Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast

Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast
Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast

Listen to me, Luca, a lifelong Star Wars fan, my brother Mike and best friend AJ as we review and discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+.

  1. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Special Edition Revenge of the Sith

    7 FEB · BONUS

    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Special Edition Revenge of the Sith

    Thanks for tuning in, spacefarers! 🚀 This is a special edition of the podcast featuring my old roommate, Safwan! We’ve known each other for over 20 years, and our journey began at the Sears shoe department, where we bonded over shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Unfortunately, we never hung out outside of work, and when I moved to a different department, we lost touch. Fast forward a few years, and my co-host AJ happened to meet someone who also worked at Sears—only to realize it was Safwan, my old friend! That chance encounter rekindled our friendship, and soon, we became roommates while I was a Sears Assistant Store Manager. Even though we no longer live together, we’ve remained close ever since. I always knew we both loved Star Wars, but I didn’t realize just how deep Safwan’s passion for the franchise ran. He was the one who surprised me with advance screening tickets for The Last Jedi! While I love Star Wars, I would’ve been perfectly fine waiting for the weekend instead of staying up for an 11 PM showing. 💥 **In this special edition, we dive deep into Revenge of the Sith—arguably the best prequel and one of the strongest films in the franchise. We all know the issues with the prequels—clunky dialogue, overuse of CGI, questionable acting choices—but over time, many fans have come to appreciate them more, especially in comparison to Disney’s recent productions. Regardless of past criticisms, Revenge of the Sith remains a great Star Wars film. While it doesn’t fully redeem the mistakes of Episodes I & II, it delivers a cohesive story with a satisfying conclusion. Thanks for listening! 🎧 May the Force be with you. – Luca Connect With Us: Join us on ⁠⁠Discord⁠ Tweet us ⁠@SWRewatchPod⁠ Subscribe on ⁠YouTube⁠ Subscribe on ⁠Apple Podcasts⁠ Subscribe on ⁠Spotify #StarWars #RevengeOfTheSith #Podcast #MovieRewatch #StarWarsPrequels #TheForce #Sith #Jedi #SciFiMovies #GeekCulture #MoviePodcast

    1h 10m
  2. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Skeleton Crew Very Interesting, As An Astrogation Problem

    27 JAN

    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Skeleton Crew Very Interesting, As An Astrogation Problem

    Welcome back, you bloody space pirates! Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast. This episode is a bit out of order—I meant to edit the previous one first, but here I am working on Episode III. Not a big deal! I’ll try not to spoil my thoughts on the last episode as we dive into this exciting continuation of the story. At this point, the children are lost in space. SM-33 navigates them to their port of origin, which turns out to be a bustling pirate base hidden within an asteroid. Unfortunately, the children find themselves captured and must figure out a way to escape. Luckily, they gain an unexpected ally—another prisoner! Here we’re introduced to Jod Na Nawood, a Force-wielding “Jedi.” While Whim is ecstatic to meet a Jedi in real life, Fern and KB are skeptical of Jod’s claims. Despite their doubts, they strike a deal to help one another. The pirates are ultimately foiled, but not before the children convince Jod to rescue SM-33 before making their daring escape. They jump to lightspeed while still tethered to a fuel line—talk about close calls! Jod, Fern, Neel, KB, and SM-33 escape Port Borgo and head to meet Jod’s associate, Kh’ymm. This encounter raises more questions about Jod’s true identity. Kh’ymm refers to him as Crimson Jack, marking his third alias so far (the pirates had called him Silvo). Kh’ymm aids the group by deciphering symbols from Fern’s backpack to locate At Attin. However, Jod immediately realizes that Kh’ymm has alerted the New Republic. As the kids negotiate yet another deal with Jod to ensure their safe return home, X-wings arrive near the observatory and open fire on their ship. This episode deepens the mystery surrounding At Attin, a legendary location tied to the Old Republic. Generations have passed without anyone from the Republic or Empire reaching it, as the so-called “barrier” obscures it and makes navigation nearly impossible. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Kh’ymm’s knowledge of At Attin and its connection to other “jewels of the Republic” was fascinating. I hope you found it just as intriguing! Thank you for listening or watching! Connect With Us: Join us on ⁠Discord Tweet us @SWRewatchPod Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Spotify Hashtags:#StarWars #StarWarsPodcast #SM33 #JodNaNawood #PortBorgo #CrimsonJack #AtAttin #OldRepublic #StarWarsMystery #Khymm #XWings #SciFiPodcast #StarWarsRewatch #GalaxyFarFarAway #PodcastCommunity #StarWarsFans #SkeletonCrew

