51 min

Post Natal Depletion Recovery with Georgia Marrion Natural Medicine Podcast

    • Alternative Health

We know that pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body and involves prioritisation of nutrition to the fetus (foetus) at the expense of the mother. We also know that this can result in significant depletion of nutrients, and furthermore can even result in structural changes to the mother's brain tissue.It's no wonder, then, that there's a thing called pregnancy brain, and that women suffer from extreme fatigue, sometimes months, or even years after giving birth.Stress hormones p...

We know that pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body and involves prioritisation of nutrition to the fetus (foetus) at the expense of the mother. We also know that this can result in significant depletion of nutrients, and furthermore can even result in structural changes to the mother's brain tissue.It's no wonder, then, that there's a thing called pregnancy brain, and that women suffer from extreme fatigue, sometimes months, or even years after giving birth.Stress hormones p...

51 min