28 min

Winter Health II Herb Talk

    • Alternative Health

Hosts Stephan Brown & Eliza Travisano
Vata Season- Nervous System
Herbs to calm & nourish the nerves...Oats, Scullcap, Passionflower, Valerian, Wood Betony
Osha Root- great for sore throats (antiviral, antibacterial)
Michael Moore the Herbalist swsbm.com
Ginger- antibacterial, circulatory stimulant
Cayenne- circulatory stimulant (infused oil)
Winter is the time to eat heavy food.
Need good fatty oils...lipids for your brain:)
Coconut oil...great for cooking
Eat fish that swim in cold, salt water
Kelp..great for the thyroid
Ghee- clarified butter...wonderful for cooking
Throat- Marshmallow, Licorice, Red Root, Sage
3 T tea
Ear Infections- Garlic /Mullein flower infused oil
Dry Air- Eczema & Psoriasis....need fatty acids
Comfrey/Calendula salve for dry conditions
Tea with Licorice, Witchhazel for wet conditions
Itchy Bitchy
Check your liver....maybe Detox
Skin Aliment Assailment
Check you diet....maybe allergies connected to skin issues
Depression- St. Johnswort tincture (mild to moderate), Lemon Balm (the "cheery herb"), Elethro or Siberian Ginseng (great adaptagen)
We invite you to visit our farm and get to know the herbs:)

Hosts Stephan Brown & Eliza Travisano
Vata Season- Nervous System
Herbs to calm & nourish the nerves...Oats, Scullcap, Passionflower, Valerian, Wood Betony
Osha Root- great for sore throats (antiviral, antibacterial)
Michael Moore the Herbalist swsbm.com
Ginger- antibacterial, circulatory stimulant
Cayenne- circulatory stimulant (infused oil)
Winter is the time to eat heavy food.
Need good fatty oils...lipids for your brain:)
Coconut oil...great for cooking
Eat fish that swim in cold, salt water
Kelp..great for the thyroid
Ghee- clarified butter...wonderful for cooking
Throat- Marshmallow, Licorice, Red Root, Sage
3 T tea
Ear Infections- Garlic /Mullein flower infused oil
Dry Air- Eczema & Psoriasis....need fatty acids
Comfrey/Calendula salve for dry conditions
Tea with Licorice, Witchhazel for wet conditions
Itchy Bitchy
Check your liver....maybe Detox
Skin Aliment Assailment
Check you diet....maybe allergies connected to skin issues
Depression- St. Johnswort tincture (mild to moderate), Lemon Balm (the "cheery herb"), Elethro or Siberian Ginseng (great adaptagen)
We invite you to visit our farm and get to know the herbs:)

28 min