1 hr 16 min

041 - Channeling and Soul Awareness with Katherine Mackey Multidimensional Evolution

    • Spirituality

Welcome to Episode 41 of the ME podcast with me Kim McCaul and welcome to the first episode for 2021. If you have been following this podcast you will have noticed that there has been a bit of a gap since my last episode in 2020. Basically I took some time off and also focused a bit more on my writing, some of which you can find on the online writing platform Medium. However, apart from this excellent episode I already have a  couple of completed interviews waiting for you, and I am really looking forward to bringing your some more clarifying and thought provoking conversations as well as solo episodes this year.My guest today is Katherine Mackey, the author of Soul Awareness and the long term medium of an extraphysical consciousness called Gerod You may recall that I discussed Gerod  in some detail in  Episode 35 with clinical psychologist Tom Zinser. Working through Katherine, the medium, Gerod advised Tom Zinser for several years with his most complex clinical cases. The remarkable multidimensional therapeutic insights generated by that cooperation was what inspired me to invite Katherine onto the podcast. Ideally I would have liked to have interviewed her and also Gerod speaking through her, because I am really intrigued by what it is like for an extraophycial consciousness to work through a physical person. But as it turns out Katherine has retired from mediumship. In this conversation Katherine talks about how she learned about mediumship and her ability to communicate with Gerod. We explore what it feels like to be channeling another person and how you can be sure it is not just a part of yourself, we talk about the kind of obstacles there seem to be to inter-dimensional 

communication and by contrast what facilitates such communication Katherine explains the right way to ask questions from a helper, how she agreed her retirement from channeling with Gerod and why we ultimately don’t need to rely on channeled information at all and lots more.

As I am publishing this episode I have just been considering a critique of channeled and other mediumistic information. That critique is centred on a range of channellers some of which seem very dubious indeed. It reminded me of the great importance of discernment and critical thinking when dealing with any kind of information that purports to be of multidimensional origin - including I might add the way we interpret our own experiences. The reason I am so interested in Katherine’s work is that so much of it was focused on assisting with complex clinical work, where the information provided by Gerod brought about profound healing events for some of the clients. As out interview makes clear, channeling was also never something Katherine did for fame or fortune, which adds additional credibility. In fact, I found Katherine to exemplify a kind of practical, grounded spirituality that seems to be quite rare. So I hope you enjoy this interview and of course as always approach everything with full discernment, don’t believe anything and ideally pursue your own experiences and studies.

Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here 


Or make a donation to Auphonic who I use to provide great sound quality for you https://auphonic.com/donate_credits?user=MultidimensionalEvolution

Welcome to Episode 41 of the ME podcast with me Kim McCaul and welcome to the first episode for 2021. If you have been following this podcast you will have noticed that there has been a bit of a gap since my last episode in 2020. Basically I took some time off and also focused a bit more on my writing, some of which you can find on the online writing platform Medium. However, apart from this excellent episode I already have a  couple of completed interviews waiting for you, and I am really looking forward to bringing your some more clarifying and thought provoking conversations as well as solo episodes this year.My guest today is Katherine Mackey, the author of Soul Awareness and the long term medium of an extraphysical consciousness called Gerod You may recall that I discussed Gerod  in some detail in  Episode 35 with clinical psychologist Tom Zinser. Working through Katherine, the medium, Gerod advised Tom Zinser for several years with his most complex clinical cases. The remarkable multidimensional therapeutic insights generated by that cooperation was what inspired me to invite Katherine onto the podcast. Ideally I would have liked to have interviewed her and also Gerod speaking through her, because I am really intrigued by what it is like for an extraophycial consciousness to work through a physical person. But as it turns out Katherine has retired from mediumship. In this conversation Katherine talks about how she learned about mediumship and her ability to communicate with Gerod. We explore what it feels like to be channeling another person and how you can be sure it is not just a part of yourself, we talk about the kind of obstacles there seem to be to inter-dimensional 

communication and by contrast what facilitates such communication Katherine explains the right way to ask questions from a helper, how she agreed her retirement from channeling with Gerod and why we ultimately don’t need to rely on channeled information at all and lots more.

As I am publishing this episode I have just been considering a critique of channeled and other mediumistic information. That critique is centred on a range of channellers some of which seem very dubious indeed. It reminded me of the great importance of discernment and critical thinking when dealing with any kind of information that purports to be of multidimensional origin - including I might add the way we interpret our own experiences. The reason I am so interested in Katherine’s work is that so much of it was focused on assisting with complex clinical work, where the information provided by Gerod brought about profound healing events for some of the clients. As out interview makes clear, channeling was also never something Katherine did for fame or fortune, which adds additional credibility. In fact, I found Katherine to exemplify a kind of practical, grounded spirituality that seems to be quite rare. So I hope you enjoy this interview and of course as always approach everything with full discernment, don’t believe anything and ideally pursue your own experiences and studies.

Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:


To support this podcast and get yourself a mind expanding read purchase a copy of Multidimensional Evolution: personal explorations of consciousness here 


Or make a donation to Auphonic who I use to provide great sound quality for you https://auphonic.com/donate_credits?user=MultidimensionalEvolution

1 hr 16 min