44 min

The Wolf You Feed with Sophie Aghdami Sober Yoga Girl

    • Mental Health

In this episode Alex sits down with Sophie Aghdami. Sophie is in recovery from alcohol addiction and now helping others maintain longterm recovery as a coach. She is also a 200 hour trained yoga teacher. Sophie spent a long dark decade (plus some) in the depths of addiction. Successful on the outside in exciting jobs, Sophie was on her deathbed emotionally, spiritually and physically. After waking up one morning during a trip in Indonesia at yet another rock bottom (there were many), sh...

In this episode Alex sits down with Sophie Aghdami. Sophie is in recovery from alcohol addiction and now helping others maintain longterm recovery as a coach. She is also a 200 hour trained yoga teacher. Sophie spent a long dark decade (plus some) in the depths of addiction. Successful on the outside in exciting jobs, Sophie was on her deathbed emotionally, spiritually and physically. After waking up one morning during a trip in Indonesia at yet another rock bottom (there were many), sh...

44 min