23 min

Mel Brauer - The Prosecco Queen The Wine Show Australia

    • Places & Travel

Mel chats with Simon and Richo about the upcoming Prosecco Festival in Melbourne and we get a mini Masterclass on the styles and tastes of Prosecco from here and Italy.

Great chat as always and get your tickets if you can make it to the Abbotsford Convent.

@thewineshowaustralia @proseccoqueen @theproseccofestival #prosecco

Mel chats with Simon and Richo about the upcoming Prosecco Festival in Melbourne and we get a mini Masterclass on the styles and tastes of Prosecco from here and Italy.

Great chat as always and get your tickets if you can make it to the Abbotsford Convent.

@thewineshowaustralia @proseccoqueen @theproseccofestival #prosecco

23 min