    39 min
  3. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Skeleton Crew Way, Way Out Past the Barrier

    20 JAN

    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Skeleton Crew Way, Way Out Past the Barrier

    Welcome back you filthy space pirates! It is another episode of the Star Wars Re-Watch podcast. Thank you for joining us. My brother Mike was kind enough to lend his time for two episodes back to back. It is also here we are introduced to whom will be my favorite character in the series moving forward, SM 33. Yet again we have another Star Wars property where an actor portraying a droid steals the spotlight from the rest of the cast. I had no idea Nick Frost was doing the voice of SM 33. He is that good. Fern is able to confuse his logic circuits and convince him, she is now the captain and to bring them back home. Unfortunately, he has no record of where they were and instead astrogates them to Port Borgo. It is here we run into the pirates from the cold open that attacked the New Republic. The children arrive and are ferried by a creature I am fairly certain is native to Endor. anyone else remember Teek? After the children are eventually captured, the are thrown into a prison cell with a mysterious force wielder. While they are away, their parents are scrambling to get help from the supervisor. The droids are not very helpful and continue to stall and simply explain they have violated protocol and there is not aloud to call for help beyond the barrier. Fern's mother tries to expedite by requesting an audience with the supervisor but, delays persist. This was another cute episode. I really enjoyed Nick Frost's performance as SM 33. Thanks for listening. -Luca Visit the blog Subscribe on Discord ⁠ Tweet us on Twitter ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@SWRewatchPod ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Subscribe on YouTube⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Subscribe on Spotify #StarWars #StarWarsPodcast #SM33 #NickFrost #PortBorgo #Endor #Teek #ForceWielder #StarWarsDroids #SciFiPodcast #StarWarsRewatch #GalaxyFarFarAway #PodcastCommunity #StarWarsFans #SkeletonCrew

    39 min
  4. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Skeleton Crew This Could Be A Real Adventure


    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast Skeleton Crew This Could Be A Real Adventure

    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast: Skeleton Crew – Episode I "This Could Be a Real Adventure" Fans, friends, and Tia Laura, thank you for tuning in to another episode of the Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast! Yes, it still counts, even if you're on auto-play. Thanks again, Tia Laura! Sydney and I just re-watched Disney's latest Star Wars TV show, "Skeleton Crew." I have to admit—I was skeptical. The trailers didn’t grab me at first glance. But wow, was I wrong! This show has far more charm than it initially lets on. As I get older, I’m finding myself more open to Disney's fresh takes on Star Wars. At first, the concept of a group of kids being shepherded across the galaxy by an adult didn’t appeal to me. But Jude Law’s portrayal of the lead character, paired with the kids’ unique dynamics, truly works. Compared to other live-action Star Wars series, Skeleton Crew feels like a departure. Yes, the focus on kids might seem off-putting at first, but don’t let it fool you. Each child has a distinct personality, and even though their archetypes are familiar, they bring something special. Neel, for example, is adorable in his red overalls, and Fern stands out as the "tough girl" while maintaining depth and complexity. Fern balances her “perfect student” persona with a rebellious streak. She’s the top of her class but also races speeder bikes with the older kids. This duality gives her character a rich, relatable edge that feels fresh in the Star Wars universe. The first episode leaves you hooked, eager for what’s next. Whether we cover The Acolyte, Skeleton Crew, or Visions in our next podcast, who knows? There are no rules in podcasting—we’ll dive into whatever we want! Thanks for listening! – Luca 🎧Connect with Us: Join us on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Discord⁠⁠⁠⁠ Tweet us ⁠⁠⁠⁠@SWRewatchPod⁠⁠⁠⁠ on Twitter Subscribe on ⁠⁠⁠⁠YouTube⁠⁠⁠⁠ Subscribe on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Apple Podcasts⁠⁠⁠⁠ Subscribe on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify #StarWars #StarWarsPodcast #SkeletonCrew #DisneyPlus #StarWarsFans #JudeLaw #SciFiAdventure #StarWarsTV #PodcastLife #StarWarsUniverse #PopCulture

