100 episodes

Through research and interviews Dan looks at all things education in order to help teachers implement strategies that focus on developing student capacity to be self-sufficient learners as well as providing other tips for teachers to enhance their effectiveness.

Effective Teaching Dan Jackson

    • Education
    • 4.9 • 12 Ratings

Through research and interviews Dan looks at all things education in order to help teachers implement strategies that focus on developing student capacity to be self-sufficient learners as well as providing other tips for teachers to enhance their effectiveness.

    Episode 154 - Teaching Tips & Strategies: Eddie Woo's Guide to Teachers' Growth

    Episode 154 - Teaching Tips & Strategies: Eddie Woo's Guide to Teachers' Growth

    I chat with educator Eddie Wu from Wootube about his teaching journey emphasising learning from failures, observation, and reflection. We discuss challenges teachers face, self-reflection, creating a supportive environment, and the importance of continuous learning and embracing new strategies. Eddie highlights the significance of seeking feedback, collaboration, and work-life balance. Ultimately, this conversation encourages a culture of continual learning and excellence in education.


    0:00:00 Introduction to Effective Teaching Podcast 0:00:18 Interview with Eddie Wu from Wootube 0:00:55 Eddie's journey into teaching 0:01:55 Falling in love with teaching 0:02:09 Early teaching experiences 0:03:40 Eddie's journey to improve as a teacher 0:09:20 Learning from failures in teaching 0:10:57 Observing other teachers in action 0:14:17 Challenges in keeping students engaged 0:14:24 Teachers' reluctance to be observed 0:15:21 Overcoming apprehension in observation 0:17:03 Eddie's fear teaching advanced mathematics 0:21:11 Establishing trust in teacher observations 0:22:55 Teaching as a craft, not just science 0:24:01 Shifting language in feedback for improvement 0:27:24 Learning and Growth 0:27:42 Exploring Professional Development Tools 0:35:57 Advice for New Teachers 0:48:39 Achieving Work-Life Balance

    Long Summary

    We delve into the journey of educator Eddie Wu from Wootube, known for his math tutorials on YouTube. Eddie's passion for teaching stemmed from a desire to help others learn, leading him on a path of continuous improvement. He emphasises the value of learning from failures and stresses the significance of observation and reflection in teaching practices. The discussion between Dan and Eddie explores the challenges teachers face with classroom observations and the importance of feedback and growth. The conversation evolves to touch on the evolution of teaching practices, the role of self-reflection in professional growth, and the need for a supportive learning environment. They share insights into the inner fears and concerns of teachers, emphasising the importance of creating a culture of psychological safety for educators. The significance of continuous learning and improvement in teaching is highlighted, along with the transformative impact of self-assessment through recording classroom lessons. Furthermore, the dialogue underscores the idea of teachers as lifelong learners, advocating for ongoing professional development, collaboration, and embracing new teaching strategies. They emphasise the value of seeking feedback, engaging with research, and learning from diverse sources to adapt to the evolving needs of students. The conversation concludes by emphasising the complexities, challenges, and rewards of teaching, highlighting the continuous quest for growth, learning, and collaboration in the pursuit of excellence in education. We explore various ways to enhance ourselves as educators, offering advice for new teachers and experienced educators alike. The importance of seeking input from peers, experimenting with different techniques, and embracing feedback is stressed as crucial for professional growth. Addressing the issue of teacher workload, we discuss the dynamic nature of achieving work-life balance through reflection, self-assessment, and prioritising relationships amidst professional demands. Through shared experiences, reflections, and collaborative efforts, educators can navigate the multifaceted challenges of teaching and foster a culture of continual learning within the education community. The conversation with Eddie provides valuable insights into striving towards excellence, enriching teaching practices, and positively impacting the lives of students through continuous growth and development.

    • 55 min
    Episode 153 - How To Use AI Effectively With Dr. Sabba Quidwai

    Episode 153 - How To Use AI Effectively With Dr. Sabba Quidwai

    We explore the integration of AI in education with Sabba, an experienced educator and AI enthusiast. Sabba highlights the importance of prioritizing human skills and pedagogy before incorporating AI tools in the classroom. She emphasizes the significance of identifying specific issues that AI can help solve and suggests utilizing AI for tasks like design thinking to promote pedagogical innovation. Sabba underscores the value of developing critical thinking skills in teachers and students when utilizing AI and encourages educators to reimagine traditional teaching methods to create an ideal learning environment with AI as a supportive tool. Finally, Sabba calls on educators to embrace change, leverage technology for enhanced teaching practices, and prioritize well-being, relationships, and innovation in the era of AI. Visit designingschools.org to learn more about Sabba and her insights.

