Dames & Dice: S1E06 No Title

    • Games

Dames & Dice interviewed Cat Tobin, co-owner and manager of Pelgrane Press. Playing in various RPGs since her college days, Cat has seen a lot of different and unique games and people in the gaming world. She brings an insight to the world of gaming and writing and sees a potential in roleplaying games thatContinue reading "Dames & Dice: S1E06"

Dames & Dice interviewed Cat Tobin, co-owner and manager of Pelgrane Press. Playing in various RPGs since her college days, Cat has seen a lot of different and unique games and people in the gaming world. She brings an insight to the world of gaming and writing and sees a potential in roleplaying games thatContinue reading "Dames & Dice: S1E06"