haven’t got one yet. Regularly transfer your photos to your photo hub and back it up using the 3-2-1 method (more about that in our 5 Golden Rules episodes). Hone your skills before baby arrives and it will be so much easier for you.

    This great new iPhone app to help clean up your camera roll is Ollie*. You can get it at a discounted rate using this link* and the code DIYPHOTO20.

    Also a great place to start is to take one of Miss Freddy’s courses, especially the Backup Bootcamp* or check out the many courses over at The Photo Managers Academy* to find a suitable course.

    Finally, we’ like to encourage you to be mindful about privacy when sharing photos. Refer to Episode 099 to learn more about this topic. You even might want to have a chat with relatives about it, too, so that nobody shares photos of your children if you’re not comfortable with it.  

    Mentioned Links / Products

    The Photo Managers Academy*
    Backup Bootcamp* 

    Related episodes

    Episode 002 Golden Rule 1 - Backup

    Episode 003 Golden Rule 2 – Know Your Why

    Episode 004 Golden Rule 3 – Create a Hub

    Episode 005 Golden Rule 4 – Sort and Organise (Part 1 – Digital Photos)

    Episode 018 Manage your photos using your iPhone

    Episode 023 5 Steps to get you Started NOW

    Episode 033 5 Golden Rules Highlights

    Episode 038 Learn how to take photos you will want to keep! with Lauren Sandford- The Eternal Second

    Episode 049 How to Stop Procrastinating about your Photos

    Episode 052 Questions People Ask 5 How do I gather photos from other family members?

    Episode 053 Questions People Ask 6 How do I share photos with others?

    Episode 057 Story Jotting with Katie Chambers- Memories to Legacy

    Episode 058 Time to get your Backup sorted!

    Episode 060 How many photos do we really need?

    Episode 063 The Magic of Maintenance

    Episode 067 DIY Photo Organising Courses with Miss Freddy, Adam Pratt and Caroline Guntur

    Episode 069 Photo traditions to document growth and change

    Episode 080 5 Essential Photo Management Tips

    Episode 099 Privacy Terms when sharing Photos with Allison Freedman – Arrange Wander Focus

    If you have any photo-related questions we haven't answered yet in one of the previous episodes, please don't hesitate to share them with us via the Wishlist for Future Episodes!

    We invite you to have a look through our DIY Photo Organising Courses so you can decide which of these courses might be what you need to help you move forward with your photo organising projects.

    If you’d like to learn more about us, go to:


    Fiona Staff’s website: www.photohelper.com.au or

    Chantal Imbach’s website: www.photosinorder.com.au 

    If you are not in Melbourne and would like to explore having a Photo Manager help you, check out www.thephotomanagers.com to find help closer to home.

    * We want to keep this podcast is ad-free. Instead, we have partnered with affiliate course creators we highly recommend and hence earn a little commission if you buy a course through us. If you do so, you help us running the podcast and we thank you from the bottom of our h

    • 25 min
    106 | How to move forward and stop procrastinating

    106 | How to move forward and stop procrastinating

    Are you good at procrastinating about your photos? Well, you are not alone!

    Since Chantal is planning to run mini-classes / workshops soon she recently conducted a survey to find out what readers and listeners are interested in most. The clear winner was ‘How to Stop Procrastinating about my Photos’.

    Interestingly, Fiona and Chantal have already created an e-guide (downloadable here) about that very topic.

    Since it seems to be such a popular topic, we are re-visiting some of its content and are diving a bit deeper in some of the reasons why we tend to procrastinate when it comes to our photos and what we can do about it.

    Possible and typical reasons are for example the lack of knowledge of how to do something, using goals that are too abstract or perfectionism. 

    Get our free e-guide to see more details here!

    The big question is how we can overcome procrastination and, unsurprisingly, we recommend to become really clear about your Why, which is our Golden Rule 2. 

    Not only this, we are also talking about individual’s core values such as integrity, honesty, creativity and many more, and how these can influence our Why. As always, we are using practical examples that hopefully encourage you to getting started.

    Mentioned Links / ProductsSurvey re online classes

    E-guide How to Stop Procrasting about your Photos

    Related episodes

    Episode 003 Golden Rule 2 – Know Your Why

    Episode 023 5 Steps to get you Started NOW

    Episode 032 New Year’s Resolutions with your photos

    Episode 033 5 Golden Rules Highlights

    Episode 049 How to Stop Procrastinating about your Photos

    Episode 070 Realistic time frames in Photo Organising

    Episode 082 Planning Photo Projects

    If you have any photo-related questions we haven't answered yet in one of the previous episodes, please don't hesitate to share them with us via the Wishlist for Future Episodes!

    We invite you to have a look through our DIY Photo Organising Courses so you can decide which of these courses might be what you need to help you move forward with your photo organising projects.

    If you’d like to learn more about us, go to:


    Fiona Staff’s website: www.photohelper.com.au or

    Chantal Imbach’s website: www.photosinorder.com.au 

    If you are not in Melbourne and would like to explore having a Photo Manager help you, check out www.thephotomanagers.com to find help closer to home.

    • 44 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
18 Ratings

18 Ratings

Edward Snowedin ,

One of my Favourites

Fiona and Chantel discuss a number of topics related to sorting out your photos. It is not too technical to limit the audience but not "dumbed down" either.

They willingly share their expertise and bring in others as required so you get to hear many viewpoints.

This podcast is well worth a listen if you have any photos that you value!

Els8771 ,

Great! Enlightening & knowledge building.

Great, layman explanations for the very daunting task of organising & managing photos. I have way too many digital photos & am scared of action but Fiona & Chantal help build my confidence to act & are an enormous help in simply telling me what to do & how to do it! Thank you, ladies.

Sarahfun ,

Amazing information!

This is the PERFECT podcast for anyone wanting to get started organising your photos. Start at episode 1 and you’ll learn the step-by-step process to get them organised as efficiently at possible.
I’ve enjoyed organising 3 generations of photos while listening to these wonderful ladies!

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