37 min

Impact Investing #3 Ensombl Advice Australia

    • Business News

In this instalment, Karen is joined by James Baird, Director and Principal Advisor at JustInvest Financial Planning. They chat about the integration of impact investing into their investment philosophy and processes, and the need for a strict risk profiling and process-driven approach to ensure that investments align with clients' values while providing diversification, income generation, and growth drivers.
James Baird LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-baird-1374a910/
JustInvest Financial Planning Website: https://www.justinvest.net.au/
Karen McLeod LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-mcleod-04026312/
To learn more about Impact Investing, contact your T. Rowe Price Relationship Manager https://ensombl.com/go/20240501
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In this instalment, Karen is joined by James Baird, Director and Principal Advisor at JustInvest Financial Planning. They chat about the integration of impact investing into their investment philosophy and processes, and the need for a strict risk profiling and process-driven approach to ensure that investments align with clients' values while providing diversification, income generation, and growth drivers.
James Baird LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-baird-1374a910/
JustInvest Financial Planning Website: https://www.justinvest.net.au/
Karen McLeod LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-mcleod-04026312/
To learn more about Impact Investing, contact your T. Rowe Price Relationship Manager https://ensombl.com/go/20240501
Join the Ensombl platform:
App Store: http://www.ensombl.com/apple
Google Play: http://www.ensombl.com/google
Desktop: https://www.ensombl.com/
General Disclaimer – https://www.ensombl.com/disclaimer/

37 min