18 min

Episode 5 - A chat with Katie Rees about nature and our wellbeing Through The Trees with Holly

    • Nature

We all know that being outside is great for our health and today I am talking to Katie Rees about how being outdoors in green spaces is good for our wellbeing, why connecting with nature at all ages is important and about the art of coppicing. Katie set up Kindle Woods as a space for people of all ages to come and be at one with nature.

The authors Katie mentions are Thich nhat hanh and Jon Kabat Zinn.

You can find Kindle Woods here.

Instagram @kindlewoods_cic 

Website - kindlewoods

We all know that being outside is great for our health and today I am talking to Katie Rees about how being outdoors in green spaces is good for our wellbeing, why connecting with nature at all ages is important and about the art of coppicing. Katie set up Kindle Woods as a space for people of all ages to come and be at one with nature.

The authors Katie mentions are Thich nhat hanh and Jon Kabat Zinn.

You can find Kindle Woods here.

Instagram @kindlewoods_cic 

Website - kindlewoods

18 min