12 episodes

Designing your life after that life Wake-Up call Turning Point to be more than just one day feeling – Easy Like Sunday Morning. I ask WHAT’S GOOD IN YOUR DAY?
Inspirations, musings and practical tips on how to live a Pause Moments Lifestyle. Representing a conscious slower, holistic balance.
Like you my life is busy so in the podcast I create time to Pause… I uncover mindful awareness of things that influence your physical and mental well being. And creating home spaces that embrace serenity and the sacred. Pause + Space for mind, life & home by Linzi at www.NaturallyLinzi.com

Easy Like Sunday Morning Holistic Living Naturally Linzi Easy Like Sunday Morning

    • Education

Designing your life after that life Wake-Up call Turning Point to be more than just one day feeling – Easy Like Sunday Morning. I ask WHAT’S GOOD IN YOUR DAY?
Inspirations, musings and practical tips on how to live a Pause Moments Lifestyle. Representing a conscious slower, holistic balance.
Like you my life is busy so in the podcast I create time to Pause… I uncover mindful awareness of things that influence your physical and mental well being. And creating home spaces that embrace serenity and the sacred. Pause + Space for mind, life & home by Linzi at www.NaturallyLinzi.com

    This is a time I felt truly heart centered and loving kindness with the work that I do. Helping a client with grief who feels overwhelmed create a serenity space their home ready for selling

    This is a time I felt truly heart centered and loving kindness with the work that I do. Helping a client with grief who feels overwhelmed create a serenity space their home ready for selling

    There are times when I feel truly heart centered, coming from a place of loving kindness with the work that I do. This I felt when Helping a client overwhelmed with grief with decisions on what to keep, what to give away and creating a serenity space in her home, ready for staging to sell and moving on with her life.

    I assisted a client who was needing help with getting her property ready for staging to sell. She's creative and musical and recently lost her husband and soul mate. There were so many ornaments, photos and artifacts, memories of him and their beautiful life together. She had decided to sell and the first part of this process was to sort, organise and clear some parts of the house in preparation for staging photographs.

    This emotionally loaded activity is an important part of the transitional process. The grief of both loosing a loved one and for yourself moving from one home to another. The client told me she was overwhelmed with it all and needed my assistance.

    I delight in helping people create a serenity space. Areas which are mindfully dedicated to honouring someone, something, maybe an event or an intention of one's life in the future. I work in a compassionate way.

    With this client I also provided a listening ear [see my Listening Cheerleader]. As we worked together, making choices with the individual items, she shared with me how grief had affected her, what changes there now were in her life and her intentions for her new life.

    Transitions, life's turning points, key events marking our journey. The process of deciding what to keep as special, bringing us joy and good memories. Or things we no longer enjoy despite their financial value, or nostalgic attachment. Items we've kept 'just in case' yet that day never happened and deciding now to dispose of them  . Every item has energy. Every decision takes energy. Each physical movement to pack, place in the recycling box, or collection of items which will be passed onto a new owner. We forget how much emotional and physical energy is expended with this process, whether you're doing it alone or with a friend/professional.

    I spent the day helping her pack those special ornaments away, memories that will be unpacked and displayed afresh in her new home. Listening to her wonderful stories of life together, over tea and biscuits sitting on the balcony with birds chattering near by.

    This is one way I work creating Serenity home spaces and offering Listening Cheerleader sessions as part of Naturally Linzi, taking pause moments, soothing you into the embrace of now. https://www.naturallylinzi.com/listening-cheerleader-session/

    Client's response:

    " Thanks again for your invaluable assistance today. It was the momentum I needed to get the ball rolling out of the unstuckness as I  had felt so overwhelmed."

    If you are ready to create a serenity, sacred space and would like my assistance I work online and in person. For more information look for me on LinkedIn Linzi Naturally Linzi

    www.naturallylinzi.com  @naturallylinzi

    #morespace #overwhelm #overwhelmed #griefprocess #toomuchstuff #stuffoverwhelm #serenityspace #creatingsacred #sacredspace #lifeturningpoint #unstuckness #memories   #lovingkindness #slowliving #packingup

    • 4 min
    Winter traditions solstice collecting holly and tree divining cards

    Winter traditions solstice collecting holly and tree divining cards

    In the winter time and we like the comfort of staying nestled inside. Let me encourage you to embrace the rain, the coldness and traditions surrounding Winter Solstice. In this episode I introduce winter solstice and the tradition of collecting holly and ivy. These examples of evergreens represent life as it flourishes through this season of shorter days and longer nights. The transition towards the Spring. 

    If you think there's too much focus given on the glitz and glamour of Christmas, try stepping outside sitting by a tree and do a Pause Moment  with divining cards. In the Pause Moment for this episode I use the example of The Wisdom of Tree Oracle, inspirational cards for wisdom and guidance by Jane Struthers and illustrated by Meraylah Allwood. Jane says "Reconnect with the natural world and discover your true sense of self." 