    0:00:00 Introduction to Effective Teaching Podcast

    0:03:59 Utilising AI Tools for Effective Teaching

    0:12:20 Identifying Problems Before Implementing AI

    0:17:12 Leveraging AI for Student Creativity & Critical Thinking

    0:20:27 Importance of Critical Thinking in AI Utilisation

    0:22:19 Prioritising Personal Growth in AI Integration

    Long Summary
    In this episode, we dive into the world of AI and its impact on education with Saba, a seasoned teacher and AI enthusiast. Saba shares her journey from teaching history in 2007 to embracing AI tools to enhance teaching practices. She emphasises the importance of prioritising human skills and pedagogy before integrating AI into the classroom.

    Saba advocates for a thoughtful approach to using AI, focusing on identifying the problems teachers want to solve before selecting AI tools. She recommends leveraging AI to streamline tasks like design thinking and lesson planning, allowing teachers to innovate their pedagogies effectively.

    Furthermore, Saba highlights the necessity of developing critical thinking skills in both teachers and students when utilising AI. She encourages educators to ask meaningful questions, think outside the traditional teaching methods, and envision the ideal learning environment by utilising AI as a supportive tool rather than a replacement.

    Saba emphasises the need for educators to reconnect with the outcomes they wish to achieve, embrace change, and let technology enhance their teaching practices. She invites teachers to reconsider ingrained educational practices, discover new possibilities with AI, and prioritise well-being, relationships, and innovation in the age of AI revolution. To learn more about Saba and her work, visit designingschools.org.

    • 27 min
    Episode 152 - 7 Tips For A Successful 5 AM

    Episode 152 - 7 Tips For A Successful 5 AM

    I  discuss tips for successfully waking up at 5am. Prioritise enough sleep, use the 10-3-2-1-0 formula, eliminate snooze buttons, prepare the night before, automate routines, reject excuses, start with something enjoyable, and share your progress with others. Visit teacherspd.net to stay updated and subscribe for more valuable content. Let's become effective teachers together.

    0:00:00 Introduction to the Effective Teaching Podcast

    0:00:18 The Importance of Going to Bed Earlier

    0:01:27 The 10-3-2-1-0 Formula for a Successful 5am Morning

    0:03:53 Make a Plan the Night Before for a Productive Morning

    0:08:05 Overcoming excuses and setting up for a successful morning

    0:09:13 Share your 5am routine to make it stick

    Long Summary
    In this episode of the Effective Teaching Podcast, we delve into the topic of successfully waking up at 5am and share some valuable tips and strategies. First and foremost, it's crucial to prioritise getting enough sleep by adjusting your bedtime to ensure you receive a sufficient amount of rest, ideally between 7.5 to 8 hours. To enhance the quality of your sleep, we introduce the 10-3-2-1-0 formula, which involves various practices leading up to bedtime. This includes avoiding caffeine for 10 hours before sleeping, refraining from consuming food and alcohol for 3 hours, abstaining from work-related activities for two hours, and refraining from screens for one hour prior to bedtime. By adhering to these guidelines, you can create optimal conditions for better sleep.

    To successfully wake up at 5am, it's important to eliminate the habit of using the snooze button. By hitting snooze, you disrupt the body's natural waking process, causing grogginess and a less productive start to the day. In addition, we emphasise the significance of preparing for the morning the night before. By developing a plan and organising your activities in advance, you can feel motivated and structured as soon as you wake up.

    We discuss the concept of taking the path of least resistance when establishing new habits, such as going to the gym in the morning. To make it easier to follow through with your intention, we suggest setting yourself up for success by sleeping in your workout clothes, having your gym bag ready, and your water bottle filled. By minimising obstacles and making tasks as effortless as possible, you increase the chances of maintaining a consistent routine.

    Automating your morning routines and eliminating unnecessary decision-making can significantly improve efficiency. Having your clothes, work materials, and other essentials prepared in advance and avoiding distractions like checking emails right away enable you to focus on the most important tasks and optimise your time.

    Another crucial tip is to reject excuses and embrace determination. By refusing to let excuses hold you back, you can overcome obstacles and push through to achieve your goals and tasks. We emphasise the importance of starting your morning with something you genuinely love and enjoy. Whether it's engaging in a physical activity, reading a book, or any other activity that brings joy, incorporating it into your morning routine can enhance motivation and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

    Furthermore, we highlight the value of sharing your 5am morning routine with others. In doing so, you hold yourself accountable and encourage a sense of commitment. By aligning your identity with being an early riser and someone who is productive and organised, you foster a stronger dedication to sticking to your routine and attaining success.

