3 min

The feeling of progress Ian Dowling | Thinking out loud

    • Mental Health

Getting braces on recently I realised that I didn't need to wait a year and a half to feel good about my teeth but I immediately started feeling good, more confidence smiling in the knowing that I have taken action and am on my way to my goal.

It was an important reminder to me how this is the same with starting all those big things we've been putting off such as saving money, starting exercising or anything that we keep putting off starting.

The feeling of progress from the first action is a pleasure worthy of action.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ian-dowling/message

Getting braces on recently I realised that I didn't need to wait a year and a half to feel good about my teeth but I immediately started feeling good, more confidence smiling in the knowing that I have taken action and am on my way to my goal.

It was an important reminder to me how this is the same with starting all those big things we've been putting off such as saving money, starting exercising or anything that we keep putting off starting.

The feeling of progress from the first action is a pleasure worthy of action.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ian-dowling/message

3 min