25 episodes

Don't make me turn this podcast around!

We’re dads talking about dad stuff. We’re doing the dad thing in the “Biggest Little City in the World” - Reno, Nevada - but we’re talking about things that all dads (and parents) can relate to. We’ll share fatherly war stories, discuss manly things, and even get into the tender moments of fatherhood. We want YOU to be a part of the conversation, so join us and listen in!

Oh, and be warned - dad jokes ahead.

Reno Dads Reno Dads

    • Kids & Family

Don't make me turn this podcast around!

We’re dads talking about dad stuff. We’re doing the dad thing in the “Biggest Little City in the World” - Reno, Nevada - but we’re talking about things that all dads (and parents) can relate to. We’ll share fatherly war stories, discuss manly things, and even get into the tender moments of fatherhood. We want YOU to be a part of the conversation, so join us and listen in!

Oh, and be warned - dad jokes ahead.

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 33: Talking Prostate Health with Dr. Angelo Kanellos

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 33: Talking Prostate Health with Dr. Angelo Kanellos

    Men’s Health Month

    June is Men’s Health Month, something we care deeply about here at Reno Dads. When we think about our health, it’s important to talk about some things that might not be the easiest things to discuss, but it’s sometimes necessary to get into these topics. As dads, we know that our most important responsibility is to care for and protect our families — but you can’t do that if you’re not taking good care of yourself, and that’s where Dr. Angelo Kanellos and his colleagues at Nevada Urology come in. We sat down with Dr. Kanellos to talk about prostate health and how men can take a more proactive role in managing their health, specifically when it comes to this

    What do Urologists Do, Exactly?

    Dr. Kanellos gave us a quick run down on the things that urologists typically care for — basically, the “what’s left” of your anatomy — the lower half of your torso. From there. we talked about when men might start thinking about getting checked for prostate issues. Most of the time, according to Dr. Kanellos, there aren’t many symptoms or problems until men reach the age of 55 or older. But the guidance these days is to at least get a PSA screening as part of your normal blood work — something most men should start doing in their 50s. Depending on your family’s history, of course, men might start that screening earlier.

    PSA Test – A Brief History

    Dr. Kanellos went through a quick backgrounder on what the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test is (and isn’t), and why, for a few years, it fell out of the list of required blood tests. The bottom line is that men should probably have it as part of their normal check ups, since it is an early indicator of risk. It’s not necessarily a cancer diagnosis, but something a doctor can use to gauge the level of risk an individual has with regard to their prostate health.

    Taking Ownership of your Health

    After learning a bit about urology as a medical practice, and then more about the PSA test, we asked Dr. Kanellos about his thoughts and recomendations for our Reno Dads. He said that it’s really up to each individual to take charge of their health and manage it proactively. Know which tests are being ordered by your doctor, and ask questions about what your doctor is looking for. Most importantly, recognize that it’s not just you as an individual that can be impacted by a change in your health or a failure to detect something early. Your family is counting on you to take care of yourself and taking care of your health includes checkin that prostate!

    More Links:

    * What is the Prostate? (WebMD)

    * PSA Test (WebMD)

    * Nevada Urology

    Do you have a story you’d like to talk about on our podcast? Is there someone we should meet and have on the show? Click on Contact Us, and get in touch!

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    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 32: Nevada Museum Of Art – Ghost Army

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 32: Nevada Museum Of Art – Ghost Army

    When a new exhibit recently opened at the Nevada Museum of Art, we were definitely curious why an art museum would be promoting an exhibit about the Army… so we invited Colin Robertson and Rebecca Eckland to sit down with us in the podcast studio and give us the 411. What we learned really surprised us, and we hope you’ll enjoy listening in on our conversation and learning about this unique US Army unit that helped the Allied effort in WWII and defeat the Axis powers in Europe. This captivating exhibition sheds light on a little-known chapter of World War II history, showcasing the incredible ingenuity and artistic talents of a group of courageous soldiers.

    Ghost Army Origins

    During our conversation, the Rebecca and Colin enlightened us about the origins of the Ghost Army. The group, officially known as the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, consisted of a diverse array of artists, designers, and creative thinkers who used their talents to deceive the enemy during World War II. Through the use of inflatable tanks, sound effects, and visual trickery, they successfully misled German forces and saved countless lives. Inspiration for the creation of this group came from the British, who had used these techniques and shared them with the US Army.