    32 min
  5. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte Revenge / Justice


    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte Revenge / Justice

    Howdy, spacefarers! Thanks for tuning into another episode of the Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast. I’m here with my co-host, my awesome brother Michael! Since we didn’t publish last month, we’re bringing you a second episode this month! In this episode, the mystery intensifies. We know Mae has four targets to eliminate. Last episode, Andara met her end. Now, we learn about Master Torbin, one of the guilty. Vernestra orders Sol, Jecki, and Yord to investigate the assailant on Olega and take Osha with them. Yord is suspicious, thinking Mae isn’t acting alone, and he’s right. Someone else is impersonating the apothecary. What could push a Jedi like Torbin to take the Barash Vow? Despite resisting Mae’s physical attacks, Torbin willingly takes poison, ending his life. What could drive a Jedi to such an act? Does their essence live on? Can they still communicate with other Jedi, like Obi-Wan and Yoda with Luke? Isn’t suicide a grave sin for Jedi? The Jedi catch up with Mae, trying to bring her in. Here, Mae discovers Osha is alive, and Osha learns the same about Mae. Osha decides not to stun her sister. Why? Could it be that Osha wanted to show Mae she’s different from the Jedi and didn’t want to harm her? It’s a puzzling move, especially when trying to prove innocence. Thanks for listening/watching! Connect with Us: Join us on ⁠⁠⁠Discord⁠⁠⁠ Tweet us ⁠⁠⁠@SWRewatchPod⁠⁠⁠ on Twitter Subscribe on ⁠⁠⁠YouTube⁠⁠⁠ Subscribe on ⁠⁠⁠Apple Podcasts⁠⁠⁠ Subscribe on ⁠⁠⁠Spotify #StarWars #StarWarsPodcast #StarWarsRewatch #JediLore #SciFiMystery #JediLife #StarWarsFans #PodcastEpisode #SpaceAdventure #JediVsSith #StarWarsTheories #SiblingPodcast #MayTheForceBeWithYou #StarWarsUniverse #SciFiExploration

    58 min
  6. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte S1 E1 Lost/Found


    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte S1 E1 Lost/Found

    Howdy, spacefarers! Apologies for the delay in posting—September got away from me. My goal is to publish at least once a month, but life had other plans. Luckily, I convinced the wonderful Sydney to join me and share her thoughts on the latest addition to the Star Wars Disneyverse! It's been a while since The Acolyte aired its last episode. By now, you probably know the show was canceled. If I had recorded this earlier, that news might have been a surprise. However, given the backlash, it's not shocking. At the time of writing, the show holds a 4.1 on IMDb, and the fan and critic ratings on Metacritic are split—3.2 from fans and 67 from critics. Despite the negative press, I urge you to watch The Acolyte and form your own opinion. If you don’t like it, let me know why! That’s more than my co-host, AJ, who hasn’t even watched the show but still decided it sucked. What’s he basing that on? Probably all the controversy surrounding the creator and the show's lukewarm reception. At least give it a chance and see for yourself rather than relying on hearsay. Rewatching the first episode, I noticed a lot of foreshadowing I missed the first time around. For example, Mae’s black eyes really creeped me out during the second watch. Also, it’s fascinating to see how the creators attempted to expand the Star Wars universe just 100 years before The Phantom Menace. Unfortunately, many elements feel familiar, such as the Neimoidians on the cargo ship where Osha, our protagonist, works as a mechanic. Of course, more CGI shots of Coruscant were included—because what Star Wars property would be complete without it? As much as I understand that Coruscant is central to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Temple, I wish Disney didn’t stick to their 80/20 formula for Star Wars. It means we’re seeing a lot of the same things to keep fans happy. This “safe” approach has been a critique since The Force Awakens—where a young, poor individual from a desert planet embarks on a journey, hops on the Millennium Falcon, meets Han Solo and Chewbacca, and destroys a giant space station. We’ve seen this before! While there are new characters, there’s still so much unexplored in the Star Wars universe, including planets and biomes that deserve screen time. Sigh... I guess we should be thankful we’re still getting new Star Wars movies, shows, and content. You don’t always get what you love, but sometimes, you’ve got to love what you get. Connect with Us: Join us on ⁠⁠Discord⁠⁠ Tweet us ⁠⁠@SWRewatchPod⁠⁠ on Twitter Subscribe on ⁠⁠YouTube⁠⁠ Subscribe on ⁠⁠Apple Podcasts⁠⁠ Subscribe on ⁠⁠Spotify #StarWars #TheAcolyte #Podcast #RewatchPodcast #StarWarsUniverse #SciFi #DisneyPlus #StarWarsLore #Foreshadowing #TheForceAwakens #JediTemple #Coruscant #Neimoidians #StarWarsCommunity #CancelledShow #WatchItYourself

