43 min

Overcoming Fear with Mary Poffenroth The Modern Alchemist Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Joining me on today’s episode is Joining me on today’s episode is Mary Poffenroth, a biology lecturer and fear researcher for San Jose State University. In addition to contributing to Science magazine, Forbes, TEDx and SXSW, she advises growth driven individuals and organizations on how to use science to transform their relationship with fear to improve strategic decision making and increase creativity while cultivating more authentic communications.

Joining me on today’s episode is Joining me on today’s episode is Mary Poffenroth, a biology lecturer and fear researcher for San Jose State University. In addition to contributing to Science magazine, Forbes, TEDx and SXSW, she advises growth driven individuals and organizations on how to use science to transform their relationship with fear to improve strategic decision making and increase creativity while cultivating more authentic communications.

43 min