11 min


    • Comedy Fiction

"Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim judgment upon it; for their wickedness has come before Me. Jonah, however, started out to flee to Tarshish from GOD’s service."

Episode content warnings: auditory hallucinations, perceived descent into madness, non-lethal choking, nudity, references to child endangerment, sexual innuendo, many eyed entities, manipulation, threats of torture, tinnitus ringing, loud eldritch sound effects

Series content warnings: fond irreverence of holy scripture, swears, violence, sexual innuendo

Transcripts and more info: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠






Written by:

Rebecca Hansson & Tommy Holmberg

Beta read by:

Hannah Levin & Lou Sutcliffe

Featuring "Disco alarm" and "Jonah" composed by Lou Sutcliffe

Voice actors:

Rebecca Hansson as Enoch

Lou Sutcliffe as Jonah ( @LouJSutcliffe | @pantaloonsoc )

Sivan Raz as Lilith ( https://sivanraz.com | @RazSivan )

Marvin Sohl as Sailor 1 ( @MarvinsGardenVA )

Drew Frohmann as Sailor 2 ( https://www.human-b-gon.com/ )

"Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim judgment upon it; for their wickedness has come before Me. Jonah, however, started out to flee to Tarshish from GOD’s service."

Episode content warnings: auditory hallucinations, perceived descent into madness, non-lethal choking, nudity, references to child endangerment, sexual innuendo, many eyed entities, manipulation, threats of torture, tinnitus ringing, loud eldritch sound effects

Series content warnings: fond irreverence of holy scripture, swears, violence, sexual innuendo

Transcripts and more info: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠






Written by:

Rebecca Hansson & Tommy Holmberg

Beta read by:

Hannah Levin & Lou Sutcliffe

Featuring "Disco alarm" and "Jonah" composed by Lou Sutcliffe

Voice actors:

Rebecca Hansson as Enoch

Lou Sutcliffe as Jonah ( @LouJSutcliffe | @pantaloonsoc )

Sivan Raz as Lilith ( https://sivanraz.com | @RazSivan )

Marvin Sohl as Sailor 1 ( @MarvinsGardenVA )

Drew Frohmann as Sailor 2 ( https://www.human-b-gon.com/ )

11 min