21 min

Get Out of Your Own Way Selling with Sandra - how to smash that glass ceiling

    • How To

In this episode I tell you how to stop sabotaging your potential by getting out of your own way.I explain the importance of:- Forgiving yourself for past habits like procrastinationReprogramming your mind so hard tasks become easierRewarding yourself for taking actionMaking yourself accountable for achieving your goals.This episode is brought to you by M2 Morninga. www.m2moringa.com.auVisit our website at www.milliondollaragent.live and email me at sandra@milliondollaragent.infoSup...

In this episode I tell you how to stop sabotaging your potential by getting out of your own way.I explain the importance of:- Forgiving yourself for past habits like procrastinationReprogramming your mind so hard tasks become easierRewarding yourself for taking actionMaking yourself accountable for achieving your goals.This episode is brought to you by M2 Morninga. www.m2moringa.com.auVisit our website at www.milliondollaragent.live and email me at sandra@milliondollaragent.infoSup...

21 min