    In my personal Serenity Space (www.naturallylinzi.com) at home I display and refer to seasonal cards by the artist Wendy Andrew www.paintingdreams.com. Serenity Spaces are divine sacred areas dedicated to something we cherish, or wish to intent within our life. The Solstice is an ideal time of year to take a moment for self care and mindfulness of who we are, what we are grateful for and what's right in the world! 

    I ask you to ask yourself 'WHAT'S GOOD IN YOUR DAY'? 

    As part of gifting I offer free to download Pause Moments cards from my site with no obligation. (www.naturallylinzi.com)

    Do check out my other podcast episodes, all that good stuff of liking, reviewing and subscribing. Or I'll think I'm only speaking to myself!!

    I believe in quality rather than quantity and Wabi Sabi. @naturallylinzi on Instagram

    As an unabashed self promotion ... if you are an author wanting to have an audiobook or producing a video or audio training courses and seek a voice. Click here for profile, Contact me direct and see my profile on ACX as Linzi Martin Naturally Linzi 

    • 11 min
    Zoom-aholic! Healthy Smoothie Pause moment make from what's in my kitchen

    Zoom-aholic! Healthy Smoothie Pause moment make from what's in my kitchen

    Zoom-aholic! Healthy Smoothie Pause moment make from what's in my kitchen

    Smoothie Making for fun and health from what's in my kitchen

    Here's to having creative fun experimenting with ingredients to make a healthy based smoothie that you can drink straight away or store in the fridge for later.

    Taking time in this way is a form of Pause Moments, one of my short senses based mindful meditation techniques to refresh the mind and calm the emotions.

    Smoothie making is a good distraction from an intense period of work or just as a reset in your day.

    I don't make any claims that this is going to make you a healthier person and for some people the ingredients may not suit them. Feel free to substitute ingredients for what works or suits your taste and preferences or values.

    List of ingredients. For a more detailed explanation of the ingredients, their health benefits and tips on using go check out www.naturallylinzi.com .

    Plain dairy or non dairy yoghurt
    Raspberries - frozen or fresh
    Banana - frozen or fresh
    Kale leaves
    Non diary milk - almond or other
    Protein powder
    Brazil nuts
    Powders: Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Himalayan pink salt, Cacao, Vitamin C + Calcium.

    Tasting notes:

    Delicious. Delightful colour from the raspberries I'd describe as Damask Dusky Dark Rose. Not too runny consistency, partly due to the flax seeds absorbing some of the liquid. And if left overnight the consistency would thicken more. Just a slight protein powder taste and not too over powering.

    Enjoy experimenting with ingredients and blending smoothies as a Pause Moment in your day and for overall health. 

    Let me know your favourite ingredients that you use in your Smoothie and if you have any tips to share. 

    Which do you prefer frozen or fresh fruit? 

    Nuts for your smoothie, do you prefer natural, salted or roasted?

    Life is often too full up and messy. I explore how to live life with more awareness and delight. Tips and techniques for a slower lifestyle on www.naturallylinzi.com 

    There are free Pause Moment cards to download. 

    Subscribe to Alchemy email to keep in touch and be part of this growing community. https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/c7b8s5

    • 8 min
    Healing Burn out and trauma with quality rest, The Art of Pause, Allison Marlowe interview

    Healing Burn out and trauma with quality rest, The Art of Pause, Allison Marlowe interview

    Healing Burn out and trauma with quality rest, The Art of Pause, Allison Marlowe interview
    “Rest is part of our rhythm, part of our aliveness. Rest is part of  our renewal which provides an opening for something new to emerge, for  transformation.” The Art of Pause – rest and renew for “when life makes  us want to run, rest teaches us to come home to ourselves”.

    The theme of this episode is also understanding the benefits that  quality rest gives us in dealing with traumas in your life and in these  times of uncertainty and change. Change brings both uncertainty and the  potential of possibility. How can we support our sensitive self during  changing times using rest.

    Guest Allison Marlowe talks about overcoming trauma.
    My guest is Allison Marlowe. In 2014 Allison suffered her second  major burn out. Her life up til then appeared to the world as having  ‘made it’, with all the signs of a good life. Then she lost both her  business and marriage. She had been a business coach and successful  founder of Global Winning Women, a networking and connections  organisation.

    Her recovery journey back to health took 4 years. During this time  she learned about the effects of life’s traumas and how they go into the  body. Often without us being conscious to this. Effecting us physically  and also mentally. In 2020 we have all been affected by a global  trauma. Allison offers us a way to dissolve these traumas as she  describes the benefits of experiencing quality rest.