    To conclude, we suggest shifting your mindset and adopting a growth-oriented perspective by replacing limiting beliefs with positive affirmations. Rather than saying "I'm not a morning person," affirm yourself as a morning person who is capable of adapting and transforming your habits. Additionally, we recap the seven essential tips for a successful 5am morning routine: adjusting your bedtime,

    • 11 min
    Episode 151 - 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Getting Up At 5 AM

    Episode 151 - 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Getting Up At 5 AM

    I discuss the benefits of waking up at 5am. Starting the day early allows for uninterrupted time for activities like meditation and deep work. We also explore how this routine can improve sleep quality, enhance anticipation for the day, and boost confidence. Give it a try and become a more effective teacher. Subscribe to the podcast and visit teacherspd.net for more valuable content. Let's embark on this journey together.

    0:00:00 Introduction to the Effective Teaching Podcast

    0:00:19 The Benefits of Getting Up at 5am

    0:01:31 Activities to Maximise Your Morning Time

    0:02:27 Utilising Morning Hours for Deep Work and Planning

    0:08:05 Boosting Confidence through Early Morning Achievements

    0:09:33 Six Reasons Teachers Should Wake Up at 5 a.m.

    Long Summary
    In this episode of the Effective Teaching Podcast, we explore the advantages of waking up at 5am. Starting the day early can give you a powerful energy boost and rejuvenate your mindset. By utilising this uninterrupted time, you can engage in activities like meditation, exercise, and deep work. Engaging in deep work during the morning allows you to concentrate and become more productive throughout the day.

    We also discuss the importance of using this time for personal and professional growth. Reading, studying articles, and completing courses can all be incorporated into your morning routine, allowing you to maximise your productivity and achieve success as an effective teacher.

    I elaborate on six reasons why teachers should make the effort to wake up at 5am. Firstly, it kickstarts your day, providing uninterrupted time to accomplish tasks. Secondly, it improves your sleep quality as you are more likely to go to bed earlier and feel tired from the morning activities. Thirdly, it intensifies your excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. Fourthly, it eliminates the rush in the morning and allows you to plan your day more efficiently. Fifthly, rising early boosts your confidence and sets you up for success throughout the day. Lastly, dedicating this extra time to important tasks guarantees improvements in various areas of your life.

    I encourage all teachers to give this routine a try and experience the benefits of starting the day at 5am. By incorporating these practices into your life, you'll not only become more effective as a teacher but also create a foundation for a successful day in all aspects of your life. Remember to subscribe to the podcast and visit teacherspd.net for more valuable content. Let's embark on this journey of becoming effective teachers together.


    • 10 min
    Episode 150 - Improve Your Mindset with Jason Marshall (The Inspiring Teacher)

    Episode 150 - Improve Your Mindset with Jason Marshall (The Inspiring Teacher)

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of mindset in teaching with special guest Jason Marshall. We explore the concept of growth mindset versus fixed mindset and the significance of adopting a growth mindset for personal and professional growth. We also delve into the power of the reticular activating system (RAS) and techniques to shift mindset, such as changing routines and focusing on positive aspects. Additionally, we touch on applying these concepts to students and overcoming challenges as a teacher. We offer listeners a free checklist for staying calm and prepared for teaching. Visit teacherspd.net for more resources.

     0:00:00 Welcome to the Effective Teaching Podcast 0:00:18 Introduction to Jason Marshall and the topic of mindset 0:03:23 The role of the reticular activating system in mindset shift 0:08:14 Using the Reticular Activating System to Enhance Teaching Skills 0:13:22 Teaching Students to Leverage their Reticular Activating System 0:15:55 Bringing Awareness to the Present Moment 0:19:33 Boosting Confidence and Improving as a Teacher 0:23:07 The importance of managing anxiety in leadership roles 0:24:20 Power Poses and Boosting Confidence 0:25:33 The Science Behind Power Poses 0:27:27 Learning about the activating system and improving as teachers.