    Ghost Army Tactics and Deception Techniques

    One of the most interesting parts of our chat was the discussion surrounding the artistic techniques employed by the Ghost Army. The curators revealed how these talented soldiers used their artistic skills to create elaborate stage sets, props, and even entire fake armies. The attention to detail was awe-inspiring, and it was incredible to learn how their creativity played a significant role in their success.

    Our conversation also delved into the long-lasting impact the Ghost Army had on post-war art and culture, as well as their various connections to Nevada. Colin and Rebecca also highlighted how many of these talented soldiers went on to become influential artists, designers, and filmmakers, leaving an indelible mark on the creative world. The Ghost Army’s legacy is a testament to the power of art and innovation in times of conflict.

    Exploring the tactics, artistry, and personal stories of these remarkable soldiers truly showcased their bravery and ingenuity. We’d definitely recommend a visit to the Nevada Museum of Art and getting immersed in the captivating world of the Ghost Army. This exhibit serves as a reminder of the extraordinary lengths people will go to protect and defend our freedom.

    So, grab your family, make a plan, and embark on a journey through history like no other at the Nevada Museum of Art’s Ghost Army exhibit. You won’t want to miss this captivating experience that celebrates the incredible contributions of these unsung heroes.

    More Links:

    * Reno Dads Article on Ghost Army

    * Nevada Museum of Art

    * National World War II Museum – New Orleans

    * Ghost Army on Wikipedia

    • 25 min
    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 31: Dr. Summer Holloway

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 31: Dr. Summer Holloway

    After we published the article from Floss Dental Boutique, we thought it might be fun to invite Dr. Summer Holloway, the owner and founder, to join us in the podcast booth and chat all about teeth! Well, we covered a lot more ground than just teeth, of course, but that’s how it goes when you sit down with the Reno Dads for a podcast….

    Meet Dr. Holloway

    Dr. Holloway is a Reno native and said she’s known for a long time that she wanted to be a dentist. She founded her practice a few years ago in Old Southwest Reno and was able to find a building that needed some renovation in 2020 that now is the home of her dental boutique. Turns out that you can find some interesting things when you renovate a 100-year-old building, including old newspapers, ironworks from the original boiler, and an old leather shoe. Some of these items are actually on display in their office as a tribute to the history of the building and Reno.

    Floss Dental Boutique

    Floss Dental Boutique is a general dentistry practice, which means that patients of all ages are welcome. We chatted about the different stages of dentistry services for the youngest patients (as early as 1 year old) to the teenage years, adults, and older adults. The bottom line, according to Dr. Holloway, is that it’s never too late, or too early, to start building good habits for dental self-care. Parents have a particularly important role in modeling this behavior for their kids, and dads can always help by bringing their own fun ways to encourage their kids to keep their mouths healthy. Dr. Holloway also made a great point that keeping up with oral hygiene at home and making regular visits to the dentist for cleaning and exams is important to your health overall, as the mouth is a gateway to overall health.

    And if you’re the type who hasn’t been to the dentist in a while, Dr. Holloway wants you to know that regardless of how long it’s been, that they’d gladly welcome you in to start back on a regular schedule. “No judgment; we’re just really glad you came in to take the first step!”

    More Links:

    * Floss Dental Boutique

    * Q&A With Floss Dental Boutique

    Do you have a story you’d like to talk about on our podcast? Is there someone we should meet and have on the show? Click on Contact Us, and get in touch!

    You can find all of our podcast episodes here at Reno Dads.

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    * Remember, you are now able to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and through the a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label=" (opens in a new tab)" href="https://renodadsblog.

    • 27 min
    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 30: My Family Connection

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 30: My Family Connection

    Reno Dads invited Family Coach and Advocate, Charitie Carpenter, into the studio to talk about her approach to helping families navigate some of the trickiest parts of being parents. Her company, My Family Connection, is a resource for families to find help with everything from solving co-parenting issues, to managing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for kids in school.

    My Family Connection – A different approach to family coaching

    Charitie describes her approach to helping families as “action-oriented and goal-focused,” which doesn’t try to compete with or replace therapy, but rather helps families focus on the here and now to solve their challenges. By working with families to identify their common goals and work on strategies to achieve them, she is hoping to help families find ways to foster healthy environments and raise happy, well-adjusted children.

    More Links:

    * My Family Connection

    Do you have a story you’d like to talk about on our podcast? Is there someone we should meet and have on the show? Click on Contact Us, and get in touch!