    Allison Marlowe is the founder of The | Art | of | Pause, a sensory focused approach to  living, that uses the intelligence of the body to release layers of  physical, mental and emotional exhaustion and also trauma. She draws on  her previous career in teaching and extensive training in coaching,  mentoring, NLP, trauma awareness, movement practices, body work and Yoga  Nidra to help her clients to slow down embrace the full range of human  emotion and savour the experience of being fully alive.
    Allison runs  workshops, 1:1 trauma informed coaching, Yoga Nidra and Movement for  trauma classes. She also co-hosts the 13 Moons monthly women’s circle.

    This conversation is covered over two episodes, watch out for the  next installment.  You might like to check out this other episode in  this podcast. Eps Pause Moments For You. Why? Slow down, balance mind body, senses mindfulness meditation

    • 24 min
    Pause Moments mindfulness meditation for an oasis of calm

    Pause Moments mindfulness meditation for an oasis of calm

    Reset your mind and body when anxious with the practice of Pause moments. The senses based mindfulness meditation. 
    Pause Moments mindfulness meditation has become really popular.  Meditation has been adapted into many variations from it’s original  roots of traditional Hinduism and Buddhist spiritual practices and yoga.  I consider mindfulness as being part of all spiritual life no matter  what the beliefs. Pause moments are aligned with mindfulness practice.

    If you experience one or more of the following states then do listen  to this episode. To hear more about pause moments. How they form part of  conscious slow living.

    Describing your life as rushing around, with too much to do and too  little time. Feeling irritated, impatient and self critical or critical  of others. You becoming frustrated at minor things. That you are not in  control. You have self doubts and that gloomy dark cloud comes by to  visit one too many times.

    Slow down in life
    Practicing pause moment mindfulness meditation enables you to make  more healthful, heart-centered decisions. The techniques assist in  bringing your mind and body back into balance to equilibrium. You’ll  find it easier to take life slower. An additional bonus is developing  Being kinder to yourself. Something which is very much needed in the  world. Self compassion is learned. In this podcast episode I describe  Pause Moments mindfulness meditation and why the practice is beneficial.

    I reveal a little about my own character and why, as the originator  of pause moments, these micro mindfulness techniques has changed how I  lived my life, for the better.The Pause moment sequence at the end is a  senses self awareness, we focus on listening, smelling catching the  scent on the air and breathing.

    BiL Conference speaker
    At the BiL Conference my presentation was Micro Mindfulness Pause  Moments for Support of a Life Work Balance. I explained to the audience  what pause moments are. That the practice is beneficial to your mental  and physical wellness.  Watch the BiL talk here on Youtube

    I enjoy hearing from you what changes you’ve made in slowing your life down and taking pause moments. Let me know

    • 17 min
    What makes a perfect body? Is it your Health, your looks? Lets consider perfect imperfection known as Wabi Sabi?

    What makes a perfect body? Is it your Health, your looks? Lets consider perfect imperfection known as Wabi Sabi?

    What is physical Perfection? Is it health or elusive looks or simply wabi sabi?
    What makes a perfect body? What is that exactly? Is it just looks or health? Is it simply an elusive goal?

    In this podcast episode I consider and muse over what is perfection?  Who gets to decide what the perfect body is? I was inspired to talk  about this subject after hearing a panel discussion. ‘Perfectibility of  the body’ was the name given to the cultural arts discussion panel at  The Festival of Science and Arts, in London UK. The panel included  Alison Lapper, who is the well known outspoken disabilities artist advocate and the writer and poet Michael Horovitz.

    Alison Lapper said, “in my eyes I’m in the perfect body”. What a powerful statement of body confidence.

    Plato and Aristotle, the philosophers from ancient Greece, stated  this about perfection. They believed there could not be a perfect  anything. This perfection relates to a colour or a book or a breast.  What a relief that is then! Aristotle wrote “that is perfect that has  achieved it”.

    I wonder if in our culture we are being overly perfectionist in how  we do things. Considering what makes a perfect body. Whether wabi sabi  would be a more gentler approach to how we view the body and almost  everything.

    In the episode I provide a list of the practical ways we can help  ourselves to becoming or maintaining healthy and happy in our body and  mind. It’s not rocket science and it’s not perfect body!

    Pause moment senses based mindfulness
    For the Pause Moment in this episode I guide you into taking a quiet  moment for yourself. I use the power of positive words and visuals to  relax the body and mind. To include the letting go of being perfect. We  can become our own cheerleader towards living a life we feel comfortable  with.

    I enjoy hearing about how you dealt with a situation that initially  required perfection on your part. How you stepped aside from the stress  of perfection and created your own wabi sabi of the situation. You can  subscribe to my email list to hear about my new episodes, articles and  other subscriber only events.

    • 17 min

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