    38 min
  7. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte S1 E6 Teach \ Corrupt


    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte S1 E6 Teach \ Corrupt

    Howdy friends! Another episode in the bag. Of course, my lovely brother was kind enough to grace me with his presence. This episode was mid. Not terrible, not great. You can definitely see the writers are beginning to drag out some of the plotlines. Yes, this does help create more mystery. However, it annoyed me more than it intrigued me. You have Osha and Mae. One is trained as a Jedi but doesn't make it. The other is trained by something. Is "The Stranger" (Qimir) a Sith or an Acolyte? What is an Acolyte? Not sure if we're going to find the answer. This episode is broken up into thirds. Osha and Mae have swapped places. Mae, disguised as Osha, is now with Sol. Osha, disguised as Mae, is taken by Qimir aka "The Stranger" (according to Wookiepedia) and is now on an "unknown planet." Master Vernestra leaves Coruscant with another cohort of Jedi to find Sol and his team, who were supposed to bring in Mae. All the while, Sol and Mae are onboard the ship with the tracker. Shortly after they take off, Mae has the opportunity to kill Sol, but he eventually discovers her. He then binds her, and they jump to hyperspace and return to Brendok. At the same time, Master Vernestra arrives at Khofar. She begins to unravel what happened here. We don't really learn much in this episode. The best parts were with Osha and Qimir. We learn why his armor could temporarily nullify a lightsaber. Other than that, we ended pretty much as we started. I'm distracted, so I'll stop rambling. -Luca Connect with Us: Join us on ⁠Discord⁠ Tweet us ⁠@SWRewatchPod⁠ on Twitter Subscribe on ⁠YouTube⁠ Subscribe on ⁠Apple Podcasts⁠ Subscribe on ⁠Spotify #Podcast #Rewatch #StarWars #EpisodeVI #TeachOrCorrupt #Mystery #Jedi #Sith #Osha #Mae #Qimir #TheStranger #Wookiepedia #Vernestra #Coruscant #Brendok #Khofar

    36 min
  8. Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte S1 E5 Night


    Star Wars Re-Watch Podcast The Acolyte S1 E5 Night

    Howdy, Spacefarers! Welcome to another episode of the Star Wars Rewatch Podcast! Today, we're diving into another exciting episode of The Acolyte, and once again, we're mixing up the order. Despite this, the episodes we've covered so far have been some of the best in the series. Episode Highlights: Friends Become Enemies, Enemies Become Friends: This episode is packed with intense action and surprising twists. While the show has its flaws, the action scenes are a definite highlight that keep us entertained. Avoiding Spoilers & Reviews: I'm steering clear of other reviews and critiques of The Acolyte until I've seen the entire season. This way, I can share my genuine thoughts without any external influence. Dafne Keen's Role: I was thrilled to see Dafne Keen, known for her role as Wolverine's daughter in Logan, in the show! She plays Jecki, who forms an interesting friendship with Osha. Spectacular Lightsaber Fights: The lightsaber battles in this episode are top-notch, surpassing even some of the iconic scenes in Ahsoka, including the one featuring Hayden Christensen. The combat choreography is exceptional for a TV show. I won't give away any more details to avoid spoilers, but the episode's action scenes are definitely worth watching! Thanks for tuning in! Luca Connect with Us: Join us on Discord Tweet us @SWRewatchPod on Twitter Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Spotify #StarWars #TheAcolyte #StarWarsRewatch #DafneKeen #LightsaberFights #StarWarsPodcast #SciFi #PodcastCommunity #SciFiFans #Ahsoka #LoganMovie #PodcastLife #SWRewatchPod

    55 min



Listen to me, Luca, a lifelong Star Wars fan, my brother Mike and best friend AJ as we review and discuss the new Star Wars shows on Disney+.

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