Ending Infant Trauma: Dangers of Hospital Birth, Ultrasound, & Circumcision w/ Jeanice Barcelo #308

Today we’re facing a dark reality of what has become normalized in our country: infant trauma and abuse by the medical establishment.
Some of you may be resistant to the ideas brought up in this episode, but I urge you to hear us out. The medical establishment has gone through a lot of effort to make you think that hospital births, circumcision, epidurals, incubators, and prenatal ultrasounds are all the healthiest and safest options for your newborns — but, in most instances, that’s simply not the case.
My guest is Jeanice Barcelo, an author, researcher, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of the medical establishment. In her two books —“The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation” and “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine” — Jeanice argues that medical violence is deliberate and methodical, revealing the systemic abuse against infants and parents during hospital birth.
This is perhaps one of the most important conversations I’ve ever shared. If we don’t protect our newborns from harm, our species is doomed — and recognizing the problem is the first step. So please share it with anyone who is planning a family or needs this information.
09:20 — The trauma that pushed Jeanice to become a researcher and activist
- Two months and two days of watching her child in neonatal intensive care
- “I didn’t have a language to understand what was going on, but I could feel the evil.”
- It was a repetition of her own birth trauma
- Five years of intense PTSD
- How Jin Shin Jyutsu saved her life
- More than 98% of hospital births are considered at least moderately traumatic
- What happens during the birthing process when you’re carrying unresolved birth trauma
- The satanic rituals performed in hospitals
20:10 — How the medical establishment is intervening even pre-pregnancy
- Dangers of birth control pills
- Imprinting rejection at birth
- Our divine birthright
- Cellular memory
- The sequence of events in a typical American pregnancy
37:00 — What’s the deal with ultrasounds?
- Ultrasounds are non-ionizing radiation
- EMF exposure to the fetus
- Why radiation damage is so insidious
- Radiation from heart rate monitors
- Things that can go wrong if you don’t get an ultrasound
- Fetal surveillance
50:35 — Medical indoctrination
- Trauma-based mind control
- The horrors of circumcision
- Watch “American Circumcision”
- The War Against Boys: Ending The Torture Of Circumcision In America
01:00:05 — Induction, umbilical cord clamping, cesarean sections, and harmful pharmaceuticals
- The harms caused by induction
- The etymology of “induction”
- How toxic drugs like Cytotec (Misoprostol) and Pitocin are used
- These are rituals, not just protocols
- Why it helps to have a doula to advocate for you
- Epidurals and why to avoid them
- How long has this model been in operation?
- What they don’t tell you about sections
- How cord clamping robs babies of vital nutrients and hurts their health
- Hospitals selling infant blood
- What happens to the umbilical cord and placenta in natural birth?
- “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine”
01:39:41 — Why fathers and family are often kept out of the room during birth
- No one should touch your baby before you do
- Luke’s realization about his birth during an ayahuasca retreat
- The work isn’t fun, but the benefit of healing from these traumas is immeasurable
- Incubators and how they affect babies psychologically
01:49:55 — The horrors of circumcision
- The benefits of having foreskin
- Robbing men of their full sexual expression and ability to connect emotionally
- The process of removing foreskin
- The attack on men
02:08:10 — Where parents can begin if they decide to have a natural birth
- Ensuring a love-filled, conscious conception
- The meaning and role of the doula and midwife
- Healing your birth trauma
- Avoiding marital breakdown after childbirth
- Ringing Cedars Series Original Second Edition Full Set
More about this episode.
Watch it on YouTube.
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Hosts & Guests
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Weekly
- Published6 October 2020 at 3:00 pm UTC
- Length2h 47m
- Episode308
- RatingClean