    Long Summary
    In this episode of the Effective Teaching Podcast, we have a special guest, Jason Marshall, the host of the Inspiring Teacher Podcast and a coach for teachers aspiring to go into leadership roles. We delve into the importance of mindset in teaching and how it impacts both the teacher and the students. Jason emphasizes the significance of having the right mindset for personal and professional growth, as well as for providing the best education to students. We dive into the concept of growth mindset versus fixed mindset and discuss the need for teachers to adopt a growth mindset. Jason shares insights on the reticular activating system (RAS) and how it filters the vast amount of information our brains receive. He highlights the importance of consciously choosing what to focus on and suggests simple practices, such as listening to inspiring podcasts or changing daily routes, to shift perspective and activate the RAS in a positive way. I further elaborate on the reticular activating system and how it can be leveraged to shift mindset and promote a positive state of mind. I emphasize that even small changes like altering the music we listen to or engaging in movement can help change our perception and activate our RAS. The RAS filters out familiar or repetitive information but also responds to new and unique stimuli. Intentionally shifting our mindset, whether through body language, language used, or focusing on positive aspects, can have a profound impact. Moving forward, we discuss the importance of staying focused on the present moment and avoiding getting caught up in thoughts about the past or future. By keeping our focus on the present, we can change our state and improve our productivity. I explain how being aware of our body posture and language can help shift to a calm state. We can take deep breaths, plant our feet on the floor, and speak positively to ourselves. Redirecting our focus from what needs to be done to what has already been accomplished is also beneficial. We also explore how these concepts can be applied to students. By teaching them to focus on the present moment, we can help them manage stress and enhance their learning experience. Techniques like body awareness and positive self-talk can bring them back to the present moment and allow them to respond from a place of clarity rather than being influenced by their emotions. Additionally, we touch upon how the practice of focusing on the present moment can contribute to personal growth and improvement as a teacher. Lack of confidence is a common struggle, but by employing techniques like focusing on confidence, body language, and positive outcomes, these challenges can

    • 28 min
    Episode 149 - 4 Ways How To Improve Your Practice Through Lesson Observation

    Episode 149 - 4 Ways How To Improve Your Practice Through Lesson Observation

    I shift the focus towards personal growth rather than judgement, aiming to be effective teachers who make a meaningful impact. Deliberate practice with targeted feedback is key. We identify an area to improve, invite a skilled teacher to observe, apply their suggestions, and seek feedback again. Observing colleagues and embracing resources and support are crucial. Subscribe to TeachersPD.net for valuable resources. Teaching is a journey of growth with observation and feedback at its core.

    0:00:00 Introduction to the Effective Teaching Podcast with Dan

    0:00:19 Overcoming the fear of lesson observation

    0:01:06 Deliberate practice: specific feedback for targeted improvement

    0:02:38 Steps to improve teaching: identify, observe, apply, and refine

    0:08:14 The Impact of AI on Education

    Long Summary
    In this episode of the Effective Teaching Podcast, we delve into the process of improving teaching through lesson observation. I acknowledge that the idea of having others observe our classrooms can be intimidating, but I want to shift the focus towards personal development and growth rather than judgement. Teaching is a craft that can always be improved upon, and our goal is to be effective, high-quality teachers who make a significant impact on our students' lives.

    I start off by debunking the notion that "practice makes perfect," as research shows that mindless repetition does not lead to improvement. Instead, deliberate practice is the key. Similar to practising a tennis serve, we need specific feedback from an expert coach to identify areas for improvement. Therefore, we should select one aspect of our teaching that we wish to enhance and invite a skilled teacher to observe our practice and provide targeted feedback.

    To implement this process, we first identify the area we want to improve, using established teaching standards or frameworks. These frameworks are helpful in creating a checklist for improvement. Next, we ask a proficient teacher to observe us and offer suggestions on how to enhance that specific aspect. This could involve recommending books, demonstrating their own methods, or providing structured feedback techniques. We then take their suggestions, apply them in our teaching, and seek feedback once again. This iterative process allows us to continuously improve in our chosen area.


    Furthermore, I encourage teachers to observe their colleagues. By observing others, we can learn new strategies and gain inspiration for our own teaching practice. Reach out to your colleagues and ask if you can observe their lessons to gather new ideas and strategies. Be systematic in working through different aspects of classroom teaching and focus on one area of improvement at a time.

    I emphasise the importance of seeing observations as opportunities for growth rather than judgement. Constantly improving as a teacher and adapting to the changes in education, such as the rise of AI, is crucial. As we strive to enhance our teaching skills, it's essential to seek out resources and support. I invite listeners to subscribe to TeachersPD.net, where they can find more valuable resources and support in becoming effective teachers.

    Remember, teaching is an ever-evolving journey, and by embracing observation and feedback, we can continue to grow and make a meaningful impact on our students' learning.

    • 9 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
12 Ratings

12 Ratings

Queensland reds ,

Fantastic teacher podcast

I listen to Dans podcast on the way to work and find it a great way to get into the right mindset before teaching and learn new ways to improve my practice. I often listen to an episode more than once. Helps strengthen those neurons and assist recall! (A topic visited on the podcast)

tysondunne ,

Top quality - very encouraging!

This podcast has been great in hyping me up in making my classes so much more effective in my teaching practices.

Jam1e7 ,

Loving the morning inspiration

Loving the podcast Dan! The length of the episodes and the specific focus of each is great for the commute to work. A really great resource I can use with my staff for professional learning on particular aspects of pedagogy that are a focus at our school.

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