    You can find all of our podcast episodes here at Reno Dads.

    More Reno Dads!

    * Remember, you are now able to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and through the RSS feed. Please leave a rating so others can find our content!

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    • 22 min
    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 29: Hope Means Nevada

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 29: Hope Means Nevada

    As Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month came to a close at the end of September, Reno Dads hosted a conversation with some Nevadans who are raising awareness about teen and youth suicide and working with local resources to help teens and their loved ones find information and learn how to talk to each other about mental health. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to have a listen.

    Suicide Prevention / Mental Health Awareness Month

    Reno Dads has actually covered the intersection of mental health and men in the past, interviewing Clint Malarchuk (former NHL hockey player) and Chris Malenab (Reno 1868 FC assistant coach) who both survived suicide attempts. In this episode, we’re taking a look at a campaign launched here in Nevada aimed at reducing teen and youth suicide, which is the second leading cause of death in the 8-24 year old age group. September has been designated as Suicide Prevention Month, and the team at Nevada Medical Center’s “Hope Means Nevada” has organized a campaign to raise awareness about this issue and to help teens and their families find the information they need to help reduce the number of teen and youth suicides in Nevada.

    Where to Find Information

    Nevada Medical Center launched a program in Nevada called “Hope Means Nevada” in 2020 and has been creating content and social media campaigns to reach teens where they are — on their devices — with content aimed at providing more uplifting messages. Ciera Bellavance is the Executive Director of Hope Means Nevada and she explained the background of the program and why it was created. The directors of NMC recognized a need to try to pull together different resources that were available, but not widely known, that could be helpful for teens and their families. Things like contact information for crisis hotlines, signs to recognize when someone might be considering self-harm, and other important info. They’ve collected it and created a “one-stop” website for Nevadans to find it on mentalhealthresourcesnv.org

    Dr. Sheldon Jacobs and Dr. Steve Evans also provided great insight regarding the causes and indicators of mental health crises in teens that might lead someone to consider suicide. We discussed a common misconception that talking about suicide somehow encourages an individual to attempt it. The bottom line is that it’s more important than ever that parents, especially dads, stay connected with their kids through their middle school and high school years so they can notice the signs of when someone might be entering into a period of mental health trouble. The way to recognize the signs is to first learn what they are, and then to be involved in your teen’s life to see how they’re handling the stress of being a teenager.

    A Teen’s Perspective

    Having the perspective of a teenager on the podcast was something new for Reno Dads, and we were glad to have Shane Taylor join us to do just that.

    • 34 min
    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 28: Healthy Dads, Healthy Families

    Reno Dads Podcast Episode 28: Healthy Dads, Healthy Families

    We were excited to host a few awesome local dads for our latest episode. Rick and Brandon, from Family First Chiropractic, stopped by to talk about an important topic that they have dedicated their practice to helping dads (and families) with: their health. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to have a listen!

    Rick and Brandon

    Dr. Rick and Dr. Brandon are both part of local chiropractic practice, Family First, which has been helping patients in the Reno and Sparks community live more healthy lives since 2000. Dr. Brandon is a new dad — his daughter is 3 months old – and it was great to chat with him about how he and his wife have been adjusting to the new arrival at home. Dr. Rick has been practicing chiropractic medicine for a while and says that he’s been encouraged to see a trend in dads taking a much more active role in managing not just their own health, but the healthcare of their families, as well. (side note: Dr. Rick has his own podcast, too!)

    The Four Pillars

    The core principles that Rick and Brandon use to define their practice, and how they work with their patients are what they call the “Four Pillars”: Move Well, Think Well, Eat Well, and Recover Well. We spent a few minutes diving into what each of those pillars means, and how Rick and Brandon use them to help guide their patients to making healthier choices in their daily lives.

    It was great to have a chance to meet Rick and Brandon and learn about how dads are becoming more engaged in setting a good example for their families when it comes to healthy living.

    Hope you enjoy this episode!

    More Links:

    * Family First Chiropractic

    Do you have a story you’d like to talk about on our podcast? Is there someone we should meet and have on the show? Click on Contact Us, and get in touch!

    You can find all of our podcast episodes here at Reno Dads.

    More Reno Dads!

    * Remember, you are now able to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and through the RSS feed. Please leave a rating so others can find our content!* If you enjoyed this podcast, please go rate it on iTunes! 

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    • 